How to use the mark-recapture program Mark under R (by using the RMark package)

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This tutorial shows you how to run the mark-recapture software Mark under R. This is easier than running Mark stand-alone.

This tutorial uses Rstudio under Ubuntu Linux version 20.04.

This tutorial assumes you already have R and Rstudio installed. See my tutorial for installing those software:

This tutorial assumes you already have the program Mark installed, as well as the R package RMark. See my tutorial for installing those software:

Or you can skip the software installations if you use my pre-configured Ubuntu Linux virtual machine (details below).

This tutorial assumes you are using Ubuntu Linux version 20.04 as your operating system. If you do not have a computer running Ubuntu, fear not. You can install Ubuntu as a virtual machine within your current operating system. It is all free.
The instructions for Windows computers are here:
The instructions for Mac computers are here (from 0:00 to 5:37):

I have made a Linux virtual machine that is pre-configured with population genetics and ecological niche modeling programs. I have made videos explaining how to hook up this virtual machine within your Mac or Windows computer, so that you can start using the pre-configured software without having to install any of them (and even without having to install Ubuntu Linux!).

Рекомендации по теме

Hey mate, it works fine at first but as I reach the 3rd line 59, I receive this error> species.processed <-, groups=("species"), model = "POPAN"),
Error in, groups = ("species"), model = "POPAN") :

all 0 ch encountered. MARK will not accept the


Thanks for the content. Really awesome. Any interest in adding more to the rmark modeling? Specially, interested in expanding the cjs modeling with interpretation, and other relevant info. I'm starting my own modeling journey with some capture data and I can use all the instructions I can get! Thanks.


Thanks Josh for sharing your tutorial 😊. Is there any chance I can download the R script?
