Все публикации

Infinite Duration Abilities - The Most Balanced 'Overpowered' Abilities in League of Legends

Abilities That Were DELETED From League of Legends (Finale)

Why NO ONE Plays: Swain | League of Legends

Why People STILL Don't Play Skarner | League of Legends

Cheese Picks - Why They're So Effective (And Hated) | League of Legends

Ryze's Reworks - Why Riot Gave Up On Him | League of Legends

Support - The Most Thankless Role in League of Legends

Why No One Likes The Jungler | League of Legends

Gimmick Builds: Why Riot Keeps Removing Them | League of Legends

Duskblade: One Of The Worst Items Ever Made | League of Legends

Everything Wrong With: Sion | League of Legends

What Happened To Brand? Why NO ONE Plays Him Anymore | League of Legends

League's Most Hated Champions (PART 4) | League of Legends

Abilities That Were DELETED From League Of Legends

Why NO ONE Plays: Skarner (REMADE) | League of Legends

Why EVERYONE Plays Diver Champions | League of Legends

Reviewing EVERY Empowered Auto Attack in League of Legends

Ranged Top Laners: Why They Don't Work (And Why Top Laners Hate Them) | League of Legends

Infinite Value Abilities - The Most POWERFUL (or Useless) Abilities in League of Legends

The Rise Of Mage Bot Laners - Are They Better Than ADCs? | League of Legends

Taric's Rework: A Successful Failure? | League of Legends

Why EVERYONE Plays: Sylas | League Of Legends

The BEST Champions To Play In Each Role When Autofilled | League of Legends

Why EVERYONE Plays: Fiora | League of Legends