How to obtain high-resolution NHDPlus HR hydrology data and to create GIS layers from it using R.

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Clarification: The NHDPlus HR is based on the NHD high resolution data of that 4-digit hydrologic unit. The current NHD is a best resolution of 1:24,000-scale (map scale) or larger. Derived hydrography from elevation data is a future project for NGP and will be called 3DHP data.
This is an improvement over the previous iteration of this tutorial. This one utilizes higher-resolution data. Since the newer, higher-resolution data will eventually be the new standard, I replaced the other tutorial with this one to "future-proof" it, at least for a couple of years. :-)
This tutorial shows you how to get the highest resolution hydrology data available in the US for your region of interest, and to create GIS layers of aquatic/floodplain/riparian areas that contain this data.
The data in this tutorial is from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlus HR) dataset maintained by the US Geological Survey and the US Environmental Protection Agency. We are specifically focusing on the "NHDFlowline" layer that is for rivers and streams, as well as the "NHDWaterbody" layer that is for reservoirs, ponds, and lakes. The website for NHDPlus HR is here:
More information about this dataset that was quoted in the video is here:
You can watch a video with more information about this dataset (from USGS) here:
The NHDPlus HR User Guide is here:
A searchable map to find the HUC-4 code for your subregion of interest is here (and you do NOT need an ArcGIS account, just hit "cancel"):
This tutorial uses Rstudio under Ubuntu Linux version 20.04.
This tutorial assumes you already have R and Rstudio installed. See my tutorial for installing those software:
This tutorial also assumes you already have the R package 'nhdplusTools' installed. See my tutorial for installing these packages under Linux (coming soon). Installing this package under Windows or Mac OS is trivial.
Some more information of interest:
A website to find EPSG codes (for a coordinate system, projection, and ellipsoid) appropriate to your region of interest:
A searchable website to look up even more EPSG codes:
This tutorial references my other YouTube videos:
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS):
Projections and transformations:
Vector buffering and clipping:
This tutorial assumes you are using Ubuntu Linux version 20.04 as your operating system. If you do not have a computer running Ubuntu, fear not. You can install Ubuntu as a virtual machine within your current operating system. It is all free.
The instructions for Windows computers are here:
The instructions for Mac computers are here (from 0:00 to 5:37):
I have made a Linux virtual machine that is pre-configured with population genetics and ecological niche modeling programs. I have made videos explaining how to hook up this virtual machine within your Mac or Windows computer, so that you can start using the pre-configured software without having to install any of them (and even without having to install Ubuntu Linux!).
This is an improvement over the previous iteration of this tutorial. This one utilizes higher-resolution data. Since the newer, higher-resolution data will eventually be the new standard, I replaced the other tutorial with this one to "future-proof" it, at least for a couple of years. :-)
This tutorial shows you how to get the highest resolution hydrology data available in the US for your region of interest, and to create GIS layers of aquatic/floodplain/riparian areas that contain this data.
The data in this tutorial is from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlus HR) dataset maintained by the US Geological Survey and the US Environmental Protection Agency. We are specifically focusing on the "NHDFlowline" layer that is for rivers and streams, as well as the "NHDWaterbody" layer that is for reservoirs, ponds, and lakes. The website for NHDPlus HR is here:
More information about this dataset that was quoted in the video is here:
You can watch a video with more information about this dataset (from USGS) here:
The NHDPlus HR User Guide is here:
A searchable map to find the HUC-4 code for your subregion of interest is here (and you do NOT need an ArcGIS account, just hit "cancel"):
This tutorial uses Rstudio under Ubuntu Linux version 20.04.
This tutorial assumes you already have R and Rstudio installed. See my tutorial for installing those software:
This tutorial also assumes you already have the R package 'nhdplusTools' installed. See my tutorial for installing these packages under Linux (coming soon). Installing this package under Windows or Mac OS is trivial.
Some more information of interest:
A website to find EPSG codes (for a coordinate system, projection, and ellipsoid) appropriate to your region of interest:
A searchable website to look up even more EPSG codes:
This tutorial references my other YouTube videos:
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS):
Projections and transformations:
Vector buffering and clipping:
This tutorial assumes you are using Ubuntu Linux version 20.04 as your operating system. If you do not have a computer running Ubuntu, fear not. You can install Ubuntu as a virtual machine within your current operating system. It is all free.
The instructions for Windows computers are here:
The instructions for Mac computers are here (from 0:00 to 5:37):
I have made a Linux virtual machine that is pre-configured with population genetics and ecological niche modeling programs. I have made videos explaining how to hook up this virtual machine within your Mac or Windows computer, so that you can start using the pre-configured software without having to install any of them (and even without having to install Ubuntu Linux!).