Debunking 'Bible Alone' with the Bible

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Is sola scriptura in SCRIPTURE? Joe Heschmeyer debunks the unbiblical belief that only the Bible can be trusted.

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We all have to remember that the early church and the Apostles did not have a New Testament. They WERE the New Testament!


Look at us... talking about the same thing in our recent uploads.


I'm a Protestant recently came to the conclusion that Sola scriptura falls short. (It is at best an espotimological framework, not an implicit doctrine)

This video is a helpful summation. The other thing I would add is why would God instruct people to be reliant on written word if 95% of the population at the time and for most of history was illiterate?

Furthermore, how can I be reliant on the bible as the sole rule of faith when we don't even have an official agreeance untill the 4th Century?

This seems almost cruel to have this be the basis, especially for the Early Christians.


I love watching protestant ministers and and lay people...not to point out erroneous interpretations but to grow in the Grace Christ gave us all.
I can say I'm so glad I'm a Catholic! ❤


Someone writes : “the Catholic religion does not come from GOD”. First of all, there is no "Catholic religion"!! we must talk about “CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY”! Then, Christianity comes from JESUS CHRIST himself!! Because JESUS CHRIST, the son of God who died ON the CROSS and rose 3 days later. JESUS himself founded the Christian worship : the EUCHARIST and consecrated the first priests. The Gospel is very clear. The teachings of the Catholic Church are conform 100% to the Gospel. 100% !


After I saw the false teachings in my church (Protestant denomination), I decided to study what the early church was like. Then I studied the history of the Bible. After knowing Bible history, I knew Sola scriptura was a false teaching. I didn't need scripture to prove it to me. But there are plenty of scripture that proves Sola scriptura false. Matthew 16 :13-19, Matthew 18:17, 1 Timothy 3:15, 2 Peter 1:20-21

I am truly blessed to be Catholic


Thank you so much for that Joe. You hit the nail on this one. It was so hard for me to defend the catholic position because they keep interrupting me every 10 seconds so they could raise more objections. I give up having to deal with uncharitable behavior in an interfaith dialog, it's easier to send a link to your podcasts, whether or not they bother to view it. 😅


Amen! As one priest preached in his Sunday homily, the seven Sacraments are blueprinted in the Bible, which as we know is read from in the Daily Mass. Matthew 28:18-20 is one place the Holy Spirit had the Catholic Church record Christ's command to His disciples to teach every nation to keep His commandments. And this of course would include the Sacrament of Reconciliation our Catholic tradition upholds that is mentioned in John 20:23, too.


Amen to that! Protestant theology is so erroneous and very facepalm. It's rather annoying the way they attack Catholicism based off their own interpretation of scripture. @_@ Thanks for the video, because a poor protestant fellow just two days ago randomly started commenting on one of my videos with the typical anti-Catholic, Protestant theology, so interesting timing. :)

Also, who video edited this video? I got a good chuckle at 0:24 with the quick, garbled translation on screen from what he said. 😆


As a former Protestant (Now Catholic) I agree with the general premise of the arguments presented here but I think we also need to be fair in how we present the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. The emphasis of Sola Scriptura is on scripture being "the sole *infallible* rule of faith" not on relying on scripture alone as a source of doctrine. We therefore need a little bit more nuance in how we critique the doctrine. The focus of our critique needs to centre on why scripture is not the only *infallible* source of revelation rather than why scripture is not the *only* source of revelation.


Amen, & to that goes authoritative interp, hence Magisterium, the Councils, the Creeds, the Catechism, the beautiful tradition including the great martyrs of the full holy faith Catholicism


The Seat of Peter, which Jesus Himself entrusted the KEYS of the kingdom of heaven and the church, has infallible teaching.

thus you need
• Apostolic Teaching
• Scripture
• Teaching Authority


For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
Psalm 138:2.

2 Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Psalm 119:103.
How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey 🍯 to my mouth.

Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a 🔦 unto my feet, And a light💡 unto my path.

John 17:17
Thy word is truth. ⚖


Why did St. Paul say, "Hold on to both the Spoken/Oral Tradition and Written (Epistles/letters) Tradition?"... (ref. 2 Thessa 2:15)... because St. Paul knew he would not see the Final Completion of the WRITTEN TRADITION after his martyred down (beheaded) in around 64 A.D. ... The Last to be written down were the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation in around 110 A.D.

According to John 21:25... there were many EVENTS that Christ Jesus had done but were not written down for the whole world can not contain them... Therefore, God had summarized all the EVENTS that Christ Jesus had done and had chosen only those with GREAT IMPORTANCE to Mankind's SALVATION to be written down by Inspired MEN (not women) guided by the Holy Spirit and completed them in around 110 A.D.

Other written books after the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation around 110 A.D. onward were no longer included in the WORD OF GOD (Holy Scriptures)... such as the written Gospel of Peter, Thomas, Magdalene, Mary, Judas, Enoch, Pontius Pilate, etc...

After the Written WORD of God was Finally COMPLETED in around 110 A.D., it became more AUTHORITATIVE than the Oral Tradition. (ref. 2 Timothy 3:16)... As long as the Oral Tradition does not contradict the Written Tradition, that means, God still wanted them to be practiced... However, if not, the Written Tradition must supersede, overrule, and remove that particular Oral Tradition to be practiced by True Christians...

This was God's WILL (Prerogative), for if it (Oral) is still required/needed, God would allow them to be written down in the first place... logically speaking.

The Oral and Written Traditions must be UNITED as ONE w/o Division/Confusion... One (United) God, One WORD (Scripture), and One (Spiritual) TRUTH...

St. Paul warned all True Christians, "DO NOT GO/EXCEED WHAT IS WRITTEN, " and God's CURSE for those who will DO. (ref. 1 Corin. 4:6 & Gal. 1:8)...

Facts and Truth, Biblically and logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.




St. Paul taught about standing firm and holding on to the Oral/Verbal Traditions and Written Scriptures including Epistles, in the condition that both must not have CONTRADICTION with each other... (ref. 2 Thessalonians 2:15)...
However, if there were contradictions, the WRITTEN Traditions must supersede (overrule) the ORAL Traditions. Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.


The problem is that catholic application of tradition and council authority has caused them to teach things that are in opposition to the bible. That is why sola scriptura is an important hermeneutic. It does not mean that you can't follow the advice of a council or tradition but that these are not elevated above scripture. Only scripture is infallible not councils or popes or traditions. Even Peter was not infallible. In Mt 16: 13-23 we see Jesus rebuke Peter as Satan after you claim he was named pope. The bible clearly teaches many RC doctrines are false. Mary veneration, mediation, sinlessness and assumption, indulgences, Jesus being called down and sacrificed over and over again in the mass to start with. Teaching a Jesus that is insufficient to redeem and save amounts to teaching a different gospel and Paul says that is anathema.


It is the Catholic Church that put the list of the Books of the New Testament. Why not the Gospel of Thomas ? Why not the Gospel of Philip ? Why not the Gospel of Peter?, are not in the list of NT. Because Jesus established the Catholic Church which became the gatekeeper as many heresies spurting and sprouting in the early church, the Holy Spirit uses the Church of Jesus to detect the Apostolic hallmarks in those Gospels.


I think it was on Shameless Potpourri where I realized when it was said that "all scripture is inspired" back then there was no set Canon of scripture. Anything that wasn't heresy would be concerned inspired.


Mark 7:7-9
7 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are merely human rules.’

8 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

9 And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!
