Richard Dawkins FINALLY admits there's evidence for God?

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Richard Dawkins FINALLY admits there's evidence for God?

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I was an atheist all my life up until February 2022. Before my conversion, I would read literature from authors and scientists such as dawkins. I remeber when reading the selfish gene, I got the impression that Dakins deeply resented the idea of God. Im happy to see that these people are finally being enlightend by God. Jordon peterson is another intellectual that has been graced.

Acts 2:17
In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.


In this interview he also seemed much less cynical to me... maybe we're seeing something unfold in front of our eyes. Pray for this man that he may see the truth!


“Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”


Hit the nail on the head! The more I studied physics and quantum physics, I never found anything that would lead me to think there isn’t a God. Quite the contrary.


I had a quantum physics professor in my EE program who was so joyful all the time. Dr. P.D. Gupta. I have never met another human being so joyful all the time such as him. The question arose many times in class, because of the precision of the cosmological constants and the law of conservation mass etc, what was the cause of this universe existing. Clearly, there was a tremendous amount of information supporting an intelligent design hypothesis. Many of us had this convection. He would only smile and say the universe had a cause. He would never say specifically what that cause was. Given all the evidence, both scientific and Biblical truth, I learned the cause was Christ. Colossians 1:16 For through him (Jesus) God created everything in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen things, including spiritual powers, lords, rulers, and authorities. God created the whole universe through him and for him.


We could see this coming years ago when Dawkins was interviewed by Ben Stein. They were discussing the fine-tuning argument, and this led Dawkins to suggest the possibility that aliens could have been the ones who created the universe... You know, any intelligent being besides God!

It's clear the overwhelming truth of the fine-tuning data has not left him alone, and he's starting to crack under it. Praise God! Even for hard-hearted God-hating science worshiping individuals did God give a path to him by leaving his signature on all of creation for even them to see!


"Life belongs to God" - Aristotle


I pray that may Richard come to know God before he closes his eyes


I don't think that Dawkins is admitting that he believes in God. You can hold your position on an issue while admitting there are good arguments on the other side. A good debater can see the strength of arguments on both sides of an issue, and yet will ultimately pick one side or the other. He is perhaps softening on what seems to be his previous position, which would have been that belief in God is totally illegitimate and completely delusional. It seems like his is still not a believer, but he might acknowledge that belief in God is not completely crazy.


The very fact that top flight thinker/atheist, Antony Flew, wrote There Is A God, should make them reconsider. It was after debating John Lennox he admitted there was a chance. They’re so sure of themselves, until they’re not so sure. The derisive nature of people like Ricky Gervais doesn’t help


"The more I study science, the more I believe in God.”- Albert Einstein


Just keep on praying for Richard Dawkins. God loves him and our prayers + this talks are having a great impact on him, it seems.


Please don't misrepresent the statements of the other side. He was clearly saying it came *closest* to being a good argument for God. I'm not going to insult you by pretending that you can't tell the difference between that statement and saying it *is* a good argument for God. We don't need word-spinning, truth-tweaking, misrepresentation of facts on the God side of the argument, thanks. If we can't make our stand "without guile" as the Bible says, then we don't deserve to make it.


Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. God bless y'all!!


No one said it's a good argument, they just admitted it's the most intriguing.


Jordan Peterson accepted the truth. Jesus is the truth. I hope more will come to the truth.


So, Dawkins said that fine tuning MIGHT be a good argument for the existence of God, and what you understood is that he suddenly FINALLY admits the existence of God??? (according to the title of the video). I think you're twisting things here... Also, even if the fine tuning cannot be explained by scientists, what's your evidence about it being "created" by God, or gods, or no one at all? Saying that the only explanation for fine tuning is divine intervention is really lazy, moreover if you don't provide evidence for your claim.


Richard Dawkins becoming a Christian would be a great victory for the kingdom! It does appear that God is making something happen little by little :)


Pray for Dawkins. He belongs to God. He will repent and believe the gospel.


Dawkins and Hitchens didn't say the fine tuning of the universe was a very good argument for the existence of God - they said it comes closest to a good argument. In other words, at least this argument doesn't rely on revelation or faith.
