Why is it important for Christians to affirm “sola Scriptura”?

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The ultimate authority of Scripture is the foundation that upholds every doctrine we believe. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, Stephen Nichols explains the significance of affirming the principle of “sola Scriptura.”

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What a blessing having these truths come out out of a little rectangle screen...😊🤗🙌🙏
To veer from
Sola Scriptura is flat out
Arrogance is when one denies the word of God and says what they "FEEL" is
That's arrogance!!!
It's not arrogant to say this is the WORD of GOD SAYS and YOU NEED TO BELIEVE IT!!!! That's humility before God!!!!


This is very important. It's the foundation for the rest of doctrines.


As Christians, if we don't believe the scriptures are supernatural, sanctifying, and sufficient (based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and John 17:17), it effects our faith in terms of doctrine and application. If we don't think it's sufficient, we're basically saying something outside of it is and we will go to that. And if we do that, we will not only violate Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 118:8, and Colossians 2:8, but we will go astray in our Christian walk in multiple areas. Not affirming Sola Scriptura is one of the biggest problems in many churches today.


"... We must obey God rather than man" Acts 5:29✝️

Holy Scriptures alone for authority


Thanks Stephen Nicols *4 Yur Powerful, Blessful Answer on "Why It Is Important 4 Christians 2 Affirm "Sola Scriptura" Where We Christians Should Affirm The Authority of The Scripture Where The Scripture Is Given By The Inspiration of God & Is Profitable 4 Doctrine, 4 Correction & 4 Inspiration In Righteousness 4 Our Great Almighty God Gave The Word 4 Great Were Those Who Accompanied It Written In 2nd Timothy 3:16 & Psalm 68:11* & May Our Great Almighty God Bless Yu Stephen Nicols & Ligonier Ministries So Very Much.


Another hint to those like John Baptist (allegory) looking for Christ outside and was blind till he woke like Saul to Paul waking inside. Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.


Short reading list
Easily get through Holy Scriptures at least once/yr✔️


Sola scriptura is a doctrine of the reformation that was unheard of until Luther came along. Sola scriptura came about when the reformers rejected the papacy. In doing so, they also rejected the teaching authority of the Church. They looked elsewhere for the rule of faith and thought that they found it in the Bible as they had nowhere else to look. By default, the interpretation of scripture was left to the individual, supposedly guided by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, this is why there are literally thousands of non-Catholic denominations, each claiming sola scriptura.

I believe as the early Church taught.
“Scripture, then, is an excellent source for the Rule of Faith. It is divine and must be believed. But the Scriptures are not always clear, nor did all of Scripture exist from the beginning. Hence, it is not an absolute Rule of Faith. Scripture is ultimately subject to the criterion of tradition, of the doctrine of the Church; of the Rule of Truth itself…..Tradition must be derived from the Apostles. Any tradition outside the apostolic Tradition must be absolutely rejected….Since Tradition existed before the writings of the New Testament it is an absolute source of revelation. It is the teaching of the living Church, which would have existed even if nothing had been committed to writing.”
- Ancient Christian Writers, Ireneaus, “Against the Heresies” Book 1. Introduction, Scripture and Tradition, pp. 10-11, paragraphs 30-33, 180 AD


Because the Bible is God's infallible word.


Believe all scripture or believe none of is.


Prove that the Bible is infallible without the church or objective believers.


I love Dr Sprouls
I really miss him but love watching his teachings still. What I do not understand is why the Ligonier preachers stick to a first day church when not one word in the Bible says G-D changed HIS holy day.
Only one day in creation has a name Sabbath, that is the seventh day, all the rest G-D simply numbered. Get it together preachers, you can not claim you stand behind the Bible when you teach men to break the holy commandments
John 5:17-19
Stop, think, you can not rescue the perishing if you’re double crossing everyone. People can read. Stop teaching traditions instead of commandments.
Mk 7:7-13
Xmas is from the Pope
Sun day is from the Pope
What are you guys, a bunch of Catholic?


I dont think solar scriptura is biblical
