Why the Orthodox Church Rejects the Filioque

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The ultimate issue is a bishop changing the creed without a council. That is the real problem. Arguing the filoque is pointless without the council, for if Rome called for a council and presented their reasoning, it may have been acceptable.

The problem is papal authority, not necessarily the filioque.


I read through the comments. It is important to try to grasp the mystery of the Holy Trinity. It is also important to be the vessel of the Holy Spirit, to practice virtue, and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit.


Not caused, just proceeds. It is simply just about procession. At least that is what Augustine’s position would be. None of the major eastern or western traditions would argue that any person of the Godhead exists prior to or after any of the other persons. In fact, Augustine argues for inseparable operations and part of that argument includes the idea that nothing done at any point in time among the persons of the Godhead is done without a unified will. To separate the wills would be to effectively create tritheism but such a view is rejected.


1. The Roman Church is not wrong at all in asserting that the Holy Spirit comes from both
2. The Orthodox Church is not wrong in asserting that changing the creed should be a communal decision not by one bishop
3. This is a VERY arbitrary and ultimately pointless argument to split an entire church


One of the major reasons why I’m converting to Orthodoxy


Thank you, LORD Jesus, for taking my sins away. Simple Gospel, we all sinned against the Holy God, and God sent Christ to take our punishment, and the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to stop sining.


"Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them,


The Greek creed specifically uses the verb ἐκπορεύεσθαι which implies that the Father is the absolute origin of the Holy Spirit's power, which is theologically correct.

The Latin creed uses precidit meaning to pass through. To say that the Holy Spirit is mediated by both the Father and the Son is theologically correct, and biblical. It is also correct to say that the Holy Spirit passes through the Father (without saying the son) as it is technically correct, but not complete.

If the Western Churches were to use the Greek version of to proceed (ἐκπορεύεσθαι) it would be heretical, as it would imply that the Holy Spirit is a slave to the Father and the Son, rather than Its own Person working in tandem. Which is also why you see *Eastern Catholics* saying "Who proceeds from the Father" during the creed.


Ive agreed with literally everything Orthodoxy is, im just wondering when to convert.


It is a heresy in the Catholic Church to subordinate any member of the Trinity to another.

I pray that the east and west can see the forest for the trees and unite against the seemingly endless number of threats to the salvation of humanity that we all face.


And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. (Rev 22:1)


In the Book of Revelation St. John sees in Heaven the Living Waters flowing from the throne which Jesus is seated. A lot of Orthodox theologians now agree with Rome on the Filioque


Thank God I'm Orthodox Christian ☦️


This is wrong on so many levels.
1. The Filioque was used in the VI century by St. Leander of Seville to covert king Recared to Nicean Christianity... it is an anti-arrian clause, because if the Son is not consubstantial with the Father, it cannot send forth the Spirit.
2. Peter and his successors can bind in earth as they see fit (and it will be bound in heaven). They are the only ones that hold the keys of heaven, and as προεδρος (president) of the whole Church (as stated by the Church Fathers), they have the power and responsibility to teach the correct way of the faith by whatever methods they see fit. Furthermore, the Nicaean Creed doesn't prohibit changing it's content, but to preach another faith than that established in the Creed (e.g. Arrianism, Gnosticism, Nestorianism, etc.)
3. You need relations of opposition to distinguish the persons in the trinity... as the Son is eternally begotten by the Father, and the Spirit is eternally spired forth by the Father, you need a relation of opposition between the Son and the Spirit. Without the Filioque, you cannot distinguish (theologically) those two persons.
4. In the NT, the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of the Father as well as the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of the Son; it is clear that the procession occurs also by the Son. Hence, there's no imbalance in the trinity (that is a laughable claim).
PD: Bold of you using a Catholic background song when criticizing Catholicism.


You left out the Filioque was added to address the Arian Heresy of the time and it isn’t even a dogma of the Church. Many Catholic Church don’t even say it. And the authority structure of the Church Jesus started is the Bishop of Rome is the head.


The reason it’s heretical to deny the filioque is because that would deny that the Son and the Father are one. This phrase was used by the church fathers, and the church has always said that “and the son” and “through the son” are both acceptable theological understandings. But the earliest known addition of it to the creed was actually a local council in the east, the Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon in Persia in about 410.


Filique is also contradicted by the New Testament:
"But when the Comforter [Holy Spirit] is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father - the Spirit of Truth who proceedeth FROM THE FATHER, He shall testify of Me." (John 15:26)


That’s why my great grandfather converted from Catholicism to Holy Orthodoxy! And thank goodness he did !


The Catholic Church is 100% correct. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the father and of the son. The original reason the Greek church rejected this is because when translated they thought it meant it was created by the son. Not the same. The Holy Spirit cannot exist without the son or the father.


Interestingly, most of that is being resolved right now between the Church and the Eastern Orthodox as per the synod in Alexandria last week. The fact, it’s basically been resolved for hundreds of years, and most orthodox academics, as well as Catholic academics. Do not see it as an issue. It’s primarily linguistic issue that rides between the Greek and Latin cultures and languages. Leon, this was not a problem, because of the shared Latin and Greek, this became a problem later
