How I stay motivated

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In this video, I talk about how I try to stay motivated in my projects.

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Equipment I use:

Software I use:
Animation - TVPAINT
Animation - Adobe Flash/Animate CC, ToonBoom
Compositing - After Effects
Painting and Illustration - Photoshop
Video Editing - Premiere
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You may not have gotten the rewards you were looking for from your pitches, but I'm so impressed by your willingness to pursue your own thing. You're an inspiration to many of us!


“If I finish this sketch I can watch an episode of (insert good show)!”
*my brain being too good at worming out of stuff* “or you could watch it now”
you know what you give a compelling argument”


Motivation from within list:
1.) Self Challenge
2.) Self Incentives
3.) Finding Solutions
4.) Find the Fun in It!


just what i needed rn, i was super motivated this past week but the past 2 days been a struggle.

thx for the reminder 💙


I'm motivated by the project itself. All I want in life is to get my stories out there, I don't care if nobody sees it.


I think to be actually motivated, from my own experience, is that there is probably a thing in your life that is bogging you down. It is always worth it to ask yourself “What are the problems in my life that’s making me not do things?” I would then say contribute time to manage and solve those problems. Personally I am a lot more motivated because the problems that I have with myself are solved.


You don't need motivation because motivation is CRAP. Motivation LEAVES YOU. You have to be DRIVEN in order to see the end product of a project you're doing. When you're driven, whatever is standing in your way will be DESTROYED.

I learned this from David Goggins and take it to heart.


so motivation by fear is like using the dark side of the force, short and effective, but physically and mentally taxing


As animator I always felt moltivated animation was everything in my life until i suffered from depression. It took a long time to get motivated again.


I don't remember the exact quote, but it's similar to: ''When not doing it is harder than doing it, you don't need motivation''. I guess it applies more to personal projects.


From what I gather you’re saying external motivation can be good but often be either fleeting, fickle or disloyal, but in the long run internal motivations can set you up on a path to be more disciplined.


Something that really helps me as someone with depression is having a "schedule" which is a loose term in the way I am using it here. It can mean different things to different people, but essentially it is accepting that I have a disconnect in my mind because it is elsewhere, and doing things anyway. How does one just do things anyway? It's not always an option, but what is possible is to motivate yourself by only one core issue that isn't specific to "doing tasks." What I do is I take my depression and make it the single motivator in my life. I am going to get up and do things I used to care about, not with pressure to care about them suddenly, but because I care about MYSELF and my wellbeing. It is just a thing I have to do, like brushing my teeth. It can start small, but making things a part of your day will eventually help you to remember how you might feel about them. If I cannot care about my life first, I'm not healthy enough to draw. And often it is the first step to movement when in depression is to get your core self to be self considerate. To work yourself out of the worst of it and get help where you need to, use coping mechanisms, and then you will start to move again. When I start drawing, I do it with no motivation, inspiration, almost no memory of why I wanted anything in my life or cared about doing things. And that's okay because I do it anyway and it is what teaches me the opposite. It shows me simple things, and grand concepts, and the way stories have changed me, and that monotony exists even in things we care about, and that it is okay because it is worth it. I compare it to my depression. It's okay to have that monotonous depression because I am worth it. I do this because I am worth it. That is how it becomes a core part of me despite those feelings, because it is something I've been working on. Life isn't all drawing, life isn't only about the one thing that "gives you purpose." The point of your life is more than that thing, and isn't easily defined or even definable. You are enough. And you are more than enough. And you will be more than this.


This comes up all the time in all creative fields, not just animation or art. I'm an author and I've been giving people this advice for many years and it's amazing how many people are vehemently opposed to it. They think that they need to be constantly motivated from the outside, they need to constantly be told how wonderful they are and it's why they never get anything done. You need to work because you want to get it done. Everything comes from within. You have to be able to hold yourself accountable.

Fantastic video. I might send people your way the next time someone whines that they're not motivated.


Another secret is to not get bored. If it's fun, you'll stay motivated


Thank you very much ! This really helped alot :)


Starting to think this guy can read minds. Was just thinking about this


"In a way you just can't get out of work mode" THAT. I need to take a deep breath.


It's like I'm having a therapy session every time I watched your vids and this helped me a lot
:') Love from PH.


The way I motivate myself is picturing me in the next day and trying to see how I spent the day before (today). Would I feel good if I use this time that will never come again, for something productive or un-productive?


Usually, to incentive my self I create a list with checks to check when I finish a especific part of the project (like characters desing ofthe project, background, storyboard and etc...). And everytime that I check a item of the list I feel so happy
