Why You Have No Personality

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This is how I developed more of a personality.

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🕐 Timestamps:
Intro: 0:00
When I Realized I Had No Personality: 0:35
The 2 Biggest Factors For Personality: 3:16
Developing Passions And Interests: 3:45
Becoming A Better Storyteller: 6:57
How To Build Relationships With Others: 12:38
#personality #imtooboring #ihavenopersonality

i have no personality what do i do
how to develop more of a personality
how to have a personality
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Have you ever seen those "boring, awkward" people get around their friends they've known for years? There's nothing boring or awkward about them. There's something holding them back in new situations.


Being authentic and genuinely paying attention to when others talk will change your life… People can sense when they’re being listened to, and when you listen carefully, your words and conversations become so much more authentic. That’s when your personality will flourish. As always, great video, Cole.


My "personality" revolved around my mother. It was always about impressing her, not making her mad, avoiding beatings, doing things that she could brag about to aunties etc. No sleepover, no parties, no hanging out, hell I didn't have social connection outside classes, all because she wanted to "protect me." One day I realized I had nothing to talk about other than school stuff and my mom.

To all young ladies out there, pleeeaasseee let your future son have a life outside your supervision:(


As a born introvert with social anxiety, within the past year I began going to social events more and getting into the motion of things. I learned to just go up and talk to people. Now I can say that I don't shy away like I used to, and I can keep up with small talk pretty well. The problem I learned was that I would eventually run out of things to say after 15 mins. I lack passions, I'm not opinionated, and thus my personality is weak. I struggle to form proper relationships with people, and hope this video will help me out.


Boring is very subjective, a scientist could bore to death a musician, a fighter could bore to death an engineer. We all like different things, there are lots of people out there, there are god tips on this video but don´t be to hard to yourself, everyone is interesting in their own way.


Totally nailed it talking about how you have to take an interest you have and work on increasing your skills around that thing. Like when I play/make music. Learning music software is super frustrating. But my enjoyment in making my own music drives me to keep learning what I need to get better. That’s how passions are born


I can honestly say you develop your personality when you take time to find yourself, when you socialize more, and surround yourself with people who like you for who you are when you’re genuine and real, and the things you’re passionate about are a big factor


"you don't find your passion, you make your passion", this hits me really deep


Probably the highest quality self-improvement content out there.


I'm in such a gridlocked situation. I remember getting mocked or outright bullied for expressing passion about things ("Shut up, nobody cares!"), so I told myself to bottle up and talk about safe, external things only. That led to me not becoming passionate about anything and shying away from delving deep into interests. Now I struggle with self-consciousness and perfectionism because I imagine one awkward or off-color statement gets me labeled as The Weirdo and I DO NOT want to be The Weirdo.

Videos like this and intense therapy are helping melt the ice a bit but man am I in deep.


I think one of the biggest problems in the modern social construct is the negative associations with certain passions. For example being into Magic the Gathering makes you a dork, bodybuilding makes you egotistical, and playing the trumpet is weird. It’s difficult to wear you passion if 90% of people will make negative assumptions. I feel that the lack of positive reinforcement is the reason a lot of people quit. Support ur friends guys.


This has to be the best personality self improvement video I've watched. Actually makes sense and is to the point


Everyone has a personality. There's no such thing as having less or more of a personality. People are just how they are


I always loved drawing cars but I kind of stopped drawing in my early 20's because I didn't think I was talented enough. It took me at least 10 years to get back to it, and thanks to instagram I have seen super talented guys and their drawings. I told myself that I could do the same or even better if I practiced a lot. Now 8 years and 200+ drawings later I teach people how I draw cars, and they pay for my knowledge. I finally see (at age 39) what I want to do every day.


"Tú no encuentras tu pasión. Tú haces tu pasión"
No sabes lo mucho que mejorará mi vida eso.


I had pretty much no personality in high school either. Very much a fly on the wall kinda person. But when things would need someone to step in or volunteer, i’d always offer a hand. Cole, much like you, I had a cord hitting experience except mine was the girl telling me “You don’t matter. People like you never matter.” Man that set me off. But looking back, that was the best thing that happened. It was the push we all need but don’t like.


Having a passion will strengthen your opinions on that which u like and having opinions will help express your personality.
But having passion isn’t necessarily having a personality

A personality is a bunch of reactions of a specific person.
You can predict how someone reacts to things based on their personality.
If someone is generally angry and reacts angrily, you may not want to joke around him.
Some people are calm and that is their personality, they may not say anything but that’s how they chose to react
Nonereaction is still reacting because you chose to say nothing rather than create more drama to whatever situation

You can change someone’s personality by telling them to be more outgoing less reserved but I don’t believe in not having a personality at all.
Being calm reserved and less outgoing is not a bad personality or a lack of it but it might become a weakness if you need to express yourself for a job or whatever.

Telling people to change personality may be a double edge sword if they feel inadequate for being what they are, they might force unpleasant cringy interaction to try please others.
I don’t believe in changing personality but just improving what’s already there, maybe you can interact to situations better while keeping your authenticity, having a better vocabulary and choosing the right wording can help express yourself better in more ways that suits you


i feel like personality is more about how you respond and interact in a conversation - I find that being as genuine and honest as possible in your responses and asking questions you are actually curious about lead to conversations where you can express your inner feelings better.

I have been told by others that I am a quite a character, but I feel like only 20% of my conversations are about my passions.


Great video! This connected a lot of dots in life for me. I’ve never felt short on personality, but storytelling has been a weak point in my life. That contrast can sometimes leave me feeling like I’d be better off not even TRYING to tap into my identity. Storytelling is a universal skill that everybody should have if they want to deepen their ability to reflect, connect with people, and just breathe more excitement out into the world. Love it


I love the genuineness you pour in your videos.
