Top 10 Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis Demonstrated

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In this video, Maryke provides a comprehensive guide to exercises for plantar fasciitis. The exercises are divided into three stages: early rehab, mid-stage rehab, and final stage rehab. She explains how each exercise helps with the recovery process and how they can prevent plantar fasciitis from recurring. The video also includes important exercise guidelines and progression criteria to help viewers decide which exercises are appropriate for their current stage of recovery.

👉 In the video, I recommend that you wear supportive shoes for some of the exercises. Here are two good examples:

📽️Videos you may find useful:
▶️ Massage for Plantar Fasciitis: Coming in two weeks (in the meantime, see link to article below)

🖊️Article links:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:16 How exercises help treat plantar fasciitis
00:03:18 How exercises help prevent plantar fasciitis
00:04:05 General exercise guidelines
00:04:45 1. Stage of recovery
00:06:15 2. The exercises should match your goals
00:07:25 3. How often to do the exercises
00:09:47 4. Your fitness and strength
00:10:20 5. How to use pain to guide your rehab
00:12:39 Introduction to Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Plan in the Exakt Health app
00:13:22 Early stage plantar fasciitis rehab exercises
00:13:37 1. Toe grabs
00:16:26 2. Calf raises - Double leg
00:20:14 3. Balance
00:22:58 4. Box squat - Double leg
00:27:06 Mid stage plantar fasciitis rehab exercises
00:27:11 1. Calf raises - Single leg
00:31:56 2. Balance - Turning head
00:34:33 3. Lunge dips
00:36:50 Final stage plantar fasciitis rehab exercises
00:37:05 1. Calf raises - With weight
00:43:22 2. Box squat - Single leg
00:45:44 3. Hops - Double leg
00:47:46 How the Exakt Health app can help
00:48:19 How we can help


1. Rathleff MS, Mølgaard CM, Fredberg U, Kaalund S, Andersen KB, Jensen TT, Aaskov S, Olesen JL. High-load strength training improves outcome in patients with plantar fasciitis: A randomized controlled trial with 12-month follow-up. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015 Jun;25(3):e292-300. doi: 10.1111/sms.12313. Epub 2014 Aug 21. PMID: 25145882.
2. Caratun R, Rutkowski NA, Finestone HM. Stubborn heel pain: Treatment of plantar fasciitis using high-load strength training. Can Fam Physician. 2018 Jan;64(1):44-46. PMID: 29358253; PMCID: PMC5962984.
4. McKeon PO, Hertel J, Bramble D, Davis I. The foot core system: a new paradigm for understanding intrinsic foot muscle function. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(5):290.
5. Cotchett, M., Rathleff, M.S., Dilnot, M. et al. Lived experience and attitudes of people with plantar heel pain: a qualitative exploration. J Foot Ankle Res 13, 12 (2020).
6. Harutaichun P, Boonyong S, Pensri P. Differences in lower-extremity kinematics between the male military personnel with and without plantar fasciitis. Phys Ther Sport. 2021;50:130-137.

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👉 In the video, I recommend that you wear supportive shoes for some of the exercises. Here are two good examples:
- The app is aimed at runners🎉Discount Code (value may change over time): MARYKE

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I have watched dozens of videos about plantar fasciitis, and none of the ones I have watched have explained it as well as you have. You are creative, and I thank you very much. 🥰


What a great video! I can’t thank you enough. I developed plantar fasciitis from pickleball. I am seeing a doctor. He does not think I have a tear but we are still going to have an ultrasound of the foot to rule it out. The doctor never gave me exercises but just a script for physical therapy. I have been watching online videos and doing the exercises myself which have helped tremendously. The exercises I have been doing are the same or similar but you break it down into the 3 stages which I love. You also tell me how many reps, etc. You are so good at explaining the exercises and showing them being performed. Yours was the first video to talk about incorporating weight in later stage as well as the jumping exercise. Currently I am only in the mid stage. Thank you so much!!


Best. Absolute best video I have found for exercises!! THANK YOU 🙏🏻


I got an 'attack' of plantar fasciitis (PF) over 3 days ago. I'm on vacation in Cyprus, and not so happy that my time here would be compromised. I don't want to rely on pain-killers or anti-inflammatory drugs; yet the pain is very debilitating. I checked out various videos on YouTube and found yours after several that were unconvincing and/or contradictory. My current thinking is that physiotherapists (rather than medics) are the 'experts'. Marijke (you sound Dutch!), your explanation of, not just what to do, but why and how to do it is just what I want. Hartelijk bedankt!


This is the best video on YouTube for plantar fasciitis, thank you!!


Hello Maryke, I stumbled across your video on line. I have had plantar fasciitis for 12 months and have been to Podiatrist, Physiotherapist and various exercise. I have done the 1st 3 exercises for 2 days on your video. I really can't believe that I am feeling some improvements .it's early days. I will report back on my progress. Meanwhile, thank you for this down to earth explanations and exercises. Elizabeth 💖


Noone is explaining like this. Noone is saying what you're saying. Everyone is like just stretch it. Top 10 stretch this Best stretch. Lady your YouTube channel is gold and you've gained sup.


That balance exercise is genius! I would've never thought to do it. I've had PF pain several times during my 20+ years of doing distance running. My go-to protocol is the single-leg calf raises heavy slow resistance style. Here I am again with PF pain, doing reseach what new has been talked about it since 2021 when I got my instructions from a physio.


Thank you so much. You are an amazing resource. I had a broken fibula and I have watched your channel to get help. I was discharged without physio so you are a godsend. Thanks very much


What a great video! Thank you so much for all the progressions and the details in how and why to do the exercises!


Thank you so much, it's so helpful ❤❤


Brilliant explanation of the whole strengthening structure of the plantar fasciitis, suffer from condition myself and had orthotics perscribed from podiatrist. It suprises me they never mentioned exercises at only wearing orthotics a short while and to be truthful my feet are not painful but sore every evening after a long day on my feet at work.i went on utube to check out and came across ur video and have started the exercises and the frequencies u mention.thank god exercises are going great so im hoping this sorts my ptoblem.once again thanks for your very helpfull guidelines .


I love your video. I have pain on only one foot. My pain is reduced after doing my first exercises. Thank you.


I only did the first 3 exercises and after 1 day I am practically pain free. 😃


Great video! Quick question: how should be the approach in terms of walking? Should i keep it to the minimun until i feel no pain?


Thank you so much for the information and the wonderful explanations and instruction. My physio relative has also recommended I first see a Podiatrist; as my symptoms are a little confusing😊. In the meantime, I will take things slow as I am not ultra fit (but am gradually losing excess weight, doing ketovore, weights and floor exercises). This is the best video I have seen (and I have watched a lot!!). Thank you again.


Excellent instructions! Can’t wait to try these


Wow, this is a great video, ty for this🙏🏿


Very clear and logical. I will try and report back
