Psalm 82 'gods' James White

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Psalm 82 James White
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This is not a coherent explanation of Psalm 82. Dr. White surely knows that human judges are never referred to as elohim (gods) or b’nei elohim (sons of God) anywhere in the OT. Dr. Heiser gives a coherent explanation of this Psalm.


Youve admitted the use of the hebrew term elohim, which clewrly means disembodied spirit.. you didnt exegete the text. You spent a lot of time talking about aocial justice and things but never explained your burden of proof which is.. elohim =disembodied spirits, not early men human judeges that will now "die like men" which funny enough that has always been what men do.. they die... like.. other.. men...

im generally in line with all that you teach from scripture and can often if not each and every time see your delicate comlex way of explaining your point and in this one video.. you seemed to run from the topic at hand.. it broke my heart.. between mike and you he seems to have no problem going right on through the text expaining it just fine. And it actually makes perfect since.
Thats not even getting inot enoch..


If psalms is about “man” then please show in scripture where man was ever Immortal. Verse 7 let’s us know psalm 82 is about the “Sky council”


What an odd translation: elohim > rulers
The LXX reads θεοὺς/θεοί at Psalm 82:1 and 82:6 respectively. Either theos can also mean human ruler, or the Septuagint translators disagree with White.


Wrong. Human judges are never called Elohim. Hebrew tells a different story. Read Deuteronomy 32 and Job.


In Psalm 82 God is speaking to the Chosen People (Israel/Jews) and scolding them. God is on the side of Justice.Exodus was first by Moses, then Psalm 82 written by Asaph during king David, and later Isaiah during the time of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Exodus 22:21-23 “21 “You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. 22 You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child. 23 If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry, ”

Psalm 82: 3-4 “3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. 4 Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Isaiah 1:16-17 “16 Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil, 17 learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.”

Isaiah 1: 23 “23 Your princes are rebels and companions of thieves. Everyone loves a bribe and runs after gifts.
They do not bring justice to the fatherless, and the widow's cause does not come to them.

Isaiah 1:26 “And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.”

I found it interesting that God will restore judges. Of course when Asaph wrote Psalm 82 during the time of kings instead of judges. Maybe in the future or prophetic judges will exist. Isaiah 1:26 is about Jerusalem. Maybe, these judges will be in Jerusalem when King Jesus reigns.


Did these ruling men not think they would die like men? If they were good rulers, would these men not die like men?


That's why the Bible teaches us not to take the name of the Lord in vain that means using God's Authority unjustly or without faith✝️🌻🕊


I don't think that translation does the original Hebrew much justice...


What Jesus did to Psalms 82 is exactly how God still works today. Particularly, through preachers who are opened to the leadership of his Holy Spirit. Psalms 82 is clearly talking about the Divine Council that exists in heaven. Jesus takes the truth of a revelation of the throne room and tells the Pharisees that it applies to them and he explains how it applies to them. It doesn't just applies to Jewish religious leaders of the 1st century, but it applies to the church today. Psalms 82 is understood in Hebrew scholarly thought as a Psalm about Melchizedek. A perfect example of "ye are gods" in reverse. The Melchizedek of Genesis is a historical figure who lived and reigned in Salem during Abraham's time, but every line of Melchizedek's story after his human revelation to history is all about a spiritual, messianic figure who is God.


PART 1) The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 used in a position of worship and adoration (to fall, lie prostrate, and cast down) and then Numbers 13: 33 as Bullies and Tyrants. There are TWO uses for the word Nephilim (OT Hebrew). Just like the word Love (NT GREEK) can be used as Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge.

Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307. Nephilim definition is "giants, " name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood.
Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants'. Use of the word Nephilim/Giants probably just refers to people living long life span or to say a longivity of life, many years. This is all in the Context of Genesis 5 and 6. Looking at the Genesis account of the Giants/Nephilim, with using both Hebrew and Greek there is more than one meaning or use of the words nephilim and giants. There is a DOUBLE meaning, because of Hebrew and Greek. Let's look at the uses of the word Nephilim/Giants

...Use # 1 for Nephilim/Giants. Patriarchs worshiped and presented animal sacrifices/burnt offerings unto the Lord:
Job 1: 20 "Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he FELL to the ground and worshiped." The word "FELL" in Job 1: 20 when translated to Hebrew is the word Naphal. Hebrew use is the Nephilim would fall (Naphal) to the ground like Job 1: 20 mentions, so it would be in a state of worship, probably on their knees. In Genesis 6:4 the Nephilim are in a position of worship or falling to the ground and worshiping, The Nephilim is a word that describes Genesis 5 who are the faithful, they would fall to the ground in a state of worship while presenting the animal sacrifice/Burnt offering. Man has twisted the meaning of the word and changed the meaning of the word "Nephilim" to some a giant form of hybrid. That is how deception works and many are mislead and deceived. By twisting and changing the word Nephilim which is a state of worship towards God, it is now a word that takes away the worship to God and how man worshiped and was presented before God in that day or time period.

Presenting animal sacrifices/burnt offerings were probably handed down from father to son, starting with Abel, after Abel's murder, then Seth, Genesis 4: 26 To Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord." Calling on the name of the Lord would be presenting a sacrifice unto the Lord. Fast forward to Noah and his sacrifice Genesis 8:20 "Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar." The FAITHFUL presented animal sacrifices to the Lord and also Called on the name of the Lord. Interesting how this forshadows Christ, Jesus is thje FAITHFUL servant to sacrifice Himself on the Cross and the Church in Greek ( Ekklēsia) which means "Called out ones". The called out ones are Children of the Promise in both OT and NT>>>sons of God<<<<

The word comes from the Hebrew word naphal, which means "to fall" Looking at what Paul says Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, "" When Paul uses the word "all" that means all of mankind since Adam, the human race has "Fallen" into sin and short of God's Glory, so we all die, meaning the mortal body, but the soul is eternal. Looking at Paul again Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man (Adam), and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned"

..Use # 2 for Nephilim/Giants>>
What Man has done is remove what God says about years in verse 3 and ignore the giant life spans mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. Man has replaced Years and Giant life spans with half human half angel demi-gods. Even looking at Evolution, the evolutionary chart which evolves ape to man is over a process of time, BUT at the "center point" of the evolutionary chart it shows half human and half ape, which is really no different that what is promoted nephlim half human and half ape. All the nephilim (half angel/half human) videos on social media and other publications show just male nephilim no "Female" offspring nephilim which is similar with the evolutionary chart. Also it adds height to the view.

Marriage is an institution between a man and a women, the offspring are human. What the offspring are, is just people who lived a Giant life span as well. The "sons of God" and the daughters of men, that their offspring lived a long life or to say a Giant life. The daughters of men are just Adam's decendents, meaning the daughters probably are from both Seth's line and Cain's line. Incest was not an issue in that time period. Look at Adam, God formed Eve from him, it is like Eve would be Adam's twin sister. Human DNA was far more superior in that time period, So basically there offspring (sons and daughters) could procreate to fill the earth and populate it.

God may have created Adam taller and with a different physical stature than what man has today, they already had long life spans>>>"GIANT". People in that time period were probably larger in height and stature, Adam and Eve may have been 10 feet tall. Goliath was 9"9" 1 Samuel 17:4 "And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. We should not make any person taller than Goliath, scripture does not mention anyone taller than Goliath.

Human Genetics/DNA have been breaking down ever since Adam. Adam was directly created by God from the earth. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Adam’s genetic structure would have been far superior to man kind of today. That could also explain larger bone fragments, skulls and size of a skeleton that are found.

Interesting that Adam all the way to Noah lived long life spans. Living that long of a life span could have given the people of that day (before the flood) a larger physical body. Adam lived 930 years (Gen 5: 5). Noah lived 950 years (Gen 9: 29). Another point is after the flood, the flood changed the earth. More solar radiation could have effected people as well. Giant life spans existed after the flood, Noah and his sons were alive after the flood. but life spans kept shrinking after the flood. Sin may have corrupted the DNA/genetics as well. Man’s sin could have gotten so wicked that God decided to shorten the life span of man.


Ummm very simple to prove you wrong… Asaph who wrote the psalm was not alive during the time of Judges


The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 used in a position of worship and adoration (to fall, lie prostrate, and cast down) and then Numbers 13: 33 as Bullies and Tyrants. There are TWO uses for the word Nephilim (OT Hebrew). Just like the word Love (NT GREEK) can be used as Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge.

The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, when translated in English it means Giant.

Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307.

Nephilim definition is "giants, " name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood.

Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants'

Looking at the Genesis account of the Giants/Nephilim

With using both Hebrew and Greek there is more than one meaning or use of the words nephilim and giants. There is a DOUBLE meaning, because of Hebrew and Greek.

Job 1: 20 "Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he FELL to the ground and worshiped."

The word "FELL" in Job 1: 20 when translated to Hebrew is the word Naphal.

Hebrew use is the Nephilim would fall (Naphal) to the ground like Job 1: 20 mentions, so it would be in a state of worship, probably on their knees. In Genesis 6:4 the Nephilim are in a position of worship or falling to the ground and worshiping, The Nephilim is a word that describes Genesis 5 who are the faithful, they would fall to the ground in a state of worship while presenting the animal sacrifice/Burnt offering. Man has twisted the meaning of the word and changed the meaning of the word "Nephilim" to some a giant form of hybrid. That is how deception works and many are mislead and deceived. By twisting and changing the word Nephilim which is a state of worship towards God, it is now a word that takes away the worship to God and how man worshiped and was presented before God in that day or time period.

Presenting animal sacrifices/burnt offerings were probably handed down from father to son, starting with Abel, after Abel's murder, then Seth, Genesis 4: 26 To Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord." Calling on the name of the Lord would be presenting a sacrifice unto the Lord. Fast forward to Noah and his sacrifice Genesis 8:20 "Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar." The FAITHFUL presented animal sacrifices to the Lord and also Called on the name of the Lord. Interesting how this forshadows Christ, Jesus is thje FAITHFUL servant to sacrifice Himself on the Cross and the Church in Greek ( Ekklēsia) which means "Called out ones". The called out ones are Children of the Promise in both OT and NT>>>sons of God<<<<

The word comes from the Hebrew word naphal, which means "to fall" Looking at what Paul says Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, "" When Paul uses the word "all" that means all of mankind since Adam, the human race has "Fallen" into sin and short of God's Glory, so we all die, meaning the mortal body, but the soul is eternal. Looking at Paul again Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man (Adam), and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned"

What Man has done is remove what God says about years in verse 3 and ignore the giant life spans mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. Man has replaced Years and Giant life spans with half human half angel demi-gods.

Marriage is an institution between a man and a women, the offspring are human. What the offspring are, is just people who lived a Giant life span as well. The "sons of God" and the daughters of men, that their offspring lived a long life or to say a Giant life. The daughters of men are just Adam's decendents, meaning the daughters probably are from both Seth's line and Cain's line. Incest was not an issue in that time period. Look at Adam, God formed Eve from him, it is like Eve would be Adam's twin sister. Human DNA was far more superior in that time period, So basically there offspring (sons and daughters) could procreate to fill the earth and populate it.

God may have created Adam taller and with a different physical stature than what man has today. People in that time period were probably larger in height and stature, Adam and Eve may have been 10 feet tall.

Goliath was 9"9" 1 Samuel 17:4 "And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. We should not make any person taller than Goliath, scripture does not mention anyone taller than Goliath.

Human Genetics/DNA have been breaking down ever since Adam. Adam was directly created by God from the earth. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Adam’s genetic structure would have been far superior to man kind of today. That could also explain larger bone fragments, skulls and size of a skeleton that are found.

Interesting that Adam all the way to Noah lived long life spans. Living that long of a life span could have given the people of that day (before the flood) a larger physical body. Adam lived 930 years (Gen 5: 5). Noah lived 950 years (Gen 9: 29).

Another point is after the flood, the flood changed the earth. More solar radiation could have effected people as well. Giant life spans existed after the flood, Noah and his sons were alive after the flood. but life spans kept shrinking after the flood. Sin may have corrupted the DNA/genetics as well. Man’s sin could have gotten so wicked that God decided to shorten the life span of man.

NUMBERS 13 and 14

The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 used in a position of worship and adoration (to fall, lie prostrate, and cast down) and then Numbers 13: 33 as Bullies and Tyrants. There are TWO uses for the word Nephilim (OT HEBREW). Just like the word Love (NT GREEK) can be used as Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge.

Use # 3 Looking at Numbers 13 and 14

Numbers 13: 31-33 “ But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” 32 And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”

What these spies did is found verse 32. These spies gave Israel a “bad” report. The word “bad” can also be translated as “evil” in other translations. The point is the word “bad”. The word bad means poor in quality, not correct, inaccurate, incorrect, faulty, mischievous, poor, ect. The word "evil" means morally wrong or bad, immoral, wicked, harm, mischief, cause harm.

Basicly the spies LIED about the report they gave, meaning that they lied about Anak’s decencendants being Giants (Nephilim) and that they ( the spies) looked like grasshoppers. It is a false and inaccurate report about the land, this land is the Promised land.. There is no giants or nephilim like some are lead to believe. This evil or bad report the spies told, made Israel complain and murmur against God, because the report put fear in Israel and made Israel not wanting to go into the Promised Land, this made God upset and slandered God.

What did God do with the spies that gave this bad report or false report, it is found in Numbers 14: 36 and 37. Numbers 14: 36 & 37 “ Now the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation complain against him by bringing a bad report of the land, 37 those very men who brought the evil report about the land, died by the plague before the LORD.”

The “bad” or “evil” report meaning false, the LORD struck them down with a plague. The spies Lied about the report. There were NO GIANTS. Satan's seed of Lying was in these spies. Notice in verse 36 "bad report" and in verse 37 "evil report" is used so this wickedness and malicious of the spies is really emphasized. Some translations instead of using "bad report" or "evil report" use "spreading false rumors". The KJV uses the word "slander".

Even using Numbers 14:6-9 Caleb and Joshua were among those that spied on the land. They gave a good report saying the land flowed with milk and honey. Caleb and Joshua said NOTHING about Giants (Nephilim). God spared Caleb and Joshua, they were not struck down by a plaque. The spies that told an evil report were telling a lie and did not want to go into the land.

Most people do not realize or take notice to Numbers 14. Interesting when most people use Numbers 13: 33 for this angel view for the Giants (Nephilim) and looked like grasshoppers are falling into the faults of the report the spies told. The report the spies told is misleading. Most people do not take notice to the rest of the scripture. Think of the story the spies told as a "Fish Story", just a overly exaggerated story with no truth.

How the spies used the word giant in verse 33 would be bullies or tyrants, but the bad report or to say the lie they told about these Giants (Nephilim) NEVER existed.

Caleb and Joshua never gave a report like that, and Caleb and Joshua were with the spies.

The use of the word Giants/Nephilim in Numbers 13: 33 would mean bullies or tyrants, but since this is a misleading report that the spies gave would be under FALSE PRETENSES.


The sons of God in Job 1: 4-6 Expalined!! A person has to use CONTEXT....Context is King.
4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
5 And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate (SANCTIFY) them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.

6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

When Job presented the animal sacrifice/burnt offering (Job 1:5) this was in the days (Plural) of Feasting. There are Two "DAYS" mentioned in the days of feasting found in Job 1: 4 and Job 1: 13 and there are also Two "DAYS" when the sons of God presented themselves Job 1: 6 and Job 2: 1.

Job 1:4 " And his sons would go and feast houses, each on his DAY, and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them
Job 1: 6 "Now there was a DAY when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

Job 1:4 is a Day and Job 1:6 is another Day, but both Days are part of the Days of Feasting

Job 1: 13 " Now there was a DAY when his sons and daughters eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house;" sons and daughters are Jobs, his household.
Job 1:20 Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. 21 And he said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Job 2: 1 "Again there was a DAY when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord.

Job 1:5 So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and consecrate (SANCTIFY) them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did regularly.

The proper interpretation is pairing together Job 1: 4 with Job 1: 6 and pairing together Job 1: 13, 20 with Job 2: 1, keeping Job 1: 5 in mind and applying that thought to with the verses that are paired together. Basically what happened is in Job 1 :4 and Job 1: 13 the feasting would be taking place, then the following day Job 1: 6 and Job 2: 1 early in the morning Job would present the animal sacrifice/burnt offering unto the Lord God. Job is being made Holy as well as his Household (wife, sons, daughters), because of the sacrifice (burnt offering), sanctification, atonement and shed blood of the sacrifice, this brings Job's Household into a position of "Adoption", hence forth sons of God are explained in Job 1:6 and Job 2: 1 which happened the following day. This all took place during the days of feasting.

Job 1: 4 "and his sons would go and feast houses, each on his day, and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them." Verse tells us the days of Feasting each had there own day and there were probably 7 days of Feasting or could be 8 days of Feasting with Job because the Jews had 8 Feast days, 7 is more likely, because Job had 7 sons. Job was not a Jew, he was a Patriarch/head of the household and lived before the Jews and the Law was given. In the context given there are 4 separate DAYS mentioned in the text with in the 7 or 8 DAYS of Feasting.

My view overall that Job's children were predestidated to Christ, since they were Concecrated/Sanctified (Made Holy), meaning the Soul. Have to apply the Context and which means applying the burnt offerings/animal sacrifice. The sons of God are clearly Job and his is all a fore shadowing of the Complete Sacrifice and Promise of Jesus on the Cross.
Also to note like it says in Romans the wages of sin is death, Jesus made the final payment for sin with his death, but before the death of Jesus and before the Law and Israel, people like Job a Patriarch would offer death unto the Lord God for sins. Like it says fpr Job's children. The conversation between God and Satan is in the spiritual realm while Job and his household are in the material/earthly realm.
Has to do with Sanctification, Justification and Glorification. Of course the Glorification is future since the soul is atoned for a future Glorified body. These souls of the OT, like Job and his household. Job had to continually offer sacrifices unto the Lord God, just like all of the OT sacrifices even the nation of Israel with the Levitcal priesthood offered sacrifices with shed blood, this was the old covenant with the blood of animals. These sacrifices were only good until the next sacrifice was offered.

Hebrews 8: 5-6
5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” 6 But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.

Looking at Job since he was a father/patirarch he is serving as a priest and offerings burnt offerings/animal sacrifices unto the Lord God for the sins of his household, which is a shadow and fore shadowing Jesus who is the true High Priest in Heaven and the heavenly places. All these animal sacrifices are with the shed blood of animals under the Old Covenant ot the animal sacrifices. This is all in association, relationship and identity with Jesus the High Priest is the Son of God, so natually the patriarchs/fathers like Job (household) are given the status to be called sons of God. Angels or any kind of spiritual beings of a so called divine council of super angels NEVER were given priestly duties and offered burnt offerings/animal sacrifices unto the Lord God.

The same is true with the nation of Israel, Israel had a Levitical preisthood with animal sacrifices, a day of atonement, passover and ect... under the Old Covenant with the blood of an animal like a lamb, bull or goat, which point to Jesus as High Priest and the New Covenant in His Blood which He shed on the Cross and making the final payment for sin. Israel had a tabernacle and later a temple which is mentioned in Hebrews 8: 5-6. The patriarchs like Job never had a tabernacle or a temple, but they did offer animal sacrifices like the Levitical preisthood.

Explaining sons of Israel. Exodus 4:22 says "Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son". God is speaking to Moses in this passage, also this is another book of Torah. The passage of scripture of the name change for Jacob to Israel Genesis 32:28 "Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

Israel (Jacob) had 12 sons which would be 12 tirbes with Many Generations. Getting back to Exodus 4:22 says "Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son".
Since Israel was the "firstborn son" to the Lord God, which would means Israel/Jacobs offspring would be "sons of God" or also to say "children of Israel"
The twelve tribes are as follows: Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim and Manasseh.
See how many Generations came from Isreal (Jacob)

All the animal sacrifices is a offered by earthly priests (mediators) like Job, Noah, Abraham, patriarchs and Israels Levitical priesthood is just a model and a foreshadowing of Jesus and His role of High Priest, which is a better sacrifice and His shed blood as the True Mediator between God and man.

Jesus on the Cross made the FINAL PAYMENT for sin and the FINAL SACRIFICE. This is why it mentions sons of God in Job, this is all tied into the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, who is the Son of God. There would be NO sons of God mentioned in both OT and NT without a Sacrifice and Shed blood offered unto the Lord God for the payment of sin and atonement for the soul.
To call sons of God angels, watchers, fallen angels or a so called members of a divine council made up of a bunch of non human spirit beings/superangels in the OT is actually blasphemous against Jesus (High Priest) and the Cross, as well as how God dealt with sin of the Individual in the Bible.


If you do not thoroughly exegete the Hebrew, you will forever remain clueless.


The House of Bobo Shanti. God in Flesh!


Deuteronomy 32 sons of God/children of Israel Explained!
Some teach that it should be sons of God in Deuteronomy 32:8. The Hebrew would be >>>>(בני האלהים‎, bənê hāʼĕlōhîm<<<< Some teach that the sons of God are angelic/nonhuman/spirit beings, "Translation" is Correct for it to be "sons of God", but that kind of "Application" of angelic/nonhuman/spirit beings is Incorrect.

To touch on the Greek Septuagint is in ERROR, becasue it put angels in the text, reason why is the Greeks believed that the pagan god Zeus (king of the gods), married and impregnated mortal human woman Alcmene and she gave birth to Heracles. So a person can see instead of Zeus, that angels was the thought in the Greek Septuagint, because of Greek Mythology. This thought was inserted into sons of God of Genesis which is an ERROR.

Why Application is Incorrect is because of the Context. A person Cannot just look at verse 8. Let's look at more Context with verse 7 included.
Deuteronomy 32
7 Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you.
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.

KEY words are "MANY GENERATIONS" in verse 7 this is all in CONTEXT. One Translation may use "sons of God" may another may use "children of Israel".

The sons of God are found in Genesis 5 the years of Many Generations.
Many people do not NOT recognize " The Years of MANY GENERATIONS" in verse 7.
Where you find " The Years of MANY GENERATIONS" is in Genesis 5. The Patriarchs of Genesis 5 are the sons of God, listed from Adam to Noah which is Genesis 5. What is posted is chapter and verse with the years of Many Generations that they lived.
Here they are for you, look at the longivity of Life they had and would have saw "Many Generations" (Deuteronomy 32:7), this just makes sense. Also what is list is up to Jacob (Israel).
1) Adam (Genesis 5:3-5) Lived: 930 Years. 12) Arphaxad (Genesis 11: 12–13) Lived 438 Years
2) Seth (Genesis 5:3, 6-8) Lived: 912 Years. 13) Shelah Genesis (11: 14–15) Lived 433 Years
3) Enosh (Genesis 5:6, 9-11) Lived: 905 Years. 14) Eber Genesis (11: 16–17) Lived 464 Years
4) Cainan (Genesis 5:9, 12-14) Lived: 910 Years. 15) Peleg Genesis (11: 18–19) Lived 239 Years
5) Mahalalel (Genesis 5:12, 15-18) Lived 895 Years. 16) Reu Genesis (11: 20–21) Lived 239 Years
6) Jared (Genesis 5:15, 18-20) Lived 962 Years. 17) Serug Genesis (11: 22–23) Lived 230 Years
7) Enoch (Genesis 5:18, 21-24) Lived 365 Years/Translated never saw death. 18) Nahor Genesis (11: 22–23) Lived 148 Years
8) Methuselah (Genesis 5:21, 25-27) Lived 969 Years. 19) Terah Genesis (11: 32) Lived 205 Years
9) Lamech (Genesis 5: 25, 28-31) Lived 777 Years. 20) Abram (Abraham) (Genesis 25: 7) Lived 175 Years
10) Noah (Genesis 5:28-29) Lived 950 Years. 21) Isaac (Genesis 25: 7) Lived 180 Years
11) Shem (Genesis 10:10-11) Lived 600 Years. 22) Jacob (Israel) (Genesis 47: 28) Lived 147 Years

Genesis 5 would also be in Context with the sons of God of Genesis 6. When scripture was first written in Hebrew there was NO Chapter Breaks or Verse Breaks.
Another Point with verse 7 of Dueteronomy 32 is >>>>"Remember the days of old". Since Moses wrote Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible, which are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These "days of old" that Moses mention in verse 7, what Moses is doing is taking the reader back to the Pre-flood time period. Taking Verse 7 (Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations;) Can 100% be applied as "sons of God" in Deuteronomy 32:8 as well as Genesis 5 and sons of God in Genesis 6. All makes sense and fits with the Author of Torah who is Moses.

The argument is, is that there No Abrahamic covenant yet, that is 100% true when a person applies verse 7 (Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations;) it is more clear and plain to see who the "sons of God" are in both Deuteronomy 32:8 and Genesis 6 Nations are named after a father in scripture. Abraham is considered a father. Jacob (Israel) is the father of the twelve tribes.

Explaining sons of Israel. Exodus 4:22 says "Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son". God is speaking to Moses in this passage, also this is another book of Torah. The passage of scripture of the name change for Jacob to Israel Genesis 32:28 "Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

Israel (Jacob) had 12 sons which would be 12 tirbes with Many Generations. Getting back to Exodus 4:22 says "Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son".
Since Israel was the "firstborn son" to the Lord God, which would means Israel/Jacobs offspring would be "sons of God" or also to say "children of Israel"
The original 12 tribes were (in birth order) Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.

Other list the 12 tribes Ephraim and Manasseh, instead of Joseph and Levi.
The POINT is see how many Generations came from Israel (Jacob)

See how many Generations came from Israel (Jacob)

Even the following verses of how the "Text" allows for "sons of Israel" .

Deuteromony 32:9 'But the Lord's portion is his people,
Jacob his allotted heritage.
10 “He found him in a desert land,
and in the howling waste of the wilderness;
he encircled him, he cared for him"

Clearly verses 9 and 10 is talking about the "sons of Israel" which would be Jacob's 12 sons/tribes, key words in the text Jacob alotted heritage (Israel). "The Lord's portion is his people" Israel was the Lord's Chosen people for the law and the prophets as well as the Messiah (Jesus, the Son of God). But of course Israel/Jews rejected Jesus.
The 12 tribes were the ones wondering in the desert land which verse 10 is talking about.
That is WHY there is such a debate in the text, both sons of God and children of Israel had "Many Generations", so "Many Generations" would apply to both Genesis 5 and Jacob's descendents meaning Israel.
We know for a fact Nonn human spirit beings/angels Can Not or Do Not have "Many Generations". There is NO Genealogy line for angels. Genealogy lines are found in Genesis 5, Genesis 11 (tower of Babel event), Luke 3 and Mathew 1. Basically a Genealogy line with "Many Generations" that lead to Jesus the Messiah and His birth.

Even looking at Psalm 82:6 "I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you;" The word "sons" is used in the Plurality, which would be referencing that the "sons" are human pretaining to the 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob's sons). The word "gods" Jesus answers that in John 10 also human.
Again some teach that the gods/elohim and sons are non human spirit beings/angels in Psalm 82, is his foundation for a false divine council of "gods/elohim" meaning non human spirit beings/angels. These 12 tirbes (Israel) had the Law of God to govern the people. Elders/Rulers/Judges (gods/elohim/divine council) were part of that governing authority and would include the common Israelite (Jacob's decendents) . Nothing angelic (Nonhuman) could govern the people. So naturally Humans (Israel/all of Israel) are getting scolded in Psalm 82, not anything Nonhuman like angels/spirit beings of a divine council. The "divine council" are the Chosen people of God who given the Law of God. Also had the True Prophets of God. The divine council of "gods/elohim" is Israel/Jews or to say Jacobs decendents.

Small summary, Moses tells us who the sons of God/children of Israel are with Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations in verse 7.

The proper way of interpreting the scripture of Deuteronomy 32:8 whether it should be sons of God or children of Israel? The Patriarchs/sons of God, of Genesis 5 and 6 or 12 tribes of Israel, of course it would be>>>> the Patriarchs/sons of God which are listed in Genesis 5 with Remember the days of old consider the years of "Many Generations", the longivity of life spans that they would have seen "Many Generations" and lived old ages, long life spans to have 'Many Generations". Later Israel as Nation with the 12 tribes followed, of course there a "Many Generations" that came from Israel/Jacob's decendents. This is ALL in Context, Context Is King!!

Clearly this is NOT about a divine council (gods/elohim) of nonhuman spirit beings/angels. Some do not apply or understand verse 7 (Remember the Days of Old; consider the years of Many Generations;) or Context applied with proper Hermeneutics. "Translation" is Correct for it to be "sons of God" or "children of Israel", but that kind of "Application" of angelic/nonhuman/spirit beings is Incorrect and totally false, non human angelic spirit beings do NOT have Genealogy lines and Many Generations.


Summary of Michael Heiser thoughts "unseen realm"
How can the nations be divided according to the sons of Israel when in fact Israel as a people doesn't even exist at the time. Babel is at least two hundred and fifty years before Abraham's encounter with God.
The idea of the gods of the nation have their origin to the angels of whom the nations were placed under subjection to, not Israel. The nations were never placed under Israel. Since the nations humanity rejected God, he did the next best thing, as the scripture says, that the old testament world was put under the subjection of the angels. But Israel, God carved out for himself to be his people, whom he would lead personally and be their God. This was the great distinction God set between Israel and the nations. The nations thus under the angels Israel led by God. See psalms 82. God rebukes the angels for not leading the nations in up rightness and as a result, decrees their doom. You shall die like mortal men

Why, because they led the nations unto idolatry in serving them, false gods. Their were elohiyms ( gods ) but not Yehweh Yehovah, El Elyon. The God of all gods. The term god is not a name, we for get that. Its a title that denotes function duty and place of resistancy, where they belong. Namely the spirit or unseen realm. God is a spirit, so are angels, disembodied. God, a term that denotes to the beings of the spirit realm. It should be clear enough that since Israel was nowhere in site at babal when the nations were divided, then neither can Israel be in anyway the sons of God as mentioned. Paul picks up on this very issue in the book of Hebrews that the world to come ( the news testament world ) would not be put under the subjection. Of the angels as it was under the first testament age that then was.

Christ would bring the nations back to him as God himself preached the gospel to Abraham saying, in thee I shall make you the father of many nations. The good news was that God would bring the nations home, thus ending the angels subjection over them. When Paul spoke that we fight not against flesh and blood but with principalities and powers rulers of darkness in high places ( meaning, heavenly places ), he was referring not to the Pharisees but to the angelic realm, whom God for a time put the nations under. As Adam failed so they too failed in disobedience. Christ came to redeem it all, to put things right. All has fallen away, even the angels whom God placed the nations under, rebelled. The sons of God the angels Gods first creation that preceded Adam. Adam muchless Israel was not even in the picture. The old testament never refer to man as the sons of God until redemption is purchased for man. Now are we the sons of God, a term never used of man until Christ adopted us.


Heiser was a blind guide. He was correct in God/Elohim capital "G" and gods/elohim lower case "g" but his application was all wrong. His book the unseen realm falls apart in the first few paragraphs.

From Heiser's Chapter 1 Unseen Realm
"One such moment in my own life—the catalyst behind this book—came on a Sunday morning in church while I was in graduate school. I was chatting with a friend who, like me, was working on a PhD in Hebrew studies, killing a few minutes before the service started. I don’t recall much of the conversation, though I’m sure it was something about Old Testament theology. But I’ll never forget how it ended. My friend handed me his Hebrew Bible, open to Psalm 82 He said simply, “Here, read that … look at it closely.”

The first verse hit me like a bolt of lightning:
Psalm 82:1
God stands in the divine assembly;
he administers judgment in the midst of the gods

I’ve indicated the Hebrew wording that caught my eye and put my heart in my throat. The word elohim occurs twice in this short verse. Other than the covenant name, Yahweh, it’s the most common word in the Old Testament for God. And the first use of the word in this verse worked fine. But since I knew my Hebrew grammar, I saw immediately that the second instance needed to be translated as plural. There it was, plain as day: The God of the Old Testament was part of an assembly—a pantheon—of other gods."

>>>>Okay this is from Heiser’s book the “Unseen Realm” Chapter 1 in his opening of this book. Let’s look at the word “pantheon”, this one word changes everything about Heiser’s theory. Heiser’s view of pantheon of other gods is spiritual/non-human/angelic, what most people do not know is that the word pantheon has a dual meaning, so it is not just pantheon spiritual gods. Let’s look at dictionary definiton for the word “pantheon”

1) a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people: somewhat formal : a group of people who are famous or important
"the pantheon of the all-time greats"
example: a building in which the illustrious dead of a nation are buried or honoured.

2) all the gods of a people or religion collectively: the gods of a particular country or group of people
"the deities of the Hindu pantheon"
(especially in ancient Greece and Rome) a temple dedicated to all the gods.

So with the definition can apply to both 1) people and 2)pagan gods. What Heiser did when it came to Psalm 82, he applied the pagan god (elohim) meaning to the pantheon, which is the second use of the word pantheon, this is where he error's from the first chapter in his book the unseen realm.

What Heiser should have done is apply the “FIRST” meaning of the word pantheon to the gods/elohim in Psalm 82, which would be people. When a person applies the “FIRST” meaning Israel now fits in Psalm 82 as the gods/elohim. Israel is Jacob’s decendents made up of 12 tribes. Psalm 82 is totally about Israel (Jacob’s decendents). Israel is the “Chosen People” of God in that time period, Israel is important because Jesus Christ, the Messiah would come through that people group, Jesus came from the tribe of Judah, Judah is how we get the term “Jew” from.

So the pantheon of gods/elohim would be Israel all of Israel, which would consist of people that are Judges, Rulers, Kings, Elders and even the common Israelite person.>>"The Chosen People"

So when a person Pairs up Psalm 82 and John 10 Israel, Jacob's decendents/12 tribes makes more sense.
Psalm 82:6 I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of

John 10: 34-35 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’? 35 If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), "
This is not all of Israel, but a group of Israelites, made up of Israelite (Jews) citizens and probably Jewish leaders like Scripes, Elders and Pharisees, Jesus did draw crowds.

Notice Jesus mentions the law (Law of Moses) and word of the Lord came to these People, the chosen People Israel (Jacob's decendents/Jews). The word of the Lord would come to Israel and the prophets of Israel, so in the NEW TESTAMENT Jesus can fulfill those words. Another good example is found in Isaiah 53

So what Jesus does is actually answer the question of the pantheon gods/elohim from Psalm 82 in John 10. Jesus is God and using an "I said" declaration, the "I said" is not different the an "I am" declaration. Israel are the gods/elohim/theos as will the divine council, great assembly and congregation of the mighty, the Hebrew, Greek and English language DOES NOT change this, meaning Israel being the godselohim>>pantheon<< refering to people, the "Chosen People". Israel is to represent God and His Justice, the are the Chosen People in the context of Psalm 82 and John.

Another point Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT in the NT. Luke 24: 44, 45 Jesus speaking>>> "Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures"<<<<

NOTICE Jesus says "Psalms", Psalm 82 and John 10 Jesus is fulfilling the "I said, you are gods"

With Heiser's theory he ended up OPPOSING Jesus, Jesus answers who the pantheon gods are in scripture. Jesus settles this for us long before Heiser was even born. Just simply comes down to if a person beleives the gods/elohim are human or non-human, clearly the gods/elohim are human, the Chosen People of Israel in that time period.

Another question for all Heiser subscribers, you would have to point out in scripture where Heiser's pantheon gods/elohim (nonhuman/angels) were given the law (Law of Moses) or in possession of the law, also when did the word of the Lord ever come to Heiser's pantheon

Guess wil Never find it in the Bible!!


sons of God of Genesis expalined>>> "Many Generations"
Deuteronomy 32
7 Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you.
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.

KEY words are "MANY GENERATIONS" in verse 7 this is all in CONTEXT. One Translation may use "sons of God" may another may use "children of Israel", We will focus on "sons of God".

The sons of God are found in Genesis the years of Many Generations.
Many people do not NOT recognize " The Years of MANY GENERATIONS" in verse 7, this is all in Context, when scripture was first written there were no chapter breaks and verse breaks.

Where you find " The Years of MANY GENERATIONS" is the patriarchs/fathers of Genesis 5, 11, 25, and 47 are the sons of God, listed from Adam to Judah which is Genesis 5. What is posted is chapter and verse with the years of Many Generations that they lived. A Longivity of life, average age was 900 YEARS of "Many Generations" before the flood. Just to look at the word "Generations" is found in Genesis 5:1 >> Gen. 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.<<<< To Note when Adam was created First created, he was NOT tainted with sin or subject to death, until he and Eve (the woman) ate of the Fruit found in Genesis 3.

Also found in Genesis 11 with the Tower of Babel and the table of Nations >>>>Genesis 11:10 These are the generations of Shem. When Shem was 100 years old, he fathered Arpachshad two years after the flood.<<<< So we see the word "generatations" found in Genesis 5:1 and Genesis 11:10, which is what Moses is refering to with the "Many Generations". "Many Generations of Deut. 32:7 IS referring to the sons of God in Duet. 32:8 remember no chapter breaks and verse breaks when scripture was first written.

Luke 3, Genesis 5, 11, 25, and 47 sons of God/bene Elohim (Hebrew (בני האלהים‎, bənê hāʼĕlōhîm) years of many generations;
1) Adam (Luke 3: 38---Genesis 5:3-5) Lived: 930 Years.
2) Seth (Luke 3: 38---Genesis 5:3, 6-8) Lived: 912 Years.
3) Enosh (Luke 3: 38---Enosh (Genesis 5:6, 9-11) Lived: 905 Years.
4) Cainan (Luke 3: 37---Genesis 5:9, 12-14) Lived: 910 Years.
5) Mahalael (Luke 3: 37---Genesis 5:12, 15-18) Lived 895 Years.
6) Jared (Luke 3: 37---Genesis 5:15, 18-20) Lived 962 Years.
7) Enoch (Luke 3: 37---Genesis 5:18, 21-24) Lived 365 Years/Translated never saw death.
8) Methuselah (Luke 3: 37---Genesis 5:21, 25-27) Lived 969 Years.
9) Lamech (Luke 3: 36---Genesis 5: 25, 28-31) Lived 777 Years.
10) Noah (Luke 3: 36----Genesis 5:28-29) Lived 950 Years.
11) Shem (Luke 3: 36, Genesis 5:28-29) Lived 950 Years.
12) Arphaxad/Arpachshad (Luke 3: 36---Genesis 11: 12–13) Lived 438 Years
13) Cainan (Luke 3: 36) >>>>Genesis 11 Moses does not list Cainan<<<<
14) Shelah (Luke 3: 35---Genesis 11: 14–15) Lived 433 Years
15) Eber (Luke 3: 35---Genesis 11: 16–17) Lived 464 Years
16) Peleg (Luke 3: 35---Genesis 11: 18–19) Lived 239 Years
17) Reu (Luke 3: 35----Genesis 11: 20–21) Lived 239 Years
18) Serug (Luke 3: 35---Genesis 11: 22–23) Lived 230 Years
19) Nahor (Luke 3: 34----Genesis 11: 22–23) Lived 148 Years
20) Terah (Luke 3: 34--- -Genesis 11: 32) Lived 205 Years
21) Abraham (Luke 3: 34---Genesis 25: 7) Lived 175 Years
22) Isaac (Luke 3: 34--- Genesis 25: 7) Lived 180 Years
23) Jacob >>Israel<< (Luke 3: 34---Genesis 47: 28) Lived 147 Years
24) Judah (Luke 3: 33) Bible does not record the death of Judah, but other non-Biblical books like Jubillees (119 years) and Jasher (129 years), but these books are not inspired and not acurrate.

Jesus came from this Tribe. What is interesting there are 24 on this list, is it possible these are the 24 Elders mentioned in Revelation 4? HMMMM... Another interesting poing Jesus is refered to as the son of man/second Adam found in 1 Corinthians 15:45-49. Paul describes Adam as an eathly man from the dust: which perishes, death and sin, but the Heavenly Man so shall we bear the likeness of the Man from Heaven, which is Eternal, sinless and will receive a Resurrected body/Glorified body which is in the image and likeness of the Man from Heaven, which would expalin a futrre Glory and Inheritance for the sons of God. A future Glory and Inheritance is also for the sons of God of the New Testament, but sons of God of the NT are never explained or given any attention.

Continuing in the Many Generations and Geneology line the leads to Jesus in Luke 3. This is the COMPLETE Generations and Geneolgy line that leads to Jesus
41) Judah (Luke 3: 30) 58) Judah (Luke 3: 26)
25) Perez (Luke 3: 33) 42) Simeon (Luke 3: 30) 59) Joseph (Luke 3: 26)
26) Hezron (Luke 3: 33 43) Simeon (Luke 3: 29) 60) Semei (Luke 3: 26)
27) Ram (Luke 3: 33) 44) Matthat (Luke 3: 29) 61) Mattathiah (Luke 3: 26)
28) Amminadab (Luke 3: 33) 45) Jorim (Luke 3: 29) 62) Maath (Luke 3: 26)
29) Nahshon (Luke 3: 32) 46) Eliezer (Luke 3: 29) 63) Naggai (Luke 3: 25)
30) Salmon (Luke 3: 32) 47) Jose (Luke 3: 29) 64) Esli (Luke 3: 25)
31) Boaz (Luke 3: 32) 48) Er (Luke 3: 28) 65) Nahum (Luke 3: 25)
32) Jesse (Luke 3: 32) 49) Elmodam (Luke 3: 28) 66) Amos (Luke 3: 25)
33) David (Luke 3: 31) 50) Cosam (Luke 3: 28) 67) Mattathiah (Luke 3: 25)
34) Nathan (Luke 3: 31) 51) Addi (Luke 3: 28) 68) Joseph (Luke 3: 24)
35) Mattathah (Luke 3: 31) 52) Melchi (Luke 3: 28) 69) Janna (Luke 3: 24)
36) Menan (Luke 3: 31) 53) Neri (Luke 3: 27) 70) Melchi (Luke 3: 24)
37) Melea (Luke 3: 31) 54 Shealtiel (Luke 3: 27) 71) Levi (Luke 3: 24)
38) Eliakim (Luke 3: 30) 55) Zerubbabel (Luke 3: 27) 72) Matthat (Luke 3: 24)
39) Jonan (Luke 3: 30) 56) Rhesa (Luke 3: 27) 73) Heli (Luke 3: 23)
40) Joseph (Luke 3: 30) 57) Joannas (Luke 3: 27) 74) Joseph as suppposed Mary’s husband (Luke 3: 23)>>>Jesus the Son of God, Jesus was Joseph's Adopted son.

So it is clear sons of God in Genesis which includes Genesis 6 and Deuteronomy 32 are Human, NOT non-human meaning angels like so many promote. Christianity (the church) has redefined marriage and the physical/sexual relations between a man and a woman and replaced it with non human angels (spirit beings) that marry women and have physical/ sexual relations, which is sexual perversion, this all goes against the structure of the family unit and the creative order that God instituted. This is really NO different then what the LGBQT-plus community does with redefining marriage and sexual perversion. Mankind is sinful by nature whether in thought or in action.

A person may ask where does this thought come from? angels procreating with women. Well the book of Enoch would influenece this, the book of Enoch is not inspired and is basically a Jewish fable, it is "Fools Gold".
Another would be the Greek Septuagint. The Greek Septuagint is in ERROR, becasue it put angels in the text of Genesis 6, reason why is the Greeks believed that the pagan god Zeus (king of the gods), married and impregnated mortal human woman Alcmene and she gave birth to Heracles. So a person can see instead of Zeus, that angels was the thought in the Greek Septuagint, because of Greek Mythology. This thought was inserted into sons of God of Genesis which is an ERROR. A person can see the replacement theology instead of Zeus it is angels, instead of Alceme it is daughter of men, instead of Hercales it is Giants/Nephilim. Angels are spirits and non human, NOT flesh and blood.
