Will No Contact Work If My Ex Lost Feelings?

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No contact works guys it's been 2 months of no contacts today she called me and even unblocked me


I’ve commented before, but we have been 3 weeks no contact. I got to week 4 and I started getting out of bed. I started to journal, I started going out on hikes, doing a lot of self reflection. I started working on my eating habits, skin care, keeping myself and house clean. I started saying yes more to things I wouldn’t normally. I started hanging out with friends that genuinely made me happy. Just be happy. Whether or not they come back or not, do right by you, because you deserve it ❤


What coach lee is describing is called the reactance theory in psychology.. we react when someone takes away our freedom to do something. In this case, contacting, speaking or meeting your ex. Which is why we beg and chase which leads to our ex blocking us. It’s like when your parents say NO to you wanting to do something, you want to do it more lol.

Everyone who’s here who’s been dumped has to recognise that you cannot fix something that your ex has broken. So don’t even try. Your EX has to be the one who fixes the relationship.

Good luck to everyone who wants their ex back.


Leave what broke you alone!! Let them miss you! Let them wonder about you! Do no-contact for YOU, not to get the person who left you, back!!! Get the therapy, healing & self-respect u need! DO NOT CHASE THEM!! NO-CONTACT IS FOR YOU, NOT THEM!!


If someone you love walks away, don't stop him/her. No point in pursuing. It's a waste of time. Instead concentrate on your life. There are so many things to do, read, write, travel, exercise, meditate, spend time with friends, with nature, indulge, meet friends, relatives, the list is endless. You will find you were losing on so much by splurging your life on that undeserving person.


He came back after 4 months and now I don't want him.


It's so nice to know I am NOT the only one going through this shitty time in my life 💖


If you got broken up with and you let them know you didn't want the breakup then let it go. Its up to them now


I remember years ago I had a female coworker I was really close with. She dated someone we worked with. We talked all the time and we were so tight and would tell each other everything. Anyways, one day I pull up to work and get outta my car and I can sense someone looking at me so I look to the left and she is about 10 feet away starring at me with tears in her eyes. She went on to tell me that her boyfriend (which I was cool with) left her for another woman.
I honestly felt her hurt and it hurt me. I hugged her and told her one thing.
I said listen, I know it might feel like you're world is over right now and you're lost but one day you're gonna find a man that makes you forget every ex you've ever had, he's gonna make your wounds dissappear for good and you're gonna forget all the past hurt you've felt from any past relationship.
This woman is now happily married and last I checked is happier than ever.
Please everyone reading this, remember, you will one day be my friend I consoled in the parking lot of my work. You will survive and be stronger than you ever imagined. It truly is a beautiful kind of pain.


Coach lee deserves a pulitzer prize or something. This man is helping me so much, it's like therapy. Whether me and her get back together or not these videos have truly helped me in many ways.


1st of all I never heard of NC. My X asked for it to re-think. I asked him to think for us & about us during the NC period. We both agreed we will do that. Following this plan, we would see a Family/Marriage Therapist. Today I reached out bc I sensed something didn't seem right. At 7 pm, I saw a complete transformation of the man I loved for 7 yrs. Without hesitation, he said that I was never the LOVE of this life and that he's moving on to find that LOVE. My hands trembled as I sat in my car listening to every single word stabbing me. I couldn't cry. He said he made this decision 1 week into 30 Days NC. Wow I am such an idiot! I wrote this bc I have been here in the last 30 days for support & Coach Lee candid words help me so much. This community has been so kind to me during my darkest/saddest hours. 7 years of my life, with complete faith & unconditional love. I do love myself more for going through this fire. I will be ok! I have excellent career, hit gym 6 days a week, and have a great golf coach. Life's going to be ok!


It has been 4 months for NC, she blocked me on all social media etc, I know she won’t come back but I feel stronger than ever and massive thanks to coach Lee, your videos helped me a lot, much appreciated 🙏🏻


To everyone here. I just want to tell you that no contact works for some situation. My ex came back to me saying he misses me and all that. Don’t beg them. Just hurt their ego so that they know they can lose you and shouldnt take you for granted.


In these hard times I'm going through, it's your videos that make me stronger. Thank you Coach Lee.


Lee makes it clear as day.
Unfortunately in todays world, we have to play the “the grass isn’t greener on the other side” game.


No one can break things down and with the right amount of conviction, the way you do Coach Lee. This is the reason why my ex left me. He lost feelings. Thanks again. That went straight to my heart.


I'm not chasing anyone who doesn't want me


It's been 3 years this month and I've been so thankful for your videos otherwise I would have been the one constantly contacting my ex. Thank you Coach Lee


I'm so over my last ex but watching your content helps me practice detachment and feel more confident in learning to be securely attached.


For me, it depends. My ex broke up with me because I was needy and he lost attraction. I immediately went no contact and binge-watched Coach Lee, the Art of Love and Rory from the Love Chat (I would sometimes listen to these videos til I fall asleep and to keep me sane.)

Then, guess who came back after 11 months telling me the "you don't really know what you have til it's gone, " shit? 😂

Like, I really thought he was done. He was still watching my stories but he unfollowed me on the 4th month on Instagram. I was devasted. The 60-90 day no contact thing didn't work in my case. Still stuck to no contact because I thought there's no way I'll give my power back.

After the breakup, I also started exercising, doing meditation, journaling and finding my purpose again. I reached a point where I was happy with or without a man in my life.

I guess my ex felt this energetically because he came back. He told me he wished he was patient enough with me back then lol. As if. We're now seeing each other exclusively.

I guess for this to really work, you really have to let go of the outcome. Do no contact for YOU, and use this time to get yourself back. Your ex will either come back or you'll meet someone even better. Focus on your personal growth.

And it does get better everyday. Stay strong!
