Yoga for Beginners | 20 min FLEXIBILITY & MOBILITY Yoga

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Welcome to the 20 minute Yoga for Beginners Flexibility & Mobility Routine!

This video has completely beginner friendly basic yoga stretches to help you gently increase your strength, flexibility, and overall mobility. I made this specifically as yoga for beginners so you could actually do yoga with ACCESSIBLE modifications to the yoga poses.

00:00 Meet me in seated + modifications
01:40 Cat/Cow Spinal Warm Up
05:00 Child's pose + modifications
06:00 Leg Stretches
07:00 Thread the Needle Twist
09:00 Downdog or Tabletop
10:00 Forward fold
10:40 Low lunge
11:30 Triangle
12:30 Crescent lunge
13:20 Crescent moon
14:56 Low lunge *left
15:36 Triangle *left
16:32 Crescent lunge *left
17:32 Crescent moon *left
18:35 Forward fold Cool Down
19:35 Standing Namaste
20:47 Now try the FREE 7 day Beginner Yoga Challenge!


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Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate links which help support Sarah Beth to create content, however Sarah Beth only promotes products she truly likes and all opinions are her own. Sarah Beth from Sarah Beth Yoga LLC strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

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Рекомендации по теме

My favorite part of the video was where she said to remember that the rest of our body is supposed to be calm and relaxed and I realized that I was trembling and panting...


I've been doing yoga with Sarah Beth for just over two years now, & I love watching these newer videos. It's so refreshing to do a fundamentals practice, even if you are an experienced yogi! Sarah Beth describes proper alignment in a way that's easy to understand, which is why I have enjoyed following her. Thank you for this video! An excellent way to start the day as well.


Hi, my name is Fiona (65) and I live in South AFrica. I have just discovered your videos and started off small with the 10 minute and the 20 minute videos. I was quite horrified to find how inflexible I have become and even my balance is not as it was. I am thoroughly enjoying the poses and hope that my flexibility and balance will improve. Thank you.


After 6 years of almost daily practice I loved this slow stretch and learned how to use each pose even more effectively! Thank you! It always good to start from the beginning again bcs there are always new things to learn!


This is exactly what I needed. After retirement and moving, I don’t walk as much and I sit more. I can feel my body decaying. Thank you for this mobility beginner. Your videos are always so simple and relaxing.


omg i love modifications you included like 'adding cushions' underneath for sitting on the matt! I always add a cushion when i do this but usually i have a voice in my head saying 'you're an athlete shouldnt you be able to do this without a pillow by now?' HOWEVER seeing you include the cushions too in this video made me realise its okay & made that inner voice calm down! So thank you!


I began doing your various beginner yoga videos last month. I have scleroderma and my flexibility & stability are both an issue, which I have been fighting with weight training for years. However, I realized this year that yoga could be beneficial. I am grateful to have found your videos and while you may not view your practices as benefiting those with varying abilities, they make a genuine difference. I refer to myself as "chronically fabulous" in that my illness doesn't stop me, and I intend to remain as such. Thank you for helping me along my journey!


Best beginner Yoga ever, for me at least. It was simple, easy, no strain for a 55-year-old beginner like me. Good work.


I really enjoyed how you took the time describe each pose and it's purpose in detail.


Awesome!!! I am just starting to practice yoga at 53. Too many old injuries to go back to weightlifting and mountain biking... Now it is all about functional fitness!! I love the downward dog... However you are very right... I cannot see that being a resting pose perhaps in time! Thank you!!


After years doing yoga, following your guide has helped me to correct bad habits. Muchas gracias!


I'm loving your videos!!! Thank you so much for being a part of my journey Sara Beth 😀


Will try after my classes, I need stretching and relaxing as well 🙌


Your videos are great for a beginner like me. Thank you!


Nice reminder on form and to go slow sometimes!


Wow is your product ever getting polished. I see so many improvements over the years and this last video was so well done. Everything from chapters to transcripts to hints in the top right of the video, you are a world class!!
I’ve been spending most mornings of the week with you for a few years now and I’m so grateful for all you do and for how much better my body and spirit feel now. Namasté 🙏🏼


SarahBeth, you are an amazing instructor.


I cannot thank you enough for truely understanding what a beginner is. You go slowly enough that I can follow along and explain what to do with my body when I am not in a position to look at the screen. Also, your poses are doable for a beginner and I love the way you give pose options to make them a little easier or more challenging. This is an amazing workout and you are my new yogi. Thank You


As if I found this when it was JUST uploaded. Just did this one, love it !!


I have enjoyed this video. This morning is my very first time trying it out and I have accepted the 7 day challenge.
