The Problem with Jordan Peterson

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--Our long form analysis of Jordan Peterson, and more specifically the movement that has been created around him, including its ideology, shortcomings, and more

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Broadcast on October 25, 2018
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Never be an unquestioning fan of anyone or anything. Question EVERYTHING.


If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.
- Don Marquis


To everyone you look up what you need frm their philosophy and keep it moving.


Finally someone who criticizes Jordan without clearly showing they just hate everything about him good constructive criticism bro


In short: Don't be a fanatic and always take everything with a grain of salt.


When I was a young man if I felt a person who had some good ideas I tended to accept ALL their ideas. I think this is quite common amongst young people because when you are young you don't have the experience to be able to critically analyze a universe of ideas that you develop as you grow older. So it is easier to accept the ideas of someone you believe has other good positions as a proxy. I didn't like not to have a position because, without one, you have no position in the conversation and thus you feel you are irrelevant.


I love how you are articulating your points and questioning things 👏👏


This video talks respectfully about how you need to think for yourself learning from how others think for themselves, this is what I needed!


I really like Peterson, and I absolutely agree with you.
Peterson is well learned and articulate that he can easily make a convincing case, but he is not always right.
Your advice on diversifying our sources of information is the key.


This should be renamed, "The problem with Peterson's 'Fanboys."


I am a leftist and I've been benefiting from some of Peterson's advice on the self-improving practical side of things - being more goal oriented, and aiming to self-improve at work and for my family. But I admit I had to filter out a lot of his lectures, as some of these were clearly based on his political view, which is clearly on the Right side of the spectrum.


Let me give my personal opinion about why the advice given by Peterson is so powerful.
I already knew most of the advice he gives from many personal development gurus.

Yet, the power of Peterson's words go beyond all of them. From my analysys, the main factor is the complete map he gives together with the advice.
You do not only learn what to do. You learn Why to do, How to do, What expectations to have, The quensequnces of not doing, etc.
The way he articulate the "fairly obvious advice" almost forces you to act upon it and better yourself. Unlike any other person giving personal development advice(and i checked tens before him), Peterson's words have the most power.

As for political views, I encourage anyone to use the power of the internet and peoperly reseach every peoblem, find the facts, and decide based on the facts of the matter.


Yes; Ironically, Jordan Peterson has always warned about the evils of tribalism.


This argument can be applied to any fan base that exists. There are always zealous outliers that devot themselves way too hard.


Thanks for putting together this intro to the phenomenon of Jordan Peterson. People will wonder what rock I’ve been living under, but I hadn’t been that aware of him. In the past month, however, 2 content providers I’ve started following—one talking about Ukraine and the other talking about Nietzsche—felt the need to weigh in with a counterpoint to what Peterson said on their subject, so I figured I should learn more about him. This seemed like a fair, accurate portrayal, neither demonizing nor eulogizing him, and raising some very legitimate concerns about the people who are so devoted to him.


I wish I saw this when it was first posted, though it is as on the mark today as it was over four years ago. It is the most intelligent, insightful, and fair analysis and critique of Jordan Peterson I have ever come across...and it is expertly and clearly communicated in just 20 minutes.


Ok, the amount of art of him displayed was very disturbing.


Well David let me tell you something: something.


The video: There isn't that much wrong with your idol guys, but you yourself should chill and take a step back when you consume information.
8, 4k dislikes: And we took that personally.


This is a great analysis. I've been intrigued by peterson for many years, but not always agreeing with everything he says. Somehow I've been mostly fed glorified clips of him on social media, as the algorithms go. As someone not emerged in one side or the other this was a great learning experience
