Why Do Narcissists Think They Are Superior? | Dr. David Hawkins

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Having a disproportionate amount of self-interest is the trademark of every narcissist. Their inability to think beyond their pride and show empathy, coupled with their unconscious need to exert superiority over others, cause them to create massive imbalances within their relationships.

While many narcissists are capable of changing their ways, it is not possible for them to do so on their own. Most narcissists are not even aware that their behavior is harmful.

Watch as Dr. Hawkins discusses narcissists and their attitude of superiority.

Dr. Hawkins and his team of experts offer education and professional training as well as treatment for narcissistic and emotional abuse.

☎️ PHONE: (206) 219-0145


The internet is inundated with hyperbole and misinformation about narcissism, leaving many people confused and hopeless. Get the facts about narcissism and emotional abuse from someone who has been researching, writing about and treating narcissism and emotional abuse for over a decade.

Dr. Hawkins is a best-selling author and clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience helping people break unhealthy patterns and build healthier relationships. He is the founder and director of the Marriage Recovery Center and the Emotional Abuse Institute which offers education, training and counseling for people who want to break free of, and heal from, emotional abuse.

Whether the perpetrator of the abuse is your spouse, partner, parent, boss, friend or family member, we offer practical advice for anyone trapped in a toxic, destructive relationship. In addition to narcissism & emotional abuse, topics include covert, reactive, spiritual, secondary, relationship trauma and more.

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Yes! Superiority with a strong sense of entitlement.


when you’re having a conversation or relationship with a narcissists mostly the talking is all about them...they think they are always right when they are wrong and they will project their fault to you or to anyone


The narcissists I have known always dominate any conversation when there are more than three people in the room. All the others in the room remain silent or are only allowed to say something minimal because the narcissist do not allow anyone else to participate in their monologue.


My ex was like this and he kept saying I was the dominant one. I couldn’t even get him to agree to make solid plans with me. He was only concerned with being right. He was the most self righteous and disagreeable man I’ve ever seen.


Sadly my ex chose not to get treatment. Our pastor would tell him he was being aggressive or abusive and he would consistently deny everything he did. There was no getting through to him. He was recommended by two counselors actually to receive long term (9 months to 1 year) treatment for anti-social personality disorder. Counselors did not want to work with him because he would threaten their licenses and reputation. I truly admire the dedication you have to the work you’re doing.


These people are just pure evil 😈 there's no In between, I seriously can't take it anymore, you are 1000% correct!! What's wrong with them??




Omg, thank you for that word. Arrogant, I keep forgetting how to articulate when he talks to me.


The sad fact is many narcissists don’t see any reason for them to go into therapy. My ex (a textbook narcissist) actually dreamed of being a therapist, but thought it was a ridiculous thought that HE should ever go into therapy. You know, why should he, he’s perfect! (Eye roll). Poor dude didn’t realize it’s even mandatory for people who are studying to become therapists to have therapy themselfs first, at least it is here in my home country.


I have a old friend who goes out of his way to tell me the things I do in life are wrong and I should do them his way. Where I work, where I live, what I do with my money. Even when we play video games casually he feels the need to randomly tell everyone "he uses the same gun every game, I use different guns". Always says it immediately after I do well to knock my success down. One time he died in the game. Went on a 10 minute rant about how hes unlucky and no one can do well in the game. How playing the game is unlucky just like getting hit by a drunk driver. Extremely unhealthy. Always pointing blame or telling others his opinion is superior. Our friendship is pretty much over because I cannot exist without being knocked down or criticized. I'm getting married this year and plan to have a kid. I haven't told him because I know he will make my life decisions and happiness turn into a conversation about his opinion.


Love your program! Unfortunately, my spouse couldn’t deal with himself and he hasn’t shed much of his narcissism. He took your course, I think the course has great potential, I just think his need to be right or rather “ not wrong” is embedded too deeply. Every conversation is adversarial and his opinion is the only one that has any value. I have emotionally checked out of the marriage. I love him as Christ commands me to, but sadly, I will never have a partner in him.


This is my sister and father. They have superiority complexes and main character syndrome or the dinning kruger effect.


The problem with psychology, a problem in any event, is that it becomes necessary to define some intrinsically normative point which differentiates what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Listening to your discussion of how you talk to the "narcissist, " in order to "break down" their worldview- you display yourself, an attitude of superiority and dominance. Which of course, you think justified, due to your credentials. OK. You think so, and apparently, you can get those narcissists to listen to you. Does that make them more open-minded than you are? But I'm just being argumentative. I have no opinion on the matter.


Having the breakdown that leads to a brraKthrough. Like Tom cruise in Jerry Maquire, the movie.


What do you do with those who do recognize that they feel superior but don’t really care? With teenagers, especially.


I'm far from a show-off, but I'm very creative and argumentative. I think very outside the box and often am in the minority on my opinion, but I've never seen it as a problem. I dont claim to always even be right. I sometimes just play devils advocate on topics to spur debate or deeper thinking. I do tend to dominate if people argue with me on certain topics that I'm technically an expert in by profession, which are science-based and took years of hard work to achieve. Does this make me a narcissist though? I don't claim to know everything or be an expert on anything I'm not. I would never claim to be a great mechanic or know how to assemble computers. But i do take the topics I've dedicated my life too rather seriously. I can be combative and argumentative no doubt, I think everyone in my family is like that though. Does this alone make me a narcissist? I'm genuinely asking. I still don't understand the difference between narcissism and being highly disagreeable or argumentative, or just sinply a strong person. I have been called one recently but I am not sure it's valid. I am open to feedback though or if theres something I need to change to improve as a human being. It also seems to me like a lot of people who use the word a lot are the most prolific examples. But maybe I'm missing something.


I used to be like this but I was humbled by martial arts training.


God created them but he does not stop it...


It’s not just men… my ex GF is this video


Because they are survivors of medically induced trauma from before the age of 7, and feel like they have to be superior to others in order to survive in a world that labels then cruelly instead of helping them heal their inner child. They have unresolved hurt in their subconscious and need reprogramming during theta sleep to recover. They have deep loathing for themselves and blame others because at some point before 7 they were emotionally abandoned and never learned how or whom to trust.

They are defensive because they've had to be.

Codependent and effusive empaths have unwittingly fed their partner's egos, probably because they overlove. They were likely raised in codependent households.

Something empaths can do is live the mantra: I AM not responsible for the behavior of others. I AM, however, responsible for my own. It takes two to tango.