First day on ADHD meds #mentalhealth #adhd #adhdwomen #anxious

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Drinking coffee while taking Ritalin is definitely notttt recommended 😅 they’re both stimulants so watch your heart


Retalin gave me headaches too I talked to my doctor and now I take concerta it helps a lot and no headaches also coffee put me to sleep


Ritalin and adderall in particular Will dehydrate the hell out of you! Make sure to be getting a lot of water and electrolytes I usually find that easily keeps the headache away.


good for you girl. I got my official diagnosis last year at age 30! it was heartbreaking when I first found out because I feel like there was so much time lost where I could have been treated and that it could have been prevented, but it was life-changing nonetheless. the meds I’m on have helped my mood (co existing depression/anxiety) and helped me operate in my daily life much better. I feel like my life is only getting better from this point so I’m definitely grateful. knowledge is power! ❤


P l e a s e do not drink coffee with adhd meds i did that when i was first on it i didnt sleep that whole night and thought i just had a anxiety attack like usual and then i did it again and ended up laying in fetal position on my bed for 8 hours streight crying


Good on you. All the best on your journey. Im 52 and yet to be diagnosed. My life and what relationships I have left are a disaster. I am blessed with 2 beautiful daughters however. So i keep going. I pray for a game changer like others have had. I hope to be seeing a dr next week.


I do NOT drink coffee on ritalin. Personally combing caffine temporaily relieves my headache but in the end i have panic attacks and feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Please be careful with the caffine while taking ritalin.


Clearly this is a few months old, but eating protein with or within an hour of taking the meds helps SO much with the side effects, in my experience.


I find if I have caffeine with it my heart goes absolutely crazy!


Switch to decaf/tea, adding caffeine on top of stimulants really denies you from getting a feel for how your body is responding to the stimulants and for me creates anxiety that I don’t normally have.


Do you still suffer from any headache caused by Ritalin? I read something quite interesting about the correlation between stimulants and sugar or more precice glucose the other day. It says that due to the stimulation of the frontal brain the glucose consumption raises drasticly which causes a rapid lowering of the blood sugar level and eventually hypoglcemia. A low blood sugar level can cause headache. Therefore it‘s quite important to have a little snack from time to time to keep your blood sugar level in a normal ratio.


Sounds relaxing. I feel mentally drained from my undiagnosed adhd. It doesn’t feel normal. I have a nice life so I should feel calm


When I came off my ADHD medication I was having the worst migraine and come down it was so horrible. I switched to first persons mushroom pills the golden hour and there’s no come down. I take it as needed and no bad side effects just a mellow mood after and ready to rest for the night.


YEES coffee for headaches, that's always been my go to. I'm not even a heavy or regular coffee drinking, I enjoy it after getting up in the morning, but it somehow is a GREAT pain reliever for headaches. I also noticed tylenol works better for certain headaches than ibuprophen (like overstimulation headaches) Thank you! love your post! :)


Ritalin is a strong stimulant, I refused it based on that alone. Instead, I’m on Concerta which is way more mild. In fact, the first two dosages I had of it actually made me fall asleep like a baby 😂 but never EVER drink coffee or energy drinks while on them, especially if you’re worried about your heart.


I'm 26 and just today I took ADHD meds for the very first time. Here's hoping they'll help.


I'm on day 3 of lisdexamfetamine (aka Vyvanse). I swear the side effects are so bad. I have been more focused, but the procrastination is still so bad😭😭😭


Hi. I used to be a 5 cup a day person until I was diagnosed. I now consume about a half a cup in the morning because it seems like caffeine addresses somewhat different symptoms. I noticed that my headaches were because my body burns fuel on medication and so I need to eat more regularly or I get a headache, same with liquids. But its also hard to eat, so light food like granola or rice/beans work really well because they don't make me gag and digest easily. I hope this helps.


I had my first day today it’s wasn’t great I almost broke down cuz I could tell when it kicked in and I did not like it I kept fidgeting and I felt almost like I couldn’t fell my body but I was also dehydrated so please stay hydrated or else your meds may feel weird and you’ll stumble but hey I was so focused I was really proud of myself ❤


i took ritalin once and it made so depressed its unreal, never took it again.
