
The Filioque Heresy (Global Catechism)

Why Did Catholics Add the Filioque to the Creed?

What is the Filioque?! 🤔✝️

What is the Filioque Heresy? (Global Catechism)

Why Eastern Orthodox REJECT The Filioque ❌

Why the Orthodox Church Rejects the Filioque

Why Orthodox Christians Reject the Filioque

The Filioque Explained Simply by Erick Ybarra

What is the Filioque? | An Intro and Argument

Why is the Filioque such a BIG DEAL?!☝️✝️

Where the Filioque is found in Scripture #holyspiritaswater

The Filioque Is Only A Few Words... Why Does It Matter So Much?

7 Objections (& Answers) to 'the Filioque' by St Thomas Aquinas

No Filioque? No Trinity.

Eastern Orthodox Apologists DEBUNKED Themselves…

The Orthodox Actually AGREE With the Filioque?! ☦️


Catholic or Orthodox? (The FILIOQUE Controversy!)

Why Was St. Photius AGAINST The Filioque?! 🤔✝️

The Greek Fathers taught the Filioque

Prawosławne spojrzenie na Filioque

The Filioque CONTROVERSY: Is it Really Such a Big Deal? w/ Jimmy Akin

Why Was the Filioque Added to the Nicene Creed?

Filioque Explained by Jay Dyer