Ben Shapiro Reviews “Dune: Part Two”

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Ben Shapiro reviews Denis Villeneuve's “Dune: Part Two.”

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Ben asked why didn't the Fremen defeat the Harkonnen before if it was so easy. It's because they didn't have the Atreides family atomics before. That's what destroyed the shields, which made it easy to for them to take over.


The real genius hero behind Dune part two is the budgeteer for all of this, holy shit how does this movie only cost 180 mill


The fact that Villanueve was able to make this for 190 mil should embarrass Disney with their budgets. Stunning.


who else here is so down bad for Dune content that theyre watching a shapiro video for the first time lmaoo


Actually the fact that Timothy is skinny fits with the book. Gaius Helen Mohaim mentions to Jessica that he is small for his age and after Paul’s assimilation with the Fremen he takes on the desiccated look of the Fremen, losing most of his water-fatness.


Paul is described as an underweight skinny boy in the book, so the casting makes sense


In the actual books, Paul Atreides is a skinny teenage boy. That is why Chalamet was casted for the role.


props to javier bardem for carrying almost the entire thematic of spiritual and religious influence on his shoulders. him as high priest of the lisan al gaib is one of the most underrated pieces of acting i have ever seen in my life. also works as comedic relief and alongside with gurney make this yingyang father figure for paul that helps him cope with the dead of duke leto. "as it was written"


In the books, Paul is skinny and wiery. Tim fits the part perfectly.


Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack also deserves a mention. Stunning.


Dune has given me hope that Hollywood still knows how to make a Blockbuster


One thing to point out is that the Fremen and Paul attacking and not just taking a war to the Emperor is part of a bigger picture. Paul is trying to lure in the Emperor to come and deal with the problem himself and by doing so Paul will have him where he wants him. So it's more calculated than it appears to be. As well as a poetic way of getting back at the Emperor by setting him up similar to how he setup his father Leto. Love the books and Denis is doing the right thing by stretching this story out over multiple movies because it deserves it.


To fix the plot hole that Ben mentions. When Paul becomes the Kwisatz Haderach, he can see all possible futures. This means that he could literally see what exact plan would have the path to least resistance to him and the Fremen’s victory. It makes sense and really isn’t a plot hole.


You’re forgetting the line where Josh Brolin’s character comes back and talk about how much damage paul was able to do with only 200 people. They couldn’t take down the Harkonnen’s early on because they quite simply had no where near enough man power. They needed to gather the other fremen to the cause


The reason the last fight was so easy was because Paul had the ability to see the best future outcomes and choose from them, by planning the fight and his actions accordingly.


Comment section is confused so I’ll clarify.

Paul only needed to get the northern tribe of arrakis to believe he is “the one”. The southern people are religious fanatics who supported him from the get go. Paul wanted nothing to do with leading because he saw the destruction & death he would bring across the galaxy not just arrakis. He did not want to take advantage of the Fremen.

Then he had to go south. Drank the water of life. And quite literally saw every possible timeline and chose the best one. That timeline led to the deaths of 61 billion people. At this point he’s a computer after the water of life nothing is chance it’s all calculated in his mind. He’s arguably not even Paul Atreides after drinking the water of life. And half the movie is him doing his best to avoid becoming the kwisach haderach, because he knows what will happen and what he’ll do and what he’ll lose.

Also the battle is so easy because, again, he can literally see the future and pick the best outcome.

I’m not sure how the audience missed the glaringly obvious piece of the movie that if he drinks the water of life he’s quite literally “a mind that transcends time and space”


I agree Chalamet is skinny…, but, if you read the book you are reminded he is still 16-18 years old at this point in the story. He was 14 when they moved to Arrakis - his power isn’t his might it’s his patience and ability to be in the moment in the book. It’s a real treasure of a message.😊


During this film I felt pride, i felt disgust, i felt hope and I felt success. All emotions that, through acting, music and portrayal made me feel part of this movie. It has been long since I felt this way during a movie.


“There are so many layers: a coming-of-age story, critiques of colonialism and capitalism, a philosophy of nature as a religion, a love story, a Shakespearean court drama, planetary ecology, and a warning about the savior complex.”
~Denis Villeneuve on Dune
Real war doesn't look like the movies. It isn't tens of thousands dying from NYC being nuked, it's tens of millions dying from the Colorado River being nuked.
Saying that Dune will "wake up hallywood" is an insult. Denis Villeneuve wanted to wake up all of us.


I think Timothee as Paul was well cast. He’s supposed to be a very skilled young boy, maybe 18 to 20, and he’s not precisely a soldier, so he wouldn’t be very jacked. He’s just well trained in fighting and he’s supposed to be more skilled than strong.
