The Most Compelling Argument For God's Existence

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Ben Shapiro speaks with theologian and author William Lane Craig on the best proof of God and what is the most compelling argument for convincing people of His existence.

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We are not going to resolve this debate in YouTube comments.


this guy looks like a combo of jordan peterson and katie hopkins


Not an anti theist or anything, but these are incredibly weak arguments.


As an agnostic atheist I challenged myself to listen to this, but there was nothing compelling about his arguments. The existence of objective moral values are debatable, and most of our moral values are nothing but evolutionary traits rooted in our self-preservation.

Belief in God comes down to faith without any rational evidence.


both arguments are not very compelling


He should do his argument for Jesus for Ben hahahahaha


This guy is good at talking without actually saying anything.


I'm not even atheist and I find these arguments incredibly poor and flawed.


I didn't know David Lee Roth was religious


If all that's keeping this guy from murdering everyone is his god then thank god for religion I guess


"Something can't just come into being from nothing"

Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that it was created by someone who came into being from nothing...

Behold, the "Cosmological Argument"


The problem I have with the first argument, is that it employs “The argument from ignorance”. This is to state that, because we don’t know how the universe began, god must’ve done it. This is “the god of the gaps”, or the use of god as a placeholder for scientific understanding. The problem that I have with the second argument, is that it is circular in nature. It is predicated upon the existence of objective morality, a concept that is derived from religious philosophy. In fact, there is no evidence for objective morality, and plenty of evolutionary evidence to suggest that, what we perceive as morality is an evolutionary trait evolved to better the survival of pack animals. This argument is like saying a book is fact because in the book it said so.
Disclaimer: I love Ben, and I agree with him on just about everything but religion.


I struggle to believe the Cosmological argument has ever converted anyone.


"Whatever begins to exist has a cause. Something cannot come into being from nothing", what's the basis for that? First making an assumption and then using it to prove the same assumption. That is the most illogical thing I have heard.


Did this dude get his lips vacuumed for 3 hours before this interview


"Something can't come from nothing... Except in the case of my assertion of a god. That dude came from nothing."


As an already religious person, I had to watch this video in the mindset of an atheist who has never been exposed to theological reasoning. After doing so I have to admit, this was not a very compelling argument, sure WLC made some good points, but none of those points would specifically prove the existence of any individual deity to someone, and certainly not the Judeo-Christian God, heck it wouldn't even prove that there is a sentient being responsible for creation, it would only entertain the notion that there is some higher entity, sentient or not, being responsible for creating the universe. Belief in a specific deity is faith-based and grounded in personal experience. In some cases it can also deal with how God is defined and characterized across different cultures. For example, ancient cultures were polytheistic, they didn't think that a single entity could create all of existence, so they attributed aspects of the physical world to various deities. There are plenty of compelling arguments for God's existence, however narrowing it down to a specific one whether it be Yahweh, Allah, or even Zeus would be extremely difficult to prove logically since God cannot be physically observed, in fact, doing so would muddle the notion that there even is a sole God. I do agree with Ben however in saying that most Christians grow up hearing about Biblical stories without the symbolic/prophetic context of the stories. They're left with a captivating tale, but with no moral lesson or guidance to follow it up. Christianity unfortunately has become so watered down to appeal to lower age groups with much of it being taken out of context, hence why so many atheists view Christianity as a joke, especially in today's world where society has grown so cynical towards theological rhetoric.


These two are the perfect example of why we need to teach critical thinking in schools


If that's the most compelling argument then it's no wonder atheism is rising so fast.


I think Ben Shapiro is a very smart and charismatic guy. He debates like no other. But, when he starts talking about god and religion his arguements always fall flat and are full of falalcies.

Edit 1: Faith should never be your only reason to believe in something. In the Soviet Union the people only had faith that the communist system would work. Guess what, it didn't. I am not denying the existence of God, I am merely stating that Ben's arguments for God are usually weak and need you to already belief in God or just have faith.
