Sola Scriptura What It Means and Why It Matters - Interview with John MacArthur

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Sola Scriptura What It Means and Why It Matters
Interview with John MacArthur

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To those that are against John...put a link of your work in Christ and line it up with the work that Christ has done in John's life. Show up your family life and your spouse and children because John's family is all in the Church and serving. The proof of ones ministry is in the fruit they bare.


I never went to Church (Protestant or Catholic...I still don't)...only read the Bible by myself and have had personal "episodes" with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. No traditions, no different denominational beliefs...just me, Bible and God. And I know without a shadow of doubt that God knows who I am, that he loves me and that I am saved.

This is more than enough reason to prove to me that Scripture alone is all you need to be saved...


How do we know the Bible that we are now using is the Complete Scriptures of God... According to John 21:25, there are other "Teachings, Doctrines, and Works done by Christ Jesus" that had not been written down for the whole world could not hold them in a book...
Therefore, the 1st Cent. A.D. Early 7 Christian Churches in Asia Minor still have ORAL/VERBAL Traditions that were not written down which were FIRST-HAND eyewitnesses of what Christ Jesus did while he was still on Earth but were not written down...

Do you mean to say, we need to DISREGARD all the ORAL/VERBAL TRADITIONAL WAY of the 1st Cent. A.D. Churches in Asia Minor have followed, obeyed, and passed down from generation to generation of the Church, but instead, focused only on what was WRITTEN?... Where can we find in the Bible that says, "We need to obey and follow only what was WRITTEN in the Scriptures, those were not written down, might as well forget it?"

St. Paul said to the Galatians (ref. Gal.1:8)..."If we (apostles) or an Angel from Heaven TEACHES/PREACHES (verbally/orally) different kinds of Gospel (including Prophecies) other than what we have TAUGHT/PREACHED unto you, let God's CURSE be upon them, and be ETERNALY CONDEMNED."... St. Paul clearly did not say ONLY the WRITTEN Teachings we shared on the early 7 Churches of Asia Minor... St. Paul meant ALL the teachings (Verbal/Oral Traditions and Written/Epistles) that they had taught and received by the Early Churches of the 1st Cent. A.D.

Who dictates which Scriptures go with the compilation of the Bible?... Most especially the New Testament, because the Old Testament of God to Israel was already COMPLETELY written down in manuscripts (scrolls) preserved by the Israelite Jews before Christ Jesus came to Earth to become Human like us... the only question in the O.T. is if the translation from Hebrew-Aramaic to English language is properly correct in terms of CONTEXT and MEANING?
While the New Testament of God through Christ Jesus has many FIRST-HAND eyewitnesses WRITERS of the 1st Cent. A.D. that were not included in the Bible but were found recently in the Cave of Qumran and in the Vatical Archive, Rome... Facts and Truth of the Matters... Amen.


Your Seriously in error big time… Scripture cannot be in conflict with Scripture, and one of the ways this is guaranteed is by Sacred Tradition. There are some instances of Sacred Tradition in the Bible that are interesting. For instance, in Acts 20:35, Paul says the following:
"In all things I have shown you that by so toiling one must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, `It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
These words are not recorded anywhere else in the Bible, including the 4 gospels, so this is one example of an oral teaching of Jesus being handed on to Paul, who hands it down to us.

Another example of this is in the book of Jude 1:9, which says the following:
"But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, disputed about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a reviling judgment upon him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you."
This dispute, between the Archangel Michael and the devil over Moses' body, is nowhere to be found in the written text of the Old Testament.

Here are a few more:
Matthew 2:23:And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, "He shall be called a Nazarene."(This "he shall be called a Nazarene" prophecy is not in written scripture anywhere).
Matthew 23:2:"The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat;"(Moses' seat is not mentioned anywhere in written scripture).
1 Corinthians 10:4:"and all drank the same supernatural drink. For they drank from the supernatural Rock which followed them, and the Rock was Christ." (Nowhere in the Old Testament does it say that a rock "followed" the Israelites in the desert.)
2 Timothy 3:8: "As Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of corrupt mind and counterfeit faith;" (These 2 individuals who opposed Moses are not written in the Old Testament).
Hebrews 11:35: "Women received their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, that they might rise again to a better life" (This is a direct reference to 2 Maccabees 7, which Luther threw out of his bible in the 16th century. This story cannot be found anywhere in the Protestant Bible. It is in the Catholic Bible, and has been since the 4th century.)


Great Testimoy of Ptr. John Macarthur and his ministry. And i so blessed to learn from his expositor messge. Godbless.


Christ Jesus handed over to Apostle Peter the KEYS to the Gates of Heaven and also sighting that St. Peter was chosen by God to have the Power on Earth to Bound and Loose and whatever He Bound and Loose on Earth will also be done in Heaven... Not all Apostles were given the KEYS of the Gates of Heaven and that specific Authority on Earth... By SPOKEN (ORAL) TRADITION of the 1st Century. A.D. Early Churches in Asia Minor mentioned in the Book of Revelation, this Authority given personally by Christ Jesus himself to St. Peter was passed on to the next Generation or St. Peter's successor... and so on by/through SPOKEN (Oral) Traditions...

Logically (common sense) speaking, there were NO NEW TRADITIONS "after" the Apostles died based on Galation 1:8..."If we (Apostles) or an Angel from Heaven preach/teach other Gospel other than the Gospel (Spoken/Oral and Written Traditions) that we preached/taught and received from us (Apostles), let God's CURSE be upon them (be condemned eternally, doomed/destroyed to eternal hell, be an Anathema)."

Spoken/Oral Traditions of the 1st Cent. A.D. Churches in Asia minor approved by the Apostles such us ...on how the proper way they conduct the GATHERINGS of Christians every 1st Day of the Week (Sunday)... the proper way of tradition on how they BREAK the BREAD and SHARE the WINE.... on how the proper way (tradition) they COLLECT the contribution and distribution of finances of the Living Saints, etc...

When Blessed Mary died, some Apostles were still alive at that time... many have witnessed according to the SPOKEN TRADITION that Angels came to carry Her Body to Heaven just like how Christ Jesus ascended to Heaven... like Enoch who walked with God was taken by God... just like Prophet Elijah taken by God through the Chariot of Fire, like Prophet Moses, God took and bury Moses' body through Angel Michael... Greek Orthodox Church of the 2nd Cent. A.D. believed in this ORAL/ SPOKEN TRADITION of the 1st Cent. A.D.

INFANT BAPTISM was also part of the SPOKEN/ORAL Tradition of the 1st Century A.D... According to the Bible, the Apostles/Disciples of the 1st Century A.D. had BAPTISED the "WHOLE HOUSEHOLD, " which logically includes minors such as children and toddlers or infants... take note, not only the HOUSEHOLD but clearly stated the word "WHOLE, " which means ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD with no exemption... in every Household, there are most likely some minors (Children or infant)...

Take Note: According to the Bible, Blessed Mary is "Blessed among Women" in all mankind's generation... She was "FAVORED" by God with "FULL OF GRACE" from the Holy Spirit according to Angel Gabriel...and the Holy Spirit dwelt upon her twice (2x), during her pregnancy/conception and during the Pentecost (tongues of fire) which she also spoke other languages... the Bible said, "ALL have spoken in different tongues"... no exemption...

However, Purgatory, Limbo, Rosary, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, etc... are "NOT" under the Oral/Spoken and Written Traditions of the 1st Century A.D, wherein some Apostles still alive at that time, they were Roman Catholic Church (RCC) DOCTRINES starting in the 4th century A.D. onward...

RCC claimed that these Doctrines were PRIVATE REVELATIONS from God given to the SUCCESSORS of St. Peter (the POPES) to God's CHURCH through Miracles, and Appartions witnessed by many people (Believers and Pagan) that have changed their lives for good, which was now called the UNIVERSAL (Catholic) Church of God in Christ...

Why did they (Christian Elders/Bishops) choose the Latin word "CATHOLICUM" (Universal)?... to CONSOLIDATE all the Churches into ONE CHURCH of God in Christ (one Body of Christ) during the 4th Century A.D. that had started from Asia Minor (presently Turkey) in the 1st Century A.D. ... which unfortunately (historically) had broken into 2 Main Churches (Eastern Greek and Western Latin/Rome) then into many Protestant Churches and their Denominations starting in the 15th Cent. A.D. which is roughly today around +5000 Protestant Churches around the world...

Facts and Truth, Biblically, Logically, and Historically speaking... Amen.


This is dumb. Is Jesus Christ the Son of God and Lamb of God or not? If "yes, " the conversation is over. Either the Holy Spirit is guiding you or its not.


For all those who *CLAIM* they believe in *"Scripture ALONE"*, they ALL should be *SILENT* and hand out *"BIBLE ALONE"* The moment any Protestant starts to tell you what the "Bible" says, the scripture is NOT ALONE.


SOLA SCRIPTURAL (Written Scripture ALONE) will not hold water... why?... St Paul clearly instructed all Christians (ref. 2 Thessalonians 2:15)..." to stand firmly and hold (keep) to the TRADITIONS which you were taught by us (apostles), either by Word of Mouth (Oral/Verbal) or by Letters/Epistles (Written down)."...

In conclusion, therefore, the COMPLETE Word of God is both the TRADITIONAL Word of Mouth (Oral/Verbal) and Written Scriptures... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen..


I am sorry to write this but I left this discussion shocked. I haven't heard something so judgemental in a long time.
I am a born again charismatic Christian who loves the word of God and I know plenty of other born again charismatic Christians who live very godly lives in love and humility grounded in scripture.


The first time the 27 NT books were assembled in a council by the church was in 382AD. Look it up.
The church was used by the Holy Spirit to give us the Bible. The Bible did not create the church


What we know about God the true one God is like a drop in the seven seas. And the more mature you get the more researching God's word he will reveal more Revelation to you only on what you are believing and acting upon will he give you more revelation. It's a need-to-know basis and we don't need to know but just a little bit he will show us on this side of the spirit Realm


Very weak defense of Sola Scriptura. Using John 14? I don't think any decent Protestant apologist would use that text. It says nothing about the Apostles' writing anything.


The Authority of The GOD of The Holy Bible Only thru n by The Holy Bible WORD of GOD! Pure n Simple!! Thank GOD ìn CHRIST JESUS i left the roman 💒 in 1996 n never returned to it!!!


Scripture makes a man PROFITABLE not PERFECT. And yes it does fully equip the man of God but if a Lutheran is a man of god, or if a evangelical is a man of God, or if a Baptist is a man of God, but they all disagree with each other about key issues of Christianity ex. Salvation, baptism, or if Christ is present in the bread and wine well then there is a big problem at hand and where Protestantism crumbles because of this foundation that they so heavily rely on. The Bible is the word of God, however it is not formally sufficient but rather materially sufficient. This is the example I use. Say you want to build a shed for your backyard you would have to go to Home Depot or Lowe’s etc. to get all the equipment you need to get the job done. The hardware store has the stuff to make you FULLY EQUIPPED to build that shed, but what if you don’t know how to build a shed? You would have to go outside yourself to find a source or someone that knows how to properly build the shed because if it’s just you trying to do it, more than likely it’s not going to be a great shed and will have a lot of problems with it. It’s the same way with the Bible, the Bible has all the material you need but if it’s just you, a fallible person, trying to interpret something that infallible, then there will be problems too. As evidence shows with all these different denominations with different beliefs. Sola Scriptura was invented by a man named Martin Luther and for the first 1500 years of Christianity nobody held to this idea. If anyone is curious I would recommend reading the early church fathers works. They were the first leaders of Christianity and some of them lived during the time of the apostles and even were disciples of the apostles! They would have the best idea of what the first Christians believed and how they worshiped because they heard it from the apostles and they heard it from Jesus.


I listened to the entire interview. I will admit that this preacher sounds really good and seems to know what he is talking about. However, I find that by listening to him, I have more questions then I did before. One of the first questions I have is that Mr. MacArthur cites 1 Tim. About the Bible being sufficient. What happens if you have two people who say they are being led by the Holy Spirit and come to two very different conclusions. For example, do you need Baptism to be Saved or not? How to you solve this disagreement? Someone is right and someone is wrong. They will both point to Scripture to prove their point.


Any transcription? Any book? This is a good interview. Hope can quote it in my paper


Sola Scriptura cannot be proved by sola scriptura lol


The fruit of sola-scriptura is division. 100s of denominations and counting. Satan divides like sola-scriptura


The largest issue with sola scriptura. Is it’s not within scripture and is a presupposition. Not saying it’s not true but I am saying there is issues with it. I’m not Catholic or Protestant
