r/Bestof I Shot My Stalker

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0:00 Intro
0:16 Stalker
10:52 Cheater

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Story 1: Is anyone MAD at the police and the detective who tried to dismiss everything and not take her seriously, claiming he technically did nothing wrong and seems like a nice guy? This girl is getting severely STALKED for Christ sakes!

And holy sh*t, this story went from 0-100 after OP defended herself against him. Nobody has to go through something like this, not even my worst enemies.


Story 1: the fact the Detective say's "he's probably a nice guy" has to be the biggest red flag ever, if he was a nice guy he wouldn't be stalking to begin with.


Just a important note!
Never use "my stalker" that makes them think there is a relationship between you and them.
So it's not "my stalker did ..." Instead it's "the Stalker did ..." "A stalker did to me ..."
It's also not OPs stalker it's a person that stalks them!


I saw story 1 from the woman who shot her stalker on TikTok a while back. She seemed happier where she is in life now and I’m so happy she survived since so many don’t. The part where the detective said “he seems like a nice guy” pisses me off EVERY SONGLE TIME😤 I hate how stalking cases aren’t taken seriously…


Story 1: i hate the fact that the articles brand op as a "former girlfriend" when she was on only three dates with this psycho.


So many things about the first story are mind boggling to me: The stalking, harassment and death threats not already being considered a crime - and also him hiding to not getting served a restraining order apparently renders that basically nonexistent?


Story 2: He's just mad that he got caught. Also, he cheated because his mistress LOOKED like his high school crush? If someone wanted to date me and then I found out it was just because I looked like some other person they had a crush on in the past, I don't know how I'd feel about that.


Story 1: As a Black Woman this is sadly a huge fear for many of us because of how common it is. OP is right, there are countless of cases documented where black women have gone on dates or hung out with friends and I’ve been murdered or gone missing during these events with the police do not follow up correctly on their cases because the people they were with are white. Sade Robinson, Tamia Horsford are all notable cases I recall that are sadly true and depressing.


1st dude smiling in his mugshot tells you all you need to know


Story 1: wow, just wow. This is why as a black woman I don’t trust most authority, it’s not the actual authority that bothers me, it’s the fact that I’m more likely to not be taken seriously or misunderstood. Even basic health check ups become a discouraging headache…😔


My stalking story (2008); At 17 I dated a 29 year old man (I’m a child abuse survivor and didn’t have a great understanding of what a healthy relationship or love was, just for context) for a short period of time but he tried being violent towards me, I refused to accept that behaviour and fought back HARD, told him it was over and to never contact me again.

Well he stalked me for a period of time, caught on my work CCTV, my work (the only adults in my life who truly cared for me) made sure someone drove me home every late evening (Burger King late shifts), the male staff would escort me leaving the building because my ex was TERRIFYING. He someone kept getting my new mobile number despite having changed it several times only to find a “friend” felt he “deserved” my new numbers, so I changed my number AGAIN and didn’t give it to anyone unless necessary.
He’d stalk me online, outside my work, outside my home, the police knew of the situation but he hadn’t physically done anything to me but was clearly gearing up to do _something_ and I was on edge. The cops had me give regular updates as they’d known my biological family a long time (a couple of them are father figures to this day actually), they wanted to act but had to stay within the law which sadly made it clear my ex hadn’t _yet_ physically done anything other than stalk me, and because he had warrants out for his arrest they had been unable to find him at this time to tell him in person to leave me alone, the whole situation made rather difficult because of his constant police evasion.

He got my new number somehow and I agreed to meet him in the town centre in broad daylight at a certain location. Contacted the police so they knew where this meet was because he had warrants for his arrest so they’d have some officers waiting to arrest him. The whole time my body is screaming “LEAVE NOW” and I would listen any other time, but I was DETERMINED to be free of this utter psycho ruining my life.

I met him, he was _off_ and it frightened me but I had to suppress every visible emotion and get ready to defend myself in case he kicked off which was incredibly likely. He kept demanding we go to my house to “talk”, that we’d “watch a movie” as he “puts me in my place”, that I **HAD** to listen to him because I “belonged” to him, that I was “his woman” and if I didn’t start listening and go with him, he’d “take you with me and teach you how to listen”. I started walking in the town centre with him by my side because I couldn’t sit still during this meet, I couldn’t trust him and needed witnesses in case _something_ happened, to an area with CCTV… I spotted one of the guys who was plain clothed (undercover) and walked in his general direction and just made eye contact, trying not to make his presence known or what I was doing, and the cops thankfully grabbed him, he went into a RAGE screaming how he’d end me, how I didn’t deserve to live, that he’d ruin my life, and that I was “lucky”. It was a LOT of verbal threats as he was held down onto the ground by iirc 4 cops, like 4 guys had to wrestle him down because he was NOT complying.

The cops went through his belongings and found condoms, rope, knives, and a firearm. I’m from Scotland, we have VERY strict firearm laws (legally speaking he never had good cause to have a firearm such as being a farmer, veterinarian, military/police etc, and as a long term felon was excluded from legal ownership) and I later found out his arrest warrant was for having illegal firearms and for attacking a man with a knife cutting up his face, so when he screamed I was “lucky” he wasn’t kidding. The cops and myself were very silent seeing this firearm, blood running cold, I wanted to run the very moment I got to the town centre but the only way I’d be free was to stay there despite my lizard brain screaming “RUN”.

He’s still in prison, there were a bunch of other charges relating to indecent sexual conduct towards minors, using the firearms, making IEDs, and narcotic offences. This was the only time I’ve ignored that “you need to leave” feeling in my life because he desperately needed to be imprisoned.

The cops were glad to FINALLY have him arrested and subsequently jailed, him stalking was just adding more charges to his wrap sheet but the issue was his evasion, the cops were pretty good at dealing with stalking cases and I’ve seen quite a few go to court, but if the dude stalking can’t be found then that makes it almost feel impossible (in Scotland they’ll happily contact your stalker on your behalf to tell them to leave you alone or there will be police action, along with keeping reports and records so you have a constant paper trail, they’re pretty decent compared to other countries basically).


Story 1: how does someone feel entitled to a person like this? This man acted like he owned OP not loved her which is what a lot of stalkers think. Wish OP and the other women nothing but the best.


Stalkers are scary I had one when I was younger, but since I'm a guy, I was supposed to be flattered... I was not, . My roommate even let her into my bedroom one night. No one took it seriously and I never had a protection order even though she threatened me on multiple occasions. she finally lost interest after a couple of years but there was a time I would wake up and see her standing over me even though she was not there.


“He was treated for his injuries-”



Story 1: What will it take for people to start taking stalking seriously??? I can't even say that it'll takes for the victims to get hurt or redrum'd in order for people to recognize how dangerous it is because there are so many stories of stalking that end like that.
I've shared this story before somewhere, but I was stalked by my ex during and after highschool. He even forced his way into my home once and only backed down once he realized my sister was home. The majority of our friend group operated on that "oh but he's such a nice guy, give him another chance" bs... Even when I told my mother what was going on, she said the same thing. Like why do people react to stalking like it's "cute" or like the victims are over exaggerating???

I would say one thing, don't be like me. Don't try to handle your situation with kid gloves just to avoid making everyone mad at you. They are going to get mad anyways is you let them think you are being "mean" to the "nice guy" for no reason.


Story 1: I was watching a fly-on-the-wall documentary series following a regional UK police force a few years ago, and the police were called out to a stalking case. The woman had never dated the creep, he’d just fixated on her and wouldn’t stop harassing her. She was absolutely distraught. One of officers turned to her and said (in a patronising manner like he was talking down to an idiot child, and he’d just come up with the most obvious answer ever that would immediately solve her "trifling little problem"): "Why don’t you just try going on a date with him? He’ll probably leave you alone if you give him a chance." 🤦🏻‍♀️

The woman’s face was blurred out to protect her anonymity, but the way her shoulders slumped, and she quietly sobbed, you could tell this wasn’t the first time she’d been told this useless misinformed sh!t by the police, and realisation had set in that she was on her own, there was no help, and she’d most likely end up dead. The defeat was palpable.


Story 1: oh I heard this. This guy was all kinds of red flag/unhinged. OP rightfully feared for her life all because she gave this creep 1 month of her attention. He literally threatened, stalked, harassed (both physically and via proxies), attempted to blackmail, threatened OP’s family, got OP evicted, etc. with all kinds of proof and the cops did nothing!! Their “attempts” were all worthless. And anyone who actually possibly assists this creep in hiding out from being served are equally disgusting. So OP justly took her safety into her own hands. Good on OP for taking the precautions to keep herself safe and taking gun safety classes. Men like this can’t fathom the fact that a woman is strong enough to turn fear into strength to protect themselves. They just expect a woman to be in constant fear and just that they’ll cave. And the 6 year later update is wild!!! This jackass stalked and harassed OP and got shot for it….then did the same thing 6 years later and got shot AGAIN!! WHILE ON PAROLE?! Dude really didn’t learn his lesson (and of course race always plays a factor to it. The law always fails minorities).

Story 2: I feel bad for OP for having such an unfathomable amount of love for her partner and he does not share the same sentiments. Seeing as he’s cheating with someone else (who likely doesn’t know OP exists). At that point, love dies and it’s time to send his world up in flames. And forget sneaking one pic in, I’d sneak several in and embarrass him for good. Then just leave, turn off the phone, and keep him locked out. There’s no justification for infidelity….not even “it just happened, I was powerless, it meant nothing” because that’s all BS.


Can we... can we talk about how OP1 got evicted because her stalker? :(


Story 1: I seriously hate these kind of situations, and it was all over a month of dating that didn't work out. A sane person would've just accepted that it wouldn't work out, but he wasn't one

And I hate that I had two previous versions of the comment that were more serious and talked about how dangerous these situations were, and they were deleted without warning


Rslash's voice coming from my phone has become my dogs cue to get up and out of bed. I always click the video as i get up to get dressed for the day. 😂 other reddit videos? Nothing. Rslash? "Oh. Shes actually getting out of bed now"
