
r/Topposts My Boyfriend Knocked Up My Mom

r/Bestof I Shot My Stalker

r/Relationships My Husband Accused Me of Murder

r/Relationships Husband Left Me to Die with Rabid Pitbull

r/Prorevenge My Boss Paid Me $100,000 to Do NOTHING

r/Offmychest I'm Divorcing Husband Over His FARTS

r/Amithedevil I named My Baby 'Beef Stroganov'

r/Bestof I Deserve Your Unborn Baby!

[๐…๐”๐‹๐‹ ๐’๐“๐Ž๐‘๐˜] AITA for telling a couple that I'm not their charity case?

r/Amithedevil I Love My Daughter Now That She's Rich

r/Maliciouscompliance I Scammed the Corrupt City Council

r/AITA The Hamburglar Stole My Birthday Dinner

r/Letsnotmeet I Was Hunted by Human Traffickers

r/AITA Wife Abandoned Our Infant to Die

r/Bestof My Boyfriend Found Out I'm Mega-Rich

r/Prorevenge Steal My Credit? It'll Cost You $250,000!

r/Bestof Husband Missed the Birth of Our Baby to CHEAT!

r/Amithedevil I Dumped My GF While Her Dad was Dying

r/Bestof My Boyfriend Doesn't Like My Adult Muppet

r/Maliciouscompliance Dumb Manager Fires HIMSELF

r/Entitledparents 'PAY MY SON'S DEBT!'

r/Maliciouscompliance Dumb Karen Tries to Steal My Parking Spot

r/AmITheDevil Why Won't My Girlfriend Be My SLAVE?

r/Amithedevil I'm 41 and Dating a 15-yo Girl