Все публикации

Just go outside, bro.

The Burnout Epidemic: Why Nobody Wants To Work Anymore

You are broken, but you’re meant to be that way.

It’s Too Easy To Be Lonely Now

How America Keeps You Socially Isolated

Why you're confident one day, then awkward the next

How To Stop Social Media Brainrot

If your heart is broken, watch this.

Stop Feeling Guilty For Not Being Perfect

Why 'Never Give Up' Is Terrible Advice

The Mindset That Finally Made Me Let Go

The iPad Baby Epidemic: A Generation Of Brainrot

Is Suffering Good For Us? #sponsored @audible

If You're Lonely, It Might Be Because You're Too Smart

The Misinformation Age: How The Internet Killed Critical Thinking

The App That Changed My Life Perspective @audible #sponsored

Why Everyone Treats You Like A Ghost

How To Stop Being A Slave To Meaningless Pleasures

The Three Word Phrase That Changed My Life

Where Your Insecurities REALLY Come From

How To Stop Wasting Your Life

How To Follow Your Own Path In Life

What To Do If Nothing Makes You Happy Anymore

Why Everything Lacks Meaning In The Modern World