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Bad Teammates.!

How can anyone just ignore these guys?
It's like an incurable disease that just goes on spreading from one player to another.

Hi Guys It's Kazuki here
And in this video, we will tell you 8 things you can do when playing with BAD teammates.

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In playing solo Q, i always turn off my chat so i can focus more on gameplay. Maybe i need to practice more a split pushing type of heroes from now on. Thanks senpai


As a solo player, having a "reset" or break can really help a lot. After a very bad game, it is possible that you will play bad on the next game hence, the need for reset. Also, it is possible to be overconfident after a good win. That is why whether I win or lose a game, I take a minute of water break and/or bathroom break. Works for me


From the time I have left my squad I am mostly doing solo a and this video really helps me a lot
Especially the close chat like before the toxic players were chatting some toxic stuff and when ever i see that toxic stuff I get distracted and less motivated but after closing the chat I can play more comfortably and more better
Thanks for these awesome videos :)


I extremely agree on the board with the builds and gold part, this not only helps with diving the enemy team, but it also changes how you react with them.


These are the situation i always encounter while solo q.

-picking their role hero, but not the main hero. For example, their role is mm, but they didn't pick their main mm
-picking a hero that is not their core
-picking a unsuitable hero
-tank didn't open map
-tank initiate a war in a bad time
-tank trying to contest the turtle without jglr
-tank just follow the midlaner and not roaming
-tank didn't help jglr prevent the buff invasion
-both sidelane lose lane without even get ganked
-both sidelane didnt push
-both sidelane go to midlane cuz the roamer clear their lane to help push
-both sidelane didnt clear lane and just let the enemy push the lane
-jglr didn't want to try to take Turtle when there's still time
-jglr miss the retribution when they got invade by their tank ONLY
-jglr start a war without waiting for others
-trying to contest the lord without jglr

There's many more and i just cant think of it. But here some tips espacially for mid and late game phase where it is the time where it will determine whether you have a chance to win or not.
-if you lose early and mid game phase, just focus on clearing the lane and try to gain much gold as possible to be able to fight the enemy back.
-don't let your midlane tower getting destroy easily, the midlane is somehow the most important tower.
-if you wanna try to contest the lord at late game just let the jglr go alone to prevent your team from getting wiped out espacially if you will have a huge gap of golf.
-as a tank and fighter, you should try to prevent the enemy minion from getting inside the tower range so the enemy cant push
-if there is a minion on your second tower, immediately retreat and clear the minion espacially if there is an enemy who is planning to split.
-if you using mage, its better to hide in a bush while a war is happening if 5 of the enemy didn't show up yet cuz the other missing enemy might take the chance to kill your dmg dealer after they saw you run out of skill.
-you should be able to tell the position of the enemy in a bush, you should know espacially if you ever have reach mythical glory.

Those are just a tiny bit there's more, but you will gain it from experience. And here is what i believe when playing solo q, "no matter how weird your team line up is, you can still win if all of you really know how to use those hero". Why i believe in this, i use mage as a jungler, and i win, my team use 2 fighter and i win, my team use 2 mage, i win, my team use 2 mm, i win. No matter how weird or out of meta your lineup is, if you and your team know how to use those hero properly, nothing can make you lose the game.


Thanks kazuki, for such a wonderful tips, I have been struggling carrying the team alone & I have tried many tips on YouTube but eventually it couldn't help as your tips helped to me. Thank you for the tips, helped me a lot, Take care & stay safe!


lol agree with Turn of Chat. i always do that in my solo games. now i'm in mithic IV with 60% win rate.


Tip for solo Q : don't play Only your Favorite Role You have to play all roles even if you are bad Just practice 1mage, 1 mm, 1 assassin, 1 fighter and one 1Tank/support so you can have a great team


Most of the time I play tank and make a big mistake of retreating and diving. Now after watching your video I got some tips. Thank you Kazuki.


As someone who often goes solo, I always encounter players who do not know how to play cooperately. Its very hard because ingame players are often toxic, well always toxic, thats why you get stresses and losses. But because of the tips Kazuki Official gave, he enlightened us to do best and to focus and to use the following tips and guides he has shown to us. It's a great deal of information for us to grow us a good or great player. Kazuki Official Thank You Very Much For The Enlightenment you had given us.


I really love your work and I love how you explain the thing we should know :) SUPPORT KAZUKI OFFICIAL!


Being a solo player I'm really happy to see such totally agree with all those tips and I hope to improve myself after watching this please update this kind of tips and tricks from North East


Kazuki, I feel your pain. That's why I'm just doing it for myself. I'm giving it my all! Whether I won or lost, I gave it my all! Thank you, Kazuki, for this video. Stay safe, and God bless!


Nice vids kazuki, i learn a lot from your video.


Being a Solo Q player this video is very helpful, I wish other players watch this so they can understand how to play on solo q.


Your tips always helps us
Thank you man
Keep it up👍


Thanks kazuki for nice guide very helpful and thanks for your hard work❤️❤️👍


Hey Kazuki thanks for the many tips that you posted it really helped me a lot and the game is more enjoyable now


Thank you for these tips kazuki! I appreciate it
