How to Unlock your Personality and be yourself 100%
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"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. This video, I'm going to be explaining to you how you can really unlock your personality and to understanding more of who you are meant to be. I'm going to give you a realization for understanding this idea in a completely new light and then give you some practical exercises that you can apply in your life that really have the ability to shape and change the way that you view yourself and the way that you view the world.
"First off, to do this, what I want to say the main premise of this video is is understanding that our personality is much more flexible than we probably thought that it was. That when we learn that at a certain point in time, even at subconscious levels when we were young and certain reference experiences have happened, we made a decision as to who we were. From that point going forward, we remained as consistent to that way we defined ourself as we possibly could unless something else came up that made us redefine ourself. A lot of times, we will have a personality, a way we define ourself and as we go through life, we will make it as consistent as we can until maybe something else happens.
"Now, I want to propose an idea to you that when you are born, that when you're a baby, one thing that we really value in babies is the idea that a baby is just completely itself. There's no filter around it. It is not lying to you. It wants what it wants. It's doing what it does. There's no filter around it. It's being itself. Now what happens is as we grow up, we go through certain reference experiences. Now I know for one, for me for example was growing up, I was told maybe from the age of five to seven, I don't really remember the exact age. I was told that children are meant to be seen but not heard.
"Being told that and being told not to express myself as much as I wanted to, that would then begin to shape the way that I saw the world. That would begin to be the filter of the way that I viewed myself and there could've been a point to where I just didn't express myself 100% which most people have had that experience before because of the way I define myself to be. Now when it comes to this idea of understanding personality, it's about understanding that personality, another word for that could be personal reality for the way we view ourselves, for the way we see the world, and then that then becomes the way and the experiences that we have.
"What if we understood that our personal reality is much more flexible than we probably thought that it was, that if we would drop the stories about who we are, the stories of the reference experiences that happened, if we begin to drop those and see them in a new light, we then begin to take those filters off. Most of the filters that we have around us that are inhibiting us from actually being ourselves happened when we were very young, maybe even like two to seven years old. The reason I say this is because if we are able to be honest with ourselves and ask ourself the question what would I have to believe is true to feel the way that I do about myself or to feel like there's a block around me from actually expressing who I want to be, you may then pick out a reference experience. Remember, if you asked a question, your mind will start to look for it.
"You might remember an experience of when you were in preschool and you wanted to be or you said something that wasn't funny or you thought was funny and people laughed at your or whatever it was, and then you begin to define yourself as somebody that shouldn't talk because there's pain involved with talking. From that point going forward, you start to become more of an introvert. It could've been as simple as that, it could've been something your parents instilled in you, but most of our personal reality is developed when we're young because that's when we begin to develop our beliefs and the way that we shaped the world.
"Now, beyond just this idea, there's a wake up call that we can have. The wake up call is becoming aware of the fact that we have those beliefs, we have those perspectives, and that they came from a lot of times the idea of our past. The moment we become aware of those, we could start to remove the layers. The simple way we remove the layers is by looking at it, being aware of it, seeing what the lesson could've been, seeing that we could've now define ourself in a new way, letting it go, and then simply making a decision right now in this moment that we are going to expand the way that we view ourselves.
"Now we don't need to be a shy person all of our life and then say to ourselves over and over again that I'm just a shy person. We can break out of that by realizing that our personal reality, our personality is much more flexible than we probably thought. That if we simply make the decision right...
This video is about How to Unlock your Personality and be yourself 100%
"First off, to do this, what I want to say the main premise of this video is is understanding that our personality is much more flexible than we probably thought that it was. That when we learn that at a certain point in time, even at subconscious levels when we were young and certain reference experiences have happened, we made a decision as to who we were. From that point going forward, we remained as consistent to that way we defined ourself as we possibly could unless something else came up that made us redefine ourself. A lot of times, we will have a personality, a way we define ourself and as we go through life, we will make it as consistent as we can until maybe something else happens.
"Now, I want to propose an idea to you that when you are born, that when you're a baby, one thing that we really value in babies is the idea that a baby is just completely itself. There's no filter around it. It is not lying to you. It wants what it wants. It's doing what it does. There's no filter around it. It's being itself. Now what happens is as we grow up, we go through certain reference experiences. Now I know for one, for me for example was growing up, I was told maybe from the age of five to seven, I don't really remember the exact age. I was told that children are meant to be seen but not heard.
"Being told that and being told not to express myself as much as I wanted to, that would then begin to shape the way that I saw the world. That would begin to be the filter of the way that I viewed myself and there could've been a point to where I just didn't express myself 100% which most people have had that experience before because of the way I define myself to be. Now when it comes to this idea of understanding personality, it's about understanding that personality, another word for that could be personal reality for the way we view ourselves, for the way we see the world, and then that then becomes the way and the experiences that we have.
"What if we understood that our personal reality is much more flexible than we probably thought that it was, that if we would drop the stories about who we are, the stories of the reference experiences that happened, if we begin to drop those and see them in a new light, we then begin to take those filters off. Most of the filters that we have around us that are inhibiting us from actually being ourselves happened when we were very young, maybe even like two to seven years old. The reason I say this is because if we are able to be honest with ourselves and ask ourself the question what would I have to believe is true to feel the way that I do about myself or to feel like there's a block around me from actually expressing who I want to be, you may then pick out a reference experience. Remember, if you asked a question, your mind will start to look for it.
"You might remember an experience of when you were in preschool and you wanted to be or you said something that wasn't funny or you thought was funny and people laughed at your or whatever it was, and then you begin to define yourself as somebody that shouldn't talk because there's pain involved with talking. From that point going forward, you start to become more of an introvert. It could've been as simple as that, it could've been something your parents instilled in you, but most of our personal reality is developed when we're young because that's when we begin to develop our beliefs and the way that we shaped the world.
"Now, beyond just this idea, there's a wake up call that we can have. The wake up call is becoming aware of the fact that we have those beliefs, we have those perspectives, and that they came from a lot of times the idea of our past. The moment we become aware of those, we could start to remove the layers. The simple way we remove the layers is by looking at it, being aware of it, seeing what the lesson could've been, seeing that we could've now define ourself in a new way, letting it go, and then simply making a decision right now in this moment that we are going to expand the way that we view ourselves.
"Now we don't need to be a shy person all of our life and then say to ourselves over and over again that I'm just a shy person. We can break out of that by realizing that our personal reality, our personality is much more flexible than we probably thought. That if we simply make the decision right...
This video is about How to Unlock your Personality and be yourself 100%