Is Split Pushing Toxic For The Game? | League of Legends

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Back with another episode of Hot Takes after not making one for over a year but here we go! Hope you guys enjoy this one, there's a big emphasis on splitpushing for today.

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#LoL #LeagueOfLegends #Vars
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what if when one tower goes down, the rest get a boost in defense and attack. That way, turrets can still be taken, but it is difficult to melt through multiple in a row, and the buff can stack so if you down two towers right after another, it's gonna be pretty hard for them to take a 3rd. And the tower buffs can last for like 2-5 minutes based on game time.


If there is another episode- my hot take is that having to own a champion in order to use them in the Practice Tool is a massive barrier to entry for new players trying to understand how enemy champions work, and needs to be changed


Watching Vars talking so calmly while facing a ranged top laner is so funny
I know its probably pre recorded gameplay with voiceovers but just seeing smthg so calm and so rage inducing at the same time is just funny


Vars going 0/3 in the first 7 minutes is definitely a top lane momen


Autofill alternative :
- Pick 2 preferred Roles
- Pick 1 least like Role
- Autofill exclude the least Role


I would say: split pushing to gain a gold advantage, force someone or multiple people to respond to a fed player so your team can have an advantage, or getting some free lane pressure before tping to a baron play, is all fine

literally ending the game in less than 90 seconds and nuking turrets in like 5 seconds is not


I personally don't mind split-pushing as long as it remains a niche strategy. Previous iterations of Hullbreaker have shown that if Riot promotes split-pushing too much, it becomes degenerate and unfun because the split-pusher ends up attracting too much pressure and they can't even be 1v1'd even under your own tower. Right now it's in a much healthier spot but I still have my doubts, especially after seeing what Hullbreaker Yone was doing right at the end of last season


League balancing has had a similar sequence to this one:
- riot buffs/nerfs/optimizes an item due to X class;
- everyone tries to find a way to exploit it on Y, Z, etc class. :D


Split Pushing is suppossed to be in a trifecta alongside Grouping and Pick-off, where Split Pushing beats Gruoping, Grouping beats Pick-off, and Pick-off beats Split Pushing

League just doesn't encourage full macro strategies for entire teams, so players in general just transition from Pick-off early game to constant Grouping in the mid to late game, where Split Pushing is the strongest


Absolutely nothing feels better then watching your nexus explode after 40 minutes to a shirtless angry man who right clicked really hard.


I had a game recently where I lost at 17-2 to a 0/12 Sion mid. We had absolutely no answer, and it was just a scenario where the game was lost at champ select unless everyone went 6/0 in lane. I was Vi, and I physically could not kill the Sion before he took a tower. My problem with split push is that If you don't have a match for it, you just kind of can't do anything.


Not Vars typing top gap in all chat at the end 💀


Would be cool to have something like in DOTA where the team can make all turrets invicible for a few seconds every like 5 minutes.


I feel like that the only reason an urf meta even exists is because of its frequency in the rotating mode. Once a year would be better, but riot seems to forget that they made like 8 different modes to choose from. It would be great if riot did what they did with poro king and doom bots where they showed up for the Christmas and Halloween seasons respectively. Riot please bring back the forgotten game modes especially ascension. The crystal scar has one of the best OSTs of league


I think an interesting way to address the problem of squishy towers would be to do one of two things:

1. Make tower plates actual PLATES, with the actual HEALTH being underneath. By this I mean that tier 1 turrets would essentially have 2 health bars, and at 14 minutes, everyone is on an even playing field when they fall off UNLESS someone essentially took the turret twice. This could make rift herald more important if it was given a slight buff to automatically destroy 3 plates, but not make it so ridiculous that whichever lane gets the rift dropped early is permanently behind because they can't farm safely. Keeping tier one turrets up longer won't massively extend game length, and the turrets will still have their resistances shred at 14 anyway, so people will still be able to role through turrets with a good push.

2. Increase the health and resistances of turrets based on their tier. Giving turrets (for example) 1k more health and 10 more resists for each tier you advance down a lane will make snowballing off turrets more difficult early, make early rift less effective if left alone, and increase the value of ADCs in siege over the course of the game. Given that there are two nexus turrets, it may be better to exclude these from this rule, but then, it could still be applied if the number of inhibs you have open reduces their resists or the number of nearby super minions applying an enhanced shred to their damage protection.

What are others' thoughts?


With the whole autofill vs. long queues debate, I feel like people don't account for dodging a whole lot. Any increase in queue time would be exponential if dodging were to remain unchanged. Both of these are factors for match quality and there is no definitive answer for this as someone will always complain.

... and sometimes it's the same person complaining for both sides.


My issue with both autofill and role priority is that I legit just don't have a way to opt out. I'm not a great player, but it just feels bad in general when all I wanna do is play, say, top lane and I play 5 games and I only get to play top ONCE because I either get autofilled or put into the role I am FORCED to queue because trhe game demands more people play that role.


The way I see split pushing is that it act as a timer for the enemy team to react in the right manner or get good plays in before the inevitable attack on the Nexus. It could also help someone get gold and do if behind and provide a Catch-22 scenario where do you stop the split push or try to get kills/objectives.

However, if that is all you constantly do, then at times it could be too much pressure for anyone to really do anything in the game for both teams beside the one pushing


Split pushing is an important part of the game. It keeps things from automatically devolving into aram after 20 minutes, it encourages and rewards macro/map awareness (both for the split pusher and the other team), and it allows some champions at least to make useful contributions to the game even when behind.

I think you could argue that split-pushing is OP during the hullbreaker meta where any top-laner could pick up the item and instantly become a menace in the sidelane, but nowadays most champions need to be significantly ahead to create that kind of pressure or have a kit that is specifically designed for it (Trundle, Yorick, Sion, Nasus, Fiora, etc.), and these champions are supposed to be a split-pushing threat; it's hard to argue that they shouldn't be good at doing something their kit is heavily geared to, especially when many of these champions aren't that useful in a teamfight.

People also tend to forget that split-pushing is countered by champions with good waveclear. I've been in the situation before of being super fed as Trundle or Nasus with 3-4 items, but I can't take turrets because the Garen that I crushed in lane or the 1-6 mage support just sits under the turret and clears the wave .


Split pushing should be a strategic decision, not a playstyle. For many characters, "should I split push?" is always just "yes."
