Jacksepticeye Reviews Dune

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I read Dune and then I watched DUNE so here's a review of DUNE
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"Never mock someone for mispronouncing words, it means they've learned the word by reading."


“I would have preferred a trilogy”

The director actually stated that’s what he wants to do.


I love how this showed up on my feed again after Part II's release. Would love to watch a detailed review for Part II! It absolutely elevates Part I, it truly is a phenomenal work of art


I wouldn’t mind Jack doing more reviews


Dune: Part 2 will only cover the other half. Denis Villeueve said he wants to do a 3rd film, adapting Dune: Messiah. So it won’t be overstuffed in Part 2!


I went in blind, no idea what it would be like. I left the theatre with my mind blown! Went home listened to a review that gave me some more insight. Went back saw it again, and now I’m reading the book!


I love just listening to people talk about things they know, like if they were to review a movie or a book; I absolutely support making this a new trend on the Jacksepticeye variety channel.


More movie reviews sounds great to me. Reading books is not my thing so I really like how you gave us this comparison between the book and the movie, it was really interesting to hear.


I assure you Sean, there is nothing stupid about reading an entire book and being proud of it. I was raised to absolutely detest reading in any manifestation. School made it unpleasant, family made it a terrible chore and of course 'John Steinbeck' in highschool.
It wasn't until I was introduced to 'Neil Gaimen' that reading became a wonderful activity.


I was so impressed with what they were able to do. They got very close to the same feeling even though they missed pieces. My husband read the books before our relationship and got me into it, so this was a big thing to both of us.

Side note. You reviewing things is very welcome, we like to hear what you think. It opens the conversation for us, too, and that's always nice.


I loved this movie, I think this is gonna be my next book series after I work my way through most of Brandon Sandersons books


Jack: "This is book one! There's like seven of them!"
Dune nerds: "In the original saga..."


My opinion without reading the book: the movie made sense to me it felt like there was information missing but all the story flowed really well in my opinion.


I went into the cinema without reading a book and knowing anything about Dune, and it really felt like watching a book unfold.
The pace seemed slow and fast at the same time. Like, a lot of happened, but at the same time there were so many long shots were you just
got to take in the scene and the music, the whole vibe. One of the main questions I had after viewing was "is Paul actually the chosen one".
The proficy thing and bene gesserit angle got me confused. But overall the movie was a spectacle. I enjoyed being taken on a long ride
without immediate answers and conclusive action scenes.


Petition for Sean to review Dune part 2 now.


As someone who really doesn’t know anything about Dune, I absolutely loved the movie! I didn’t feel lost and I felt like the movie was amazing, so good. *chef’s kiss*


Villenueve has said that he wants to do part 2 as the second half of Dune and then he wants a third film for Dune Messiah (the second book) to “complete Paul’s journey” or something to that effect.


As a student with a " _slight_ " knowledge in film visuals who just watched this movie a couple hours ago, the cinematography was beautiful, the best I've seen so far. My favorite shots are the one's that show huge landscapes for the worldbuilding, and the one's that use framing where the characters take up a small percentage of the screen.


When Jack posts is when it's a good time.


As someone who knew incredibly little about DUNE going into the movie, I thought it was a modern masterpiece. Villeneuve is one of the best directors working today (Blade Runner 2049 is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time), and given the amount of information he had to throw at us, I was able to absorb it pretty well. Casting was perfect, story was engaging, set design and makeup were RIDICULOUSLY good, action set pieces were appropriately intense, and the whole universe felt very "lived-in, " like the characters had definitely dwelt in these circumstances for centuries. The pace was a little slow at times, but nothing I couldn't handle. He's also set up a great deal of intrigue for part 2, and I for one can't wait.
