Все публикации

Should rape be gender neutral?

Very easy to file false cases on men in India. What is the solution?

Section 69 is culmination of 2 different offences

How quickly can I stop defamation?

Cosmetic changes in the new laws

Will Indian courts refuse case by wife if I file divorce abroad first?

What is a Bare Act?

Do not take expense money into your account from wife

You should not blindly trust the publisher

Section 69 of BNS- False promise to marry.

Do not forget this when you seek injunction

You cannot get reduction in maintenance in appeal by wife

Taking time to adjust through New Laws

Can you file any cases on family of the wife?

The confusion between the old laws and the new ones

Can you get an online divorce?

Divorce a money making industry

When groom and his family flaunt their wealth

Divorce Lawyer Perspective: Arranged or Loved Marriage

Court fixed maintenance. Appeals dismissed. Now what?

I will never try to find a spouse in these two places.

Can we sue boyfriends of the wife?

Learnings in bitter defeats

Benefit of filing Information Petition