Is There Any Hard Evidence That Jesus Actually Existed?

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Is there evidence for the existence of Jesus? This video delves into the historical and archaeological records, exploring theories and debates surrounding one of history's most significant religious figures.

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I will always remember one of my teachers once saying ‘Oh Jesus definitely existed, its whether he was actually the son of god or not is the question"


I’m sure this is going to be a lovely comment section 😂


"Do you even know who my dad is???"

- Some dude wearing a robe and birkenstocks in his early 30s


Those who deny Jesus are like those that deny climate change.

That's a really weird statement to hear as an American, as here, those who are most likely to believe in Jesus are also those most likely to deny climate change.


I just like the fact that the first photo you used of Jesus was actually Obi-wan Kenobi


The real question is whether Simon Whistler exists or is he just an elaborate AI...?


I don't believe in Jesus as God but researching his historicity has become one of my hobbies because the history of that time and place was incredibly interesting. Learning things like the actual meaning of the title Chrestus, how many people bore it and the potential of a Jesus having been a Mandaean apostate gives a whole new perspective on our history. In the big picture, it doesn't matter if there was a Jesus, many "Jesuses" or none but why Christianity came to be and took over Western culture for so long. Humans are a mess. That's all I can say.

Great video. Definitely worth a half hour of my time.


Comparing denialof Jesus to denial of climate change is honestly fucking hilarious


My favorite part of the Bible was when Jesus said "It's over, Pilate! I have the high ground!"


The fact that the editor used a picture of Ewan McGregor to introduce Jesus is so 👌😂


Luke: Do you know Jesus?

Obi Wan: Why yes I do. That is me


As an African American, I struggle to find historical evidence of the existence of some of my great grandparents, yet here I am.


As soon as my time machine is finished I'll go back and let you all know


When the Jewish people of Judea/Palestine were under Roman Occupation, a lot of Zealots, or Messianic figures, rose to challenge the Romans and were inevitably crucified, the common punishment for Sedition.

Notable insurgencies were The Judean People's Front, The People's Front of Judea and The Judean Popular People's Front.


The question is, from where do these purported historians get the original story? The original version of the story we have (the gospels), is fictional. Any subsequent mention of a fictional story does not make that original fictional story historical.


I’m very surprised by the claim “historians” have a consensus that Jesus existed. I’d like to see some kind of survey rather than just take one historian’s opinion. Jesus’ existence is highly problematic. I study the Viking Age, in which we have several figures that are legendary, semi-legendary, and historical. What separates them isn’t just the volume and veracity of the sources that mentioned them, it’s the cross-referencing of sources that overlap. The more they’re cross-referenced, the more likely they existed. For example, Ragnar Lothbrok is considered semi-legendary because while his deeds are well attested in the sagas, the sagas are not a reliable source (they were written centuries later, not unlike the New Testament for Jesus). Other disparate sources [may] mention him, but those, too, are contested, much like the sources evoked in this video for Jesus. So here’s where I find it odd that there’s a supposed consensus that Jesus existed, because no historian worth his salt would claim that Ragnar Lothbrok was a real person. One or several people may have inspired the tales of his deeds, but he’s understood to be legendary, more like Robin Hood or Arthur. Further, modern studies of religions and mythologies have found a suspicious alignment between Jesus’ story and the standard hero’s journey, so much so that the psychologist C.G. Jung even claimed that there is no better example of individuation in world mythologies than the story of Jesus. It’s obvious the story follows a formula taken from earlier mythologies. As mentioned in the video, Jesus was indeed a common name at the time, and someone may have even inspired the story, or multiple people, but is it prudent to say THE Jesus existed without a doubt? I think not. Dos it diminish the value of Jesus’ story? No, because the point isn’t if he existed or not, it’s the lessons we can learn about ourselves and how to live that matter.


I'm an atheist, but I also went to a Bible college and studied the original Greek and Hebrew. Super fascinating, and while I may not believe in a deity the evidence that Jesus was an actual human is impossible to ignore. Thanks for the incredibly well researched video!


The picture of Ewan McGregor on the mantle as Jesus killed me 😂


I would think that the fact that the skies got dark, the curtain in the church was torn, and he rose from the dead would have been reported by the historians of the time. But it wasnt reported. Why not? Because it most likely did not happen.


Jesus' most useful idea is that we should care about one another. We shouldn't nurse hatred or treat each other cruellly. Instead, we should put aside resentments and be courteous, positive and understanding where possible. We also shouldn't act superior: we have our faults just like other people do. We should avoid racism, snobbery and exploitation.
