Cptsd 3 Self- Defeating LIES That Keep You STUCK

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Lie #1 You are broken you are damaged therefore you are unlovable. Now that's a lie that's deeply ingrained if you have cptsd, especially if you've undergone emotional abuse or childhood trauma because that was the belief that the person in your life that hurt you was constantly instilling inside of you. If you wound up developing cptsd in adulthood you can begin to believe this lie especially when you think about who you were prior to when you went through the trauma. You can remember who you were and you feel so far removed from that person that the belief I am damaged I'm messed up is so deep and it ties into the belief I'm unlovable as well because again the toxic people in your life wanted you to believe that and through their repetition plus emotion it infiltrated your subconscious because our subconscious learns through two ways through repetition plus emotion and narcissists - if nothing else are consistent and they inflict a tremendous amount of negative emotion just by being around them. Ok, but I just want to say think about somebody that has a broken leg - their leg is broken literally - it's damaged, but does that mean that they are unlovable? NO. It means they have to recuperate, they have to go through a healing process and they have their leg in a cast, and they're walking with crutches because they are healing. But they are not going to stay in those crutches forever, the bone heals. Well, guess what - the same thing happens w Cptsd. Cptsd is the side effect of having your brain re-wired because of trauma. It changed because of negative neuroplasticity, but if it changed that way well positive neuroplasticity can help bring it back. You just have to go through that 'crutches period' where you are healing and just as a person using crutches is just as lovable as when they don't have them, it's the same thing with your brain, it's the same thing with the side effects of Cptsd - you ARE lovable AS you're healing as well!!
Watch the rest of the video to overcome the second and third lie that individuals battling complex ptsd need to know, acknowledge and un-identify with!!!
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In one word, these lies keep us in EMOTIONAL LOCKDOWN...TIME TO COME OUT


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched-"Boxer Mike Tyson


This brought tears to my eyes....thank you so much. Healing is very painful after 5 1/2 years of severe verbal abuse and psychological abuse. You are amazing.


'Subconscious learns by two ways, by repeated message and by emotion.' Repeated negative message coupled with negative emotional trauma rewires brain to adopt 'negative message' [false belief]. 'Only you will know when you are ready'.


You are so beautiful and your entire aura and being is so healing just listening to you is soothing and does a lot to heal a person.


At the risk of repeating myself, calm affirmations, positivity, vast knowledge and experience to topic, are key to connecting to a audience looking for progression. First class all the way.


This is why we have a rear view mirror, don't look back at the past, look forward and stay positive.


I just turned 55 years old, have been working on Healing for over 5 years, and I’m still fearful of the things I want; getting married and having a family of my own including adoption. I want children who will look after me when I’m very old despite what some people say about children not caring about parents when they’re old. I don’t have the life I want yet either.

I have had trauma and stress in the last 4 years due to my family turning their backs on me when I desperately needed help to keep from ending up losing my home and ending up on the street. Also, I lost my car, in an accident that wasn’t my fault. My family could have helped me, but they LITERALLY told me that I didn’t deserve any help. I have always worked and supported myself. I have always paid my own bills since I graduated from college.

I was also shamed by a few people at church when I asked for help financially to keep from losing my house. To top it off, over 10 years ago, I got involved with the wrong man—someone who didn’t care about me—I was stalked and harassed by the girlfriend he kept hidden and lied and said he didn’t have.

It was so traumatic and stressful to almost loose my home! For my family to turn their backs on me at such a critical time traumatized me in a way I can’t even explain.

Through God’s grace, I was able to keep my house, get a car and have been gainfully employed for 3 1/2 years now, but I am still under tremendous financial pressure so I feel stuck in fight or flight and being hyper vigilant. . Having a good husband and reliable friends would really help, but I just cannot afford to be around people that aren’t safe OR reliable. Being vulnerable with people, depending on them just isn’t safe and is too shameful for me.


It's amazing how different life events create the exact same lies in different people. I can relate to everything you said! Thanks for making this video 🥰🤗


I didn't even know I had C-PTSD
Till I cut my family out of my life


You know what I have trust and abandonment issues now but I have never been as strong as I am now. I have rock solid boundaries and I don't tolerate Disrespect from anyone anymore. Happy being single and not being abused.


I´m still told by my parents that everything I do is not good enough. Low contact works fine, but I wan´t to cut them completely out of my life, they put doubt in me all the time.


You are beautiful! from the inside and the outside!


This pink is looking really pretty on you!


I cannot say thankyou to you enough times....15 years of therapist ever said this may be my BLESS YOU MICHELLE


I agree about time. Healing takes time. And I really notice changes after 5 years of individual therapy. Even if I still emotionally can react like "it's so hard, it will be with me forever", I am sure - something is changing. Slowly, but.. forever) It is not easy. Well, it was never easy. So it only can be better.

Groop therapy also helps. When I train to deal with different people's reactions on me, and I see that now I can bear it - negative, positive. And stay with myself during communication with people.


This was absolutely helpful, Michelle! I cannot thank you enough. And you are looking especially beautiful today:) Much love and light to you, sister🌸💞🙂


Thank you 🙏 so much for all of the critically important reminders!!! ❤️☺️👌


Beautiful lighting in this video. You look really pretty. Your videos are always inspiring and imbued with wisdom. We take in all of this knowledge, but we can only apply it in the field of relationships. Practice makes perfect.


Great advice, Michelle 🌟 Thanks so much for sharing🙏🌺
