Все публикации

Introduction to species distribution modeling

Run Maxent using R to automate everything (model settings, creation and use of a bias file)

How to convert species occurrence points to another projection using R

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Introduction to GRASS GIS and doing projections, transformations, and GPS data importing

How to fix R package installation problems on Linux (libraries and their dependencies won't install)

My take on Hubbell's neutral theory and neutral models in ecology

How to perform a QTL power analysis in R

How to install Mark and RMark under Ubuntu Linux for mark-recapture studies

How to use the mark-recapture program Mark under R (by using the RMark package)

How to perform a QTL analysis using the qtl package in R and plot the results (2 or more phenotypes)

How to install the stand-alone version of ENMTools under Ubuntu Linux 20.04

How to perform phylogenetically independent contrasts

What is a haplotype network?

What are haplotype blocks in population and evolutionary genetics?

Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine for UTM (QEMU) preconfigured with ecology/evolution software (Mac)

Office hours

How to perform a Mantel test comparing genetic to geographic distances using R (don't use Arlequin!)

Troubleshooting SAMOVA (update: problem solved!)

Josh Banta Live Stream

How to obtain high-resolution NHDPlus HR hydrology data and to create GIS layers from it using R.

How to extract raster values (from Maxent or elsewhere) at point locations

How to make publication-quality maps based on GIS layers using QGIS

How to see your genetic ancestry and compare it to others (for free)