My Ex Told Me to Move On .- Clay Andrews 5 Stages [4 of 5]

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The fourth phase of getting back together with your ex is confusing for a lot of people because you and your ex are having some very consistent and positive interactions with one another.
You’re past the Riding the Dragon stage, so the hot and cold behavior may be gone.
But your ex may be telling you to move on. Your ex may be confused about what they want. Your ex may even be looking for reasons why the two of you will never work as a couple.
What’s going on?
Why is your ex doing this when you two are having positive interactions?
Why the pullback?
Well, this is because your ex is at the Crisis Point.
Here your ex knows that they have positive feelings for you. They know that they like you.
However, they are scared because they are at a place where they know that they don’t have any moves left without making some changes in their life to get back together with you.
And this scares them.
They know that if things keep going this way, they are going to have to rearrange their life and actually get serious about the prospect of getting back together with you.
This means they may need to break up with anyone else that they might be in a rebound relationship with. They may need to tell their friends and family that the two of you are getting back together again. They may need to make some real changes in their life.
And, although the interactions with you feel good, they still have some lingering wisps of doubt. They aren’t completely sure that the two of you are going to work out.
What your ex needs at this point in time is the knowledge that you are going to be there for them.
They need to know that if they make any big changes in their life that you aren’t going to leave them high and dry and vanish on them, change on them, or let them down.
This is the point where it actually makes sense to tell your ex how much they mean to you.