What does the Bible mean by “you are gods” in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34? | GotQuestions.org

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Does the Bible claim we are gods, or like gods? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers the question: What does the Bible mean by “you are gods” in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34?

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There's a mistake at 3:27 - instead of Psalm 82:34-36 (written in upper left corner) it should state John 10:34-36


Great Explanation Nelson! Praise Jah! In Christ's Name! Amen!


Thank you for addressing this. I do understand that there are other perspectives of the above discussed words. It's so important to have an open mind and heart reading the word.


Amen and Amen Christian There is Only ONE True GOD !!


This is important for parents.
We have the rule over them.
They look to us as god when very little.
That's why we have to teach them.
My daughter is doing well with her prayers.


This has helped me to better understand various parts of the Bible when reading “you are gods” or “you will become as gods”. ✝️🙏🏾❤️ I’ve seen many people across social media lead others astray by actually teaching “we are gods” as in persuading people to really believe that they have been given the power to “be” as their own gods and that since God lives within us, we have the same authority as the one true and living GOD. I never considered myself a “god/a goddesses” because that’s a very bold, prideful, arrogant and foolish claim to make of one’s self!! We should never see ourselves as a superior God over anyone without understanding the full extent of what that really means and knowing full and well that “The Most High God” is ultimately commander and chief over all mankind (period)!!!


See Dr Michael Heiser and Tim Chaffey, they have a very interesting and convincing explanation for theses two verses.


its not saying we are gods, it's saying that there were gods who were put in charge of ruling the world and they turned on God. It's the kind of stuff the book of enoch talks about. The book of enoch is quoted in the Bible and was never seen as a false book by the jews of that time.


It’s not a capital G. It’s a lower case g. You are quoting scripture wrong.


No, at no instance the word "elohim" refers to any human at any position of power. It strictly belongs to the divine/ unseen realm and is reserved for beings of that realm, from the Most High (Yahweh is Elohim, but no elohim is like Yahweh). The Moses example you mention is simply a comparison to convey the importance of Moses' role and action. It should not be mixed with Jesus' use of the word which in fact refers to His followers, us believers in the Son of God once we have passed onto the eternal realm.


Psalm 82 has nothing to do with human judges or magistrates. We do a disservice to the Scriptures and God when we minimize what His Word clearly says because we're uncomfortable with the actual text.


Son of God son of man we are chosen we are free. To live in paradise, away from the God heads, and lights not reflected by the Lords will. Thank you Jesus Christ for saving us🙏🔥


You are completely wrong, H430 Elohim is (OF God), not the Almighty H410, EL. Elohim is used in Genesis1 to show that it was Lucifer who was deputized to build this place under Gods authority. This is where and when Satan fell! Gen1:26 Elohim created man in their image H6754 means to shade, a phantom, an illusion, resemblance:a representative figure, especially an Idol, vain shew. Why would the Almighty God create Gen2:1 Host is H6635 an army, mass of persons especially organized for war!!!! Gen2:2 work is H4399 properly Deputyship, generally employment or work. In Enoch 200 Angels fell, they are the ones who were deputized by the Lord God to build this place but Satan rebeled and they created man( giants, Titans) in their image. Evidence of their existence is all over the earth. Genesis 2:4 is the Lord H3068 God the self existent eternal yehovah, The Lord God formed the first man Adam, chapter 2 is the Lord God, where as chapter 1 is lucifers fall Elohim. We are light beings, angels (John 10: 34-36) who were deceived (one third) and fell to earth and kept in our chains of ligaments, our prison is our host body. To become free from bondage and return home Jesus said you must be born again! Live out your life as exiles because we are not of this place, 1 Peter 2:11. The earth is Satans kingdom, they are the builders who rejected the stone, Jesus! Psalm 118:22. Our pride blinds us all to the truth. the Bible is slowly changing supernaturally even now as you can see from Isaiah 11:6 no longer does it say lion but wolf. And verily verily has been removed from Mathew, Mark and Luke, only John has verily verily and I wonder for how long! I know for a fact that my KJV has changed supernaturally. Download the esword or mysword app for all the Hebrew numbers and Greek words.


Thank you.

I've heard this before, or maybe I read it on your website.
It helps to have it explained again though, because the gift of God that is my brain takes its sweet time learning some things.


*The main point of this verse is to show the hypocrisy of those challenging Jesus.*
Men tend to put other sinful men on the pedestal. But when it comes to the real deal (Jesus, the only and true Son of God), men put Him down instead and called Him a mere "man" and a "blasphemer". How great is this folly!
BEWARE: This verse is NOT a support for "little gods" doctrine by Word-Faith movements


Clearly, this guy has no idea what he is saying. Ps.82 is referring to YHWH judging the members of his Divine Council. If YHWH is judging human magistrates/judges then why does YHWH declare that ‘I said “You are gods” you are all sons of the Most High’ but you will die like mere men, you will fall like every other ruler.’ (vv.6-7) since, as sinful human creatures that would be a given for every human since the Fall?! This would only be pertinent if those to whom YHWH was speaking were fellow elohim who were normally immortal?

Ps.89:5 ‘The heavens praise your wonders O Lord, your faithfulness too in the assembly of the holy ones. FOR WHO, IN THE SKIES ABOVE, can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD AMONG THE HEAVENLY BEINGS? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; He is more awesome THAN ALL WHO SURROUND HIM.’?!

Elohim = spirit beings (plural) and this is used of YHWH because, unlike every other finite creature who is incapable of existing as anything other than mono-personal, YHWH Exists as Tri-Personal - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This blatant refusal to allow the Bible to speak for itself on its own terms is eisegesis (reading into the Bible what we want it to say) rather than exegesis (read from the Bible what it actually says/reveals)?! Be wary of those who are indoctrinating you rather than discipling you?! Simonline 🤔🙏😀👍


Morphologically, the word is the plural form of the word eloah and related to el. It is cognate to the word 'l-h-m which is found in Ugaritic, where it is used as the pantheon for Canaanite gods, the children of El, and conventionally vocalized as "Elohim".


sorry, that is not a correct understanding of Elohim in Ps 82.


If the gods of Psalm 82 are simply human magistrates, Jesus' argument using that psalm to emphasize his divinity would be without foundation. It is as if Jesus had told the Jews in the temple at that moment that if they had been called gods in the Old Testament, why couldn't he be called the same? But they understood that Jesus was posing as not a simple judge or magistrate, he was telling them that he was God himself.

An error is made in interpreting the phrase "I said, you are gods" in John 10:34 as if God were speaking to people like those Jesus was speaking to, but the text specifically says "Jesus answered, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'? John 10:34 (NRSVA). That "you are gods" is what Psalm 82:6 literally says, referring to the gods of Psalm 82:1, not people like the Jews Jesus was talking to.

Psalm 82 is based on the reality of the divine council also called the sons of God or sons of the Most High. That expression never refers to the human magistrates of all the earth. In that case, it would be meaningless for them to be condemned to die like men, which would be a pleonasm.

Finally, Psalm 82 is a judgment that has Deuteronomy 32:8-9 as its context, whose most faithful translation is the one that agrees with the findings in the Dead Sea Scrolls and that is reflected in translations such as the ESV:

"When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance from him, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God." Deuteronomy 32:8 (ESV)


2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who belong to me will humbly pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal them ... But we shall die like men and fall like one of the princes EPHESIANS 2:2 according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.
