r/Maliciouscompliance Dumb Manager Fires HIMSELF

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0:00 Intro
0:08 Managing AI
2:08 Top comment
2:18 Paper trail
7:51 Work hours
11:28 Concrete hauling
13:41 Comment story

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So, being a total nerd I actually went to Honda's website and looked up the specified load limits for a Civic Sedan.
Assuming this is the 11th (current) generation, this is what they had to say:
"The maximum load for your vehicle is 850 lbs (385 kg). See the Tire and Loading Information label attached to the driver’s doorjamb.
This figure includes the total weight of all occupants, cargo, and accessories, and the tongue load if you are towing a trailer."
(NOTE: The "doorjamb" is the sticker located inside the door, which includes this detail. I know not everyone looks at every inch of their car, but it's kinda hard to never notice.)

12 bags at 80lbs each weighs 960lbs. So, this would exceed the maximum allowed weight of cargo ... NOT INCLUDING the person driving! And, as a side note, NO, this isn't like the maximum allowed weight on things like trampolines, where you have some room at the top. You don't. If this weight is exceeded, it will cause damage to the suspention.
As the guy in the story found out ^^


Harry: “You can use ChatGPT to cut down employee costs.”
OP: “Then say hello to your replacement, HAL 9000.”


If there's one thing I've learned from r/Maliciouscompliance, it's don't mess with concrete/cement people. It doesn't matter if they drive the truck, it doesn't matter if they load a car. If they have anything to do with cement or concrete, let them help you.


"The customer is always right" might be the quote vapid Karens love to use but its "the customer is always right when it comes to matters of taste". That means if the Karen wants a pickle and licorice sandwich then thats on them however that does not give them the right to scream at unfortunate teenager employee because they are too inept to understand simple things. 🙄


Middle Manager Harry: **Exists**

ChatGPT: "Hippity hoppity, your job is now my property."

I mean, he kept harping on about AI and ChatGPT, what did he expect?


Dabney: ”Welcome to rSlash maliciouscomplience where a stupid manager gets himself fired!”

Me: ”Wait! Lemme grab some popcorn!”


The second story: This is eerily similar to what I went through with a former colleague. We were equals, but she often acted like everyone's boss and thus rubbed many people the wrong way. She was what we now refer to as a stereotypical common garden variety everyday Karen. Let's call her Sally. At bare minimum, Sally had an extremely huge opinion of herself, an even more huge fragile ego, no respect for boundaries, zero regard for the word no being a complete sentence and nothing resembling a sense of accountability. All of this only conflated her sense of self and her ability to believe whatever fell out of her mouth. After having a few run-ins with Sally, I later learned, that if her lips were moving, she was either whining about someone/something, lying or both.

In this case, she claimed she was a skilled "writer” but her experience went no further than ranting on the Internet.

Sally clearly loved being the center of attention, having all eyes on her and being in the spotlight. When asked to actually put her money where her mouth is and prove herself i.e. walk the walk, she was suddenly all thumbs or suspiciously quiet.

I found Sally's claims quite suspicious. Despite having a four-year degree in which she majored in business and minored in drama, her writing was so bad it looked like two people had sex on a keyboard and it wrote something.

When I tried to coach her and help her improve, she would be extremely resistant to any kind of criticism or gave a lame excuse like: “Do you know how long it's been since I've been out of school?” For clarity, this was a middle-aged woman, with a grown daughter and a high school-aged son. Sally's writing was beyond bad, it was almost indecipherable. She repeatedly mixed up her homonyms and homophones, let alone didn't know the difference between the two, used commas as end punctuation, often misspelled simple grade school-level words, wrote in run-on sentences consisting of only lowercase letters, consistently failed to capitalize proper nouns, etc. That's just the tip of the iceberg regarding the discrepancies with her writing skills. She couldn't even write a simple declarative sentence let alone know what one is.

On the extremely rare occasion, when everything in what she had written was spelled correctly, there were usually numerous grammatical errors. When I pointed that out to her, she would spout the tired excuse of: “Well, spellcheck didn't catch it.” I shot back with the example of if she typed the but meant them, of course, spellcheck wouldn't catch it because, you know, it's a word. She refused to accept my logic and accused me of being purposefully mean to her. I reiterate this was a grown, married woman in her late forties with two nearly grown children. Not at all the attitude a professional would have.

I haven't even touched upon her lack of creativity or diversity in any story she tried to ’write.’ Every one of Sally's attempts at creating a written work was deathly boring and repetitive drivel i.e. there was never anything resembling a plot, the characters were so two-dimensional they barely even qualified as caricatures, the dialogue was stilted and awkward, descriptions were often too long and full of redundancies that never got to the point, etc. I couldn't even get through the first few pages. Once I implored her to write an outline, take notes, create character bios, etc. She dismissed all of my advice stating those were all things ‘losers’ do then chuckled like an idiot as if she had said the funniest thing ever.

Despite having “been at it” longer than me, being nearly 20 years older, Sally was insanely jealous of my talent as well as my ability to relate to even complete strangers.

I was barely past legal drinking age when I met her and she was in her mid-forties parading around, with her nose in the air, acting like she was going to be a star in the business world. As anyone knows, having lived through these types of situations, when someone has to go down their life's resume of virtues while extolling all of the qualities we should admire in them, usually that person isn't even worth giving a passing glance. If I only knew then what I know now.

Sally sort of adopted me as her "work son” claiming she wanted to show me the ropes. Even though we were in two completely different realms of the industry back then, her plan was to cross-train and expand her skills. She made it seem like it was a you scratch my back and I scratch yours, tit for tat, quid pro quo type of thing.

One of many things that became apparent after listening to Sally speak for more than a few minutes: she seemed to have an itch in her mind that she wanted to fast track everything and take the elevator to success. There's no such thing. You have to take the stairs. It turned out she was notorious for using her phony charm to exploit people who had a resource she coveted, while riding their coattails, contributing the bare minimum (if anything at all) to any project she was involved in, then rushing into the spotlight to claim credit for a job well done. Her backstabbing, manipulative behavior rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, which is why she ended up clinging to me: I was the only one who didn't know what she was really like--yet.

Cliff notes version: Sally stole my intellectual property, slapped her name on it, rewrote the material (badly) and then tried to pass it off as her own. Had she not been so sloppy about everything and kept her smug, bragging mouth full of tobacco-stained teeth shut, she might have gotten away with it.

Two applicable sayings are: "be careful when you burn bridges” and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Sally might have won the battle, but when she, without even a second thought, isolated herself by napalming every relationship around her, turning every single person she knew into an enemy, she lost the war.

Eventually the truth came out and Sally was left spinning in the wind, hanging over the hole that she had dug for me which turned out to be the grave for her professional career. Everyone professionally connected to her was furious that she had wasted their resources (time, effort and money) on her bad investments. When it came out that the work she had used in her business proposal pitch to everyone wasn't hers but mine, they deserted her at the drop of a hat. Her lack of integrity was apparent, but the shit show she created, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was nothing more than a grifter with zero skills and even less talent. Everyone turning their backs on her was the icing on the cake. Who wants to be connected to something that could be a potential source of litigation?

In her woefully pathetic attempt to do damage control, she called me up flipping out. It was clear she expected me to accept her impromptu, heavily embellished tale of fiction as irrefutable truth. All I had to do was tell her that I knew everything, that she wasn't the only person I talked to and I knew she had screwed everything up by overstepping her bounds again. I even told her I had seen the e-mails. They didn't exist, but due to her intense paranoia, she believed that I had seen incontrovertible proof in black and white. Hearing that, she completely deflated.

It totally derailed her entire one-woman show and she devolved into a simpering mess.

Through crocodile tears, she tried hoovering, breadcrumbing and pleading to get me to not "abandon” her like everyone else. I was completely flabbergasted, that she still was trying to act like the victim in a situation she caused.

I didn't waiver and responded coldly. I gave her the biggest verbal slapping I had ever given anyone in my life up to that point.

She was stunned silent. I told her, in no uncertain terms, that I had all of the documentation proving that my work was my own, that everyone knew what she had done and her reputation preceded her exponentially. I said she was nothing but a lying, thieving, no-talent fraud who would have sold her own children up the river to get what she wanted.

I ended the call with: “You see, Sally? I haven't trusted you for quite some time. Now I just don't like you. Get a life. One that doesn't involve me.”

Aside from the death of a mutual colleague that she tried to use (as one of her spotlight moments) in her one final attempt to wheedle her way back into my life, I haven't heard from Sally since. It's been over a decade.

As it is a small industry, I hear whispers. It should be of no surprise whatsoever, Sally never bounced back after her monumental screw up. She just kept running her small time hustles and cons while heading down her one-way road of self-destruction. Her career is in tatters and her life is a putrid pile of garbage. Knowing her the way I do, she'll never be able to look in the mirror and realize that she did it all to herself. Karma is, indeed, a bitch.


Things I’ve learned from rslash

Never mess with the it guy

Never live in a neighbourhood with a hoa

If someone asks you for a demand in writing rethink your order because it’s probably dumb


Story 4: My parents own a Toyota Sienna, and for a few years in a row, they've had to load multiple bags of soil and mulch at the same time, and yeah you can FEEL the difference, it was literally slowing the car down much faster on hills. Cars have weight limits, y'know, don't expect a car to handle absolutely everything you load it with


Story 2: Lying on the resume, trying to get rid of people she didn't like via BS Rule changes, literally plagiarism, this woman is immature as hell. I hope she never works at that kind of job again, because we don't need people that wrecks a team just because she doesn't like some people


First story: Honestly, bosses that see ChatGTP as a way to get rid of employees is a huge sign that the boss is a cheap micromamanger that would actually demand pay for people to work for him. I'm studying in computacional science and here the discussion of AI replacing people's work is constantly present, I believe that AI has to be seen as a tool to help on work, not as a legally cheap worker.


The big thing about people pushing AI in jobs is that they don't realize *they* are the ones that are going to be cut out and lose their jobs. Because why keep the guy who's worth a lot and pushing it when you can teach someone else that's cheaper to do it?


You can bet, when “the customer is always right” guy came asking for my phone, I’d be petty. “Oh man, what happened to your car? Did it break something? Well…did you remember to tell it that, as the customer, you’re always right? Surely it would defy physics because you said so.”


my understanding is the reason for the firing squad was to prevent anyone from knowing who fired the killing shot.


Employee: "Get it in writing."
Boss: **gets it in writing**


After a decade working for corporate IT for several companies, I can tell you that the first rule of IT isn't "google it", it's CYA.


I had a manager like Dave who insisted on 8-5 (one hour lunch). I was talking to him and his boss when the clock hit 5 pm. I said, "Bye, guys, see you tomorrow." Manager's boss asked why I was going? I explained that manager demanded work end at 5 and it was now 5:01, so toodles, I'll be back tomorrow. There was a bit more flexibility in working hours.


Any time someone asks for it in writing... you'd better double-check yourself!


I love the Malicious Compliance stories. Please do more of these!


AI should be a TOOL used to ENHANCE, it should not REPLACE and I feel this is something people should see
