What are haplotype blocks in population and evolutionary genetics?

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OMG, Best explanation of haplotype analysis ever.


Your lectures are always worthy Dr. Banta. Thank you.

For an organism with 2 pairs of chromosomes, during meiosis there could be possibility of 2 to power 2 of varients. Therefore we, for humans there are 2 to power 23 possibilities. Thus we could imagine how many varients/diversity could be generated in just one generation. This is essential in haplotyes because they are inheritance togather to next generation and very often useful in population genetics.


Thank you all for your valuable contribution


so how do you know that someone that have long combination of Y cromosome DNA more ancient than shorter combination, did you already prove it with oldest corpse just like Pharaoh Ramses II or king of Babilonia or king of Akkadian or corpse of Sumerian People?


I'm new to all this and your vid helped me understand quite a few things. When I was designing Primers and checking the amplicon in the UCSC Genome Browser, I came across an alternate sequence labelled " " . Clicking on it said " Alternate Haplotype Sequence "

Could you explain haplotype block in this context coz the PCR product formed has non specific amplifications and no matter which primer I take has the same alternate amplicon. How should I troubleshoot if it is caused due to Haplotypes?
