r/Topposts My Boyfriend Knocked Up My Mom

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0:00 Intro
0:11 Terrible father
6:59 Divorce time
9:43 Disowned
15:03 Harsh critic

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Story 3: I heard of abusive parents but jeez, OP's mom is CARTOONISHLY evil. She gaslights her, scolds her, lies to her, STEALS her college fund and essentially is just an overall sh*tty person. At least she got some comeuppance though, getting a lawyer and taking the funds back from her is definitely gonna make a huge dent in her money pile. OP, if she ever tries to contact you again, just go NC with her. Your boyfriend is the best man ever btw.


Pregnant or not, she shouldn't have kicked the dog. Especially since she was teasing it on purpose and the dog didn't like that. I definitely do not blame op for kicking her back.


I'm so sick of people acting like pregnant means they can do/say/get away with EVERYTHING.


My dad actually does seem to be pretty much incapable of hanging up a phone correctly, so every single time I finish up a phone call with him, I can hear him saying something to the effect of "Ahh my baby boy" or "I love my son" etc. It makes me smile every single time. That OP is a wonderful person. <3


Sleeping with your SOs mom is a level of betrayal I can't even comprehend


Story 1: that’s what I was thinking, like the only way her baby would’ve been harmed is if you jump kicked her stomach. It’s teasing the dog and then attacking him because he was smarter than her.


There was more updates to the mom sleeping with the bf story.

Op was approached by her ex and asked to talk over coffee. The whole thing started with him apologizing and saying he made a mistake (he slept with her 4-5 times) And he wanted to tell op but fear kicked in and he went into auto about everything. When op caught them, that was the kick he needs to file for full custody of his son. He said he loved op and will do everything, even therapy. Op said no and to never contact her. He asked her to see her brother since she's important to him, she didnt.

Final Update: She blasted them on family FB and everyone was disgusted or confused. Half angry at the mom, half thought it was a misunderstanding (grandparents). She then blasted them to friend, same outcome but she shut the other half up by telling them to go talk to him for the truth and said he even going for custody. Op moved in with a cousin who was equally disgusted because ex-bf always loved op and never thought he do something like this. Mom and ex tried to call but never answered. Ex parents called saying they are disappoint with their son and angry at her mom and they are supporting their grandson. Mommy sent a long text saying about airing 'dirty laundry' and said 'After your father died, I was suffering with grief, the only reason I slept with ex is because he looked like your father'

Op is moving on and cutting her mom out and her ex.


Cheating is one thing. Cheating on your SO with their mom is a whole other thing


New Rule: people as cold as OP’s mother have no business having children or getting married


Story 3: make sure you keep tabs on your mom and the money she owes you. Given how she had no problems stealing from her own child, I wouldn’t be surprised if she looking to take that money out and hide it before you can get it.


Last story: glad to see someone who actually has their partner's back. Too often do I hear stories about OPs who got a partner who just let them get used and abused, then get mad at them for being upset about the unsupportive partner.


Story 2 is the most wholesome!! Everyonr deserves a MIL like that.


The cheating story: it’s possible that the fiancée was actually groomed by the mom since she knew him since he was in highschool. I’m wondering who made the first move and if the mom had attraction before they slept together.


0:05 - story 1
1:35 - story 2 (wholesome af 😊)
2:48 - story 3
8:07 - story 4 (title story)
13:20 - Story 5 (establish dominance)


Story Three: I'd go no contact with my mom if she did that to me. It's deeper than money, it's a betrayal of trust.


Story 2: Good job, OP. Take more legal action for not being paid.
Story 3: I was thinking swimmers bank, not cheating.


How come pregnant people never take into consideration the fact that they’re pregnant before they do something reckless ? Kicking a dog is straight up abuse and most people would react the same way


Story One: Its irritating when pregnant women assume they are infallible.


Story 3: Call a lawyer, call a lawyer, call a lawyer. She has zero right to the money or your dad’s possessions unless he gave them to her in the will.


Dear RSlash, I know many people argue in your comment sections and leave comments in a mean spirit, so I just wanted to say your videos and comments are fun to listen to. Don't let the hate get to you. I know I am one in a thousand but I hope you see this and it makes you feel better about whatever is on your mind. I always look forward to your uploads. Thank you for your time and content.
Looking forward to tomorrow's video and onward.
