Natural Homemade Weed Killer Recipe Tested by Lawn Care Pro

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Just did it and it worked perfectly. The only difference I did was added 1 cup of hot water to dissolve the 1 cup of salt. Then proceeded to follow the rest of the directions. Unwanted growth was brown within 2 hours here in Orlando, Fl. Definitely soak it well! 💯


Never been this early. I have used your videos to start a lawn care company and have been averaging $300 a day! Growing slow but steady


Hit them with a trimmer BEFORE hitting them with the mixture. Doing that will open the weed and the mix will kill it to the root.


It's good to see a professional demonstrate a non-toxic natural weed killer.


Important note: wash out the sprayer immediately after use, the vinegar will destroy the pump rubbers if left for a time.


I've been using this exact application for the last 4 or 5 years. Works great for me. The trick is to really saturate the weeds. It does take a couple of days before you really see the big results. Kills my dandelions deader than a door nail!!


I use this every year around my end-of-the-road mailbox area for poison ivy and along the fence row. Same recipe except I dissolve salt in 1 cup of hot water before adding to vinegar. Overall coverage with mist spray is essential. Works for my purposes. Well made, informative video 👍🏼


I used the same mixture but epsom salts, instead of table salt for years for the middle of my gravel drive that grows weeds. It worked fine.


I use this weedkiller mix all the time and I found that if I use a grass trimer prior to spraying the area I end up with a much better result. Great video!


I would cut the weeds down first, rake the area out, and then thoroughly saturate the whole area with the sprayer. This will insure that that the mixture gets down to the roots. I have used this recipe several times and it works good. The only difference is that I always add boiling water to mine and it works great! Thank you for a very informative video btw.


I tried it just now and its already working. The area is small and not a lot of weeds, but they're growing. The solution is already work in just an hour. Thank you.


This works really well on my gravel driveway. Best to apply it on a sunny day but not so hot that it dries rapidly. I like to do it in the morning when temps are 80F or less and no rain forecast for 24 hrs.


THANKS SO MUCH FOR OFFERING A SAFER option to killing weeds. I quit allowing chemicals in my yard 3 decades ago because I did not want my dogs walking on poisoned grass/sidewalks and wallowing around in the grass as well. My dogs have been VERY long-lived (while the rate of cancer in dogs continues to go up and I know it has to partially due to all the yard chemicals they are exposed to) and my grass is just as green as all my chemically treated neighbors’ yards. Who needs a perfect weedless yard at the price of harming animals/wildlife/children? I am one of a very few in my n’hood who does not use chemicals in my yard for ANYTHING!


I think repeated applications over a few days would really do the trick. The key, is to ensure you have a good week ahead of dry sunny weather, to prevent rain from washing it off.


I used this mixture (w/epsom salt) around my sidewalk cracks and driveway, and within 2 hours,
it was browned out & dying. 5 days later, it appears that those areas were dead. Thanks for the info...PERFECT!


I live in Az and have had good results with this for the last 5yrs-I use Salt pellets vrs table salt & just throw a handful in. Also I use about double the dish soap -even works on cactus!!


I’ve done this several times in the past and it works great 👍🏻


Thank you for making this video. I am a first time homeowner and this video gave me some great things to use


I've used this recipe many time with success. When I do this, I get the weeds cut as low as possible by whacking them down with the weed whacker first. Then I spray heavily. More times than not, they never come back, and I treat as needed for the ones that do as soon as I see them starting to sprout.


Not enough salt. Salt is the key! Instead of 1 cup per gallon you need to use the whole container per gallon. The vinegar needs to be super saturated with salt. The vinegar being a mild acid, acts to break down the waxy (protective) coating found on plants. The salt then draws out the water from the plant. Soap really does help the salt stick to the plant. This is also best applied on a really hot day. With this ratio of salt I guarantee you would have killed ALL of those weeds. If enough is applied and it gets into the root systems nothing will grow back for a very long time. On a hot day you can spray in the morning or noon and by night the plant will already be wilted and dead.
