🔴The Narcissist's Blame: How New Supply Factors into Losing You | Narcissism | NPD

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Hello everyone, welcome back to our channel. Narcissists do not respect individuality. They fail to acknowledge that each of us is unique, with our own strengths and superior qualities. When a narcissist steps out of their illusion and mindset—believing they have discovered something better than what they had with you—they often fall into what is known as "shiny object syndrome." This refers to their tendency to jump from one person to another, thinking the new person is the best thing ever.

Once they move on to this new relationship, they often take to social media to showcase their new partner. By doing this, they aim to provoke feelings of jealousy and insecurity in you. They want you to feel inadequate, as if their new choice is somehow better than you. You might find yourself thinking, "Wow, they have moved on to someone else." However, it’s essential to recognize that sometimes this new relationship is actually a downgrade. Many of us can look at their new partner and think, "They really downgraded; that’s what they did."

But let’s be honest, not everyone sees it that way. Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond our control, we might find ourselves comparing our worth to that of the new supply. The devil, so to speak, loves to make you feel ungrateful about your unique qualities and who you are as a person. This can lead you to question your creator and wonder, "Why do I look this way?" Even if you realize that the new supply is not an upgrade, you might still find yourself comparing yourself to them, thinking, "Hold on a minute, I am much better than they are."

Meanwhile, the narcissist is caught up in a chaotic phase. They experience a transition from the relationship they had with you to the new supply. In their minds, they believe they have found a gift from above, and they view the new supply as something special and extraordinary. However, the new supply is often unaware of the full truth. They might have been in contact with the narcissist while the narcissist was still with you, and they likely heard a one-sided story about how poorly the narcissist was treated in the previous relationship. The new supply may also offer the narcissist support, promising to be there for them in ways that others have not.

Many of these new supplies are toxic individuals themselves. While some people enter relationships without knowing the full context—such as a narcissist pretending to be single—others knowingly engage with someone who is still attached to another person. While I am not here to judge anyone’s choices, pursuing a relationship under these circumstances is unlikely to lead to a positive outcome.

A lot of these new supplies are aware of our existence. They have in-depth knowledge about us, including personal details and secrets that we shared with the narcissist. This information is not just surface-level; it includes the emotional stories and intimate moments that we confided in the narcissist. The narcissist often shares this information with the new supply as a way to bond with them, telling them our whole story. This is part of how the narcissist processes their feelings after a breakup, but it also reveals their manipulative nature.

"Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel."

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🔴The Narcissist Who Hurt You Will Reap What They Sow (Karma) 👇🏼


Abusing us isThe only thing they miss is


My X husband moved out of our home & immediately shacked up with his next fuel source (who knew about me) coworker. After 14 plus months, HIS divorce was finalized last week. 2 cheaters united, good luck to them. Im now free from his manipulation. Honestly, he didn't give a damn, hes content in that situation, hes free to destroy his liver with alcohol


Everything you share is truly amazing…. 17 years… and I’m still reflecting on my change she cause me… sometimes I still blame myself.. but as I listens to you more.. I’m feeling more confident.. thank you!


I hope the manipulator, who found me finds the person, .Who can house him because I do not want him to stay with me. Even if I feel emotional bond to his friendship, I find it hard to trust him. Thank you for your insight on the subject. 🙏☺


Thank you for your video, everything you say is true. My ex narc tried to replicate me in the new supply by getting her to loose weight, cut and color her hair like mine, dress in a stylish way like I do and has failed miserably because she and I are 2 different people and she doesn't have the oomph to carry off the new look. I have improved my situation in every way possible and know that this bugs them both and he is angry and she is jealous....😂 this boosts my efforts and acknowledges my resolve to be a better mew person ❤


It must speak of a lack of discernment for a soul because 90 something percent of us are listening to these videos because we were misled and it doesn't mean that we're not good people it just means that we were fooled


I was monkey branched after 20 years by my partner that I gave everything to make her life Fulfield, in terms of love emotional, financial, unquestionable loyalty & support, not just for her but also to her 2 young children that were abandon by her ex-husband, ( One of them severely
autistic)to Discard me this way for someone that she thought she could get more out off because he had a higher status than me!( Even thow we had everything we could possibly want in our lives that was in my eyes a true blessing, that still was not Enough for her)!!
She was Dumped with in 3 months but knowing that I found out & made it very clear early on that I would never except & take her back, she became very bitter & angry towards me By denying the whole affair & accusing me of what she's done!
And then refuse to give me back some of my personal items left behind in our formal home as Punishment for exposing all her lies & betrayal!!


Let us empaths accept that we made the wrong choices from the go get . . . The red flags were always there but we chose to ignore them out of desperation to be loved. Who tje narc moves on with is of no value, whether they downgrade or upgrade is inconsequential. They are moving on with their lives as we sit here wondering about their new supply 😂😂😂


this video is 100% correct and ife rather be alone for rest my life that be with my ex partner


this video is very informative, and I personally appreciate the narrative and the truth in it, the narcissistic persons I'm thinking about here are two, my own father unfortunately was a man that did not care about anybody around him, he made a lot of people uncomfortable and I was looking, now the other one is a guy who happened to be my supervisor, instead of helping the guys that work with him he ended up sabotaging their efforts and, too many people come and go, no body wants to talk, he is so good, he is mocking me by calling me using different phone numbers


The ex narcissist want come back to me he is happy with new supply and want even talk to me thank you for your videos


Mine told me his ex cheated on him 23 years later he tells me no she never cheated on him... i was horrified he ran of with a homewreaker left us for dust a son and a wife i found out what he was upto no decency of explanation


Stay off the crazy dating sites they full of waking dead ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂


Run disappear they are the walking dead and have no hope pray for them 🙏🙌😘


This one is so good I learned a lot. I empower myself because this person in life had to break down so many times like criticizing my appearance, the look of my hair, and the skinny of my body. I suppose trying make me loose my confidence. He had played several mins games on me, of course with all the knowledge I have now it just makes me laugh at him when I’m along. Seems so funny to I respond with confidence and I when he realizes he can’t bring me down he accumulates more resentment against me. There are some reasons why I can’t run away from him right now but keeping certain distance he doesn’t like that and lashes at me. I just asking God to provide me with a lot of strength to continue fighting to free myself completely of this person. Thank very much for the way you express yourself I can that person lose a diamond God bless you.


Narcissist needs too take accountability for there own actions straight up and their losses it comes with consequences own up to it..


America 🇺🇸 getting smarter look out woke 😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


They can't comprehend in their mind was right and what wrong have no


u help me a lot ..thank u
hope i can dm you..
