Is there evidence for God with no natural explanation? | John Lennox

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Setting aside complexity theory, neurology, psychology, and evolution, at best all John has said is that we don't know how something happened. That is an argument from ignorance when you go on to conclude, "So it must have been God."

For God to be offered as an explanation, one needs something as rigorous and parsimonious as a scientific hypothesis, or better, theory. John has only conjecture and an inference with shaky foundations


1Corinthians9:16 For though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to rejoice of: for necessity is laid upon me, and woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel.


John Lennox formidable man of The One True Living God exquisite speaker, hard to get past his


The prophecies of the Bible have come to pass, that of the rise and fall of Empires, in detail, and many that have not yet.
The medical science of Leviticus 13, basic nursing care. . The Christians in ancient Rome would practice basic nursing care for the sick and dying when pandemics would break out, the Roman doctors would run for the hills while Christians brought the sick and dying into their homes from the streets the sick were just thrown out on, by their own. . . Eusebius, first ever church historian before Constantine. A drifter, a loner, traveled from Rome to Palestine and wrote of the churches, the true Church. . Which is NOT the Roman Catholic Church. . .
The cosmos of Job and Psalms. (NASA scientists wrote "God and the astronomers")
The guiding archeology that is being found accurate alongside the Bible. . .
The fact that the Old Testament is literally the history book of a nation, Israel, and somehow people can call a whole nation, a nation of fables . . It is filled with the highly sophisticated gift of Literature bestowed upon the prophets as they wrote. Israel is in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, written as if they are a nomadic people of YHWH, that have been extinguished. . But we see today, there's only buried ruins of Egypt and Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria; their gods are silent. Their societies are no more, yet Israel remains, from the beginning of civilizations.
There's more than enough evidence out there to support the Divine Authority of the Living Word of God!
Christ the very incarnation of God!
The creator of heaven and earth.
No humans ever had a story of a God that created it all!
Only gods that describe material mechanisms.


I'm a thoroughgoing theist (Roman Catholic, in fact), but this argument is far too narrow. If there is a governing logos to the structure of the natural world, then I don't see why it should surprise us that minds might be accommodated to the fact of it, under purely naturalist assumptions.


There is more evidence that man created God.


This guy really has mastered the art of saying nothing


So, only the new testament.. It's hard to justify all the killing, the lack of basic respect and morality, the sheer incompetence of your god in the old testament, right?
You sir are the Supreme Cherrypicker.


All Christians/theists can do is try to tie known phenomena to an unknown god. They can never demonstrate their god…take your pick…to exist


nope. Poor ol' Lennox, with nothing but a god of the gaps argument "human rationality does not have a purely natural

he, like all apologists, depend on their lies and that no human will ever do another minute of research to show them wrong.


God does exist. Undoubtedly; under every believer’s skull where he resides and should be protected by all means because once he leaves these very limited surroundings he is bound to dissolve in thin air :)


Shalom beautiful people and many blessings to you and to your beautiful families.

The man of valour Mr. Lennox is correct. Human rationality does not have a purely natural explanation. Human rationality is indeed tainted because of the fallen nature of man. So it does take a higher expression of intelligence to give a pure language to God's existence. And it is that higher intelligence that is able to go within the constructs of science and within the existence of the natural creation and unveil the revelation of God. God loves mankind so much that He will use the physicality of the natural realm in order to draw mankind to the truth. Shalom
