DIY Homemade Weed Killer – How to Make Vinegar Weed Killer That Works

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Learn how to make DIY homemade weed killer. A safer alternative to commercial weed killers that uses only vinegar, salt, and dish soap.

Keep in mind, vinegar CAN be harmful if left on the skin or if it gets in the eyes due to its acidity so handle safely. If it comes in contact with skin or eyes, rinse immediately.

--For this recipe we used:--

- 1 Gallon Vinegar (5% acidity)
- 1 Cup Table Salt (optional)
- 1 Tablespoon Dish Soap

One of our viewers (Andrew Smith) left a great comment for those not familiar with US measurements:

- 1 American gallon is 3.785 litres,
- 1 cup of salt is 288 grams or 236.6ml
- 1 tablespoon is 15ml

Thanks, Andrew!

Note: It will kill wanted vegetation, so be careful not to spray plants and grass you want to keep. Include the salt only on hardscapes as it can degrade soil and prevent future growth.

Overall I found it to be pretty effective. It didn't have the lasting effects of Roundup, but I'd prefer to use just salt and vinegar as opposed to commercial weed killers in an area that our kids play in.

You don't have to use the salt, but it does help to have a lasting effect. However, it is best to only use the salt on areas that you don't want things to grow because it will reduce the quality of the soil for an extended period of time.

More safety tips for working with vinegar:
Рекомендации по теме

I just wasted 30 minutes of my life listening to two others that didn't know what they were doing.
This video was Quick, clear and to the point. Good video - well done. Very helpful: thumbs up!


For everyone who doesn't live in the USA - 1 American gallon is 3.785 litres, 1 cup of salt is 288 grams and one tablespoon is 15ml


Really heartwarming to see an ordinary bloke having concern for ecology. Well Done, that man.


I tried it and it worked. Suggestion: I switched the sequence just a bit. First I poured the salt into container, then the vinegar. This way the vinegar washes any spilled salt into the sprayer (see 1:35) and gives your sprayer a better seal. Another option is to use a funnel for the salt. I appreciate your info as I have pets and grandchildren.


I had been using vinegar in a spray bottle for weeds between bricks. It worked, but had to do it a few times a season. Best done when there’s no rain forecast for the day. On a lark, I used a squeeze of shampoo to the vinegar spray bottle. Worked amazingly well, the detergent delivers the vinegar to the roots. Had basically just been doing leaves before, using soap gets down to the root structure. No comparison as for efficiency, adding soap to vinegar works.

You can use a squeeze bottle, like ketchup bottle, stick a nail in the top to close until next time. Commentors asked about smell, any would dissipate. Shake the green area with your hand, you want to give ladybugs fair warning before spraying.

Get kids to help you label and make, so we teach them—-don’t cut butter with a chainsaw, vinegar and dishwashing liquid or shampoo works. (I have hosta in flower right bees....we're damaging the environment with expensive sprays when simple vinegar works best).

This year, think I’ll try it on kudzu leaves, being careful not to mess with the "host" tree bark. May or may not work to spray or paint kudzu leaves. If only I could find where it’s coming from the ground, getting roots directly would probably work.

Like to up glass cleaner bottles, or buy a few spray bottles from dollar store. When you make your vinegar-soap water, (salt is not needed) make some for neighbors and in-laws. Label contents by writing on a strip of blue painters tape what safe -liquid is contained in the bottle. We’re spreading the word by sharing that this helpful video does. Simple things work, save the environment from chemicals, save money, save the bees. have a new subscriber. You’re saving the environment. Kind of you ...thanks.


been doing this now for two years it works you can also use small amounts in hand spray bottles


For those who are concerned about salt, I used only vinegar & soap and covered a *very* tough area for a year with black visqueen. Be aware that seeds will come back, so get ready to work it the next year.


Canadian cost check: 2L or roughly 1/2 gallon of Roundup was $40 at CT. I assume that Home Depot and others would be similar. This approach cost me $10 and isn’t toxic. I also don’t have to store the excess. I can just dump it in an area adjoining the walkway that is permeable with no plants. 👍 👍

Nice vid – short and to the point.


Just did my weeds today with that recipe. Works great.


I have been using the harsh chemicals. Did not know about this til today. Definitely gonna give it a try.


Folks, just heat and disolve 1 cup of salt in water and when cooled down to room temperature just add it to the vinegar.


It works. You have to saturate the plant and have full sun. Doesn't work well in the shade


I found this same concotion last year on another site. It really works good on the top part of the plant, but to make sure the roots are killed, a couple weeks later I poured the water/salt (without the vinegar) onto the same spot. That held them off last year, but this year a few weeds tried to sneak back up again, so I soaked them again.


Most of you can’t do this but I own a “make your own” wine store. I bring home a batch of wine, 23 to 25 litres of Pino Grigio, and leave it in the sun for a day. I now have enough weed killer to cover my large gravel driveway. Costs me $40 a year and works like Roundup. (careful, it kills everything)


I was hoping to find a weedkiller that wouldn't damage other plants roots nearby. I've used salt neat (melted into warm water) and it works perfectly on its own. You don't need soap or vinegar if you're using salt, plain thick salt water even kills adult brambles.


I only use ordinary vinegar double strength with 1 tablespoon of detergent. I works just as good.


Yes, it works really well. Make sure it doesn't rain in those couple of days.


It does work; do this on a sunny not too windy day; better if the next day is to be sunny also.


Being as we free range our chickens. I really appreciate this tip


Great video..Been doing this for years... neighbor asks what is that smell? I tell them I'm marinating my yard!! A little tip..if you microwave a quart of the vinegar for 1 minute it will melt the salt much faster...then add the rest of the recipe!! I use cheap baby shampoo from the dollar store..$1 a bottle.. slot cheaper than dawn!! P.S.... RINSE THAT SPRAYER GOOD WHEN YOUR DONE..HOSE AND ALL OR IT MIGHT NOT WORK FOR YOU NEXT TIME!!
