Why the Narcissist Blames New Supply for Losing You‼️ | NPD | Narcissism | Behind The Science

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Why the Narcissist Blames New Supply for Losing You‼️ | NPD | Narcissism | Behind The Science


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Narcissistic Personality Disorder
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Of course they will blame someone other than themselves.


Move on and work on yourself. This is the only way to win. Yes. Win.


Had a horrible situation last night and into today.... I've got to get these strings permanently cut and it's killing me to know I've got to do it.


The pain she gave me was unforgettable, then I saw her true colours but on her social she tried to have little jabs at me 🤷‍♂️


He's stalking me, for the last ten years. Fkr.


Well he did marry her. They look happy to me


Is there a way you can turn off the AI voices fake breaths? Its really annoying in my headphones.


This video was encouraging!!! Not that I liked the narcissist to suffer, but the new supply that knew about me all along, yet went for my husband!!! All of it is so disturbing. Your video was comforting though. Thank you so much for all this information and knowledge!


This video helped me a lot. My ex-husband married his mistress and pretended that their relationship was perfect. Five years in, it's a completely different story.


I don't think the new supply is a step down because I'm so great on my own! But I do know that God sent me to create a atmosphere of change for that demon. She chose to take God's gift and use and abuse it! Say through her actions "NO thanks God" and not just leave the gift, but leave it for dead! Litterally! She done me worse than the cancer I was diagnosed with! Now how bad of a person you have to be to have someone say that about you! WORSE THAN CANCER.... STAGE 4! (God's a healer)! Now that she's gone, she has to choose someone... WITHOUT GOD BEING INVOLVED! And I don't care what it is, or who it is, it is a downgrade if YOU picked it over what God gave you! It's gonna be a downgrade errtime! So to God be the glory for healing, cancer, abuse, mom passing, and my family snatched from me by that demon! He gets ALL the glory!


I feel very sad for his new supply.. She is being hoovering and maybe being special friend with no status.. She is sick.. She can't have a child.. Her sick make her posture not really attractive.. That why i understand why she choose being enabler to him.. I hope she well ❤


I don't like it that we have to "understand the narcissist" One does not defeat a mortal enemy by becoming them, and true understanding requires immersion. I believe being at peace and minding ones own business is critical to defeating their elementary and cruel behavior. If they cross that line " gentle as doves, wise as snakes". And no holds barred!! THEY do understand consequence, and hate being spotlighted in a "bad light".


Excellently stated. Too many Mondago's in the world. Hope they do regret it - they should! Dusty Weirdos.©️💜✈️😍🎤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
