How to Stay Motivated During Tough Times

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When so much is out of your hands, it’s important to remember what is in your control. Positive thinking is a strong force everyone can tap into. Do your thoughts nurture you and bring you hope for your future? If not, create a healthy belief system. Think uplifting thoughts, choose uplifting feelings and focus on creative ideas.

Toxic thoughts create toxic emotions. If you think fear, you will feel fearful. If you think you’re desperate, you will feel desperate. You can set yourself up for a good life or a life of failure. Here are some tips to help you with thinking positively and dreaming about a happy future, even in tough times. What do you have to lose?

Let’s make one thing clear at the beginning. Life is a continuous succession of both small and large problems. They never end. No sooner do you get control of one situation when you are hit by another. Life is a process of “two steps forward and one step back.” When you become a great success, you simply exchange one type of problem for another. No matter how smart and clever and careful you are, you’ll face challenges, difficulties and sometimes-heartbreaking adversities every day, week and month of your life.

And thank heaven for that! You couldn’t possibly have become the person you are today if you had not had to contend with adversity on your way up. Perhaps your chief aim in life and in your definition of great success is to develop a noble character, to become an excellent human being, to become everything you are capable of becoming. Only by contending with challenges that seem to be beyond your strength to handle at the moment can you grow more surely toward the stars and build upon your pillars of character.

There is a saying that tough times don't last but tough people do. In other words, if you can cope during the hard times, then you are going to be in a great position to make the most of the good times when they return.


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Рекомендации по теме

"Successful people are always action oriented". That is so inspiring.


I'm so hard trying to ignore his hand gestures. But he is definitely one of the best motivational speakers all time. Thank you very much for your advice Tracy. You are the man.


That is the key to success. Do not wait for anyone to do your part you have to do. Keep moving moving moving .... Do not stuck at any point,


I ask Allah to give you and all people like you very long life to enrich people with your successful experience. I love you so much. May Allah bless you.


ATTENTION : For the 4 that did not like the video please follow the steps in the video of why exactly you thumb down the video and failed to understand it, write down your thoughts and ideas with your name and give to someone who cares.


Dear Brian, I love your crystal clear advice and plain explanation of your videos. I watch them in the morning to keep myself focus and for fighting against my CFS.


I loved my dad, however even after all the goodness that he brought into my life. There never was this kind of advice, so I listen to Brian. He's kind of like a mentor, dad dude. He's the first person that ever told me that it was cool to like myself.


I live by the motto Just Do It. I lost my job due to covid and during the work week I get up early and stick to the same routine every day. It has worked for me


stopping to blame on others helps a lot and you realize life is simpler


holy smacks this is exactly what I do without even thinking about it when things are not going good for me almost exactly in that order. things have been going pretty bad or at least doing a 180 recently and I was freaking out it wasn't until I did the following this video touched on that I could calm down or even get good sleep. it makes me feel better that what I did wasn't random but more thought out than I have myself credit for I thank God first and formost but I thank you for this video.


This man must scare the hell of psychiatrists all around the world. Watch his videos and you'll never need their services.


Dear Brian,  thank You for your guidance. 
You're the lighthouse in the storms of life. 
All the best to you and your family.
Bless :)


thank you BRIAN TRACY....
the videos and the lessons inside it are very effective they leave a great impact on my mind.


Yeah Tracy really is a smart knowing man. I love to listen to him through tough times. Really gets me fired up


Thanks Brian, going through some hardships without asking the right question, Bang! You asked and answered greatly:)


thank you Mr.Tracy you had such a positive impact on my life and my life partner. You are amazing. Thanks for all you do!


Hi Brian sir,
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with other to make their life easy and beautiful.

Have a great day and beautiful life.


Your video informs & inspires people all over the world. I will improve me, myself after viewing your video many times. Thank you sir.


Thanks for the content on moving forward in tough times!


You changed my life. Thank you so much. U r the most inspiring person i've ever met. :)
