How Alex Hormozi Is So Jacked With Only 124 ng/dL Testosterone

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To give some context to this clip -

1) Alex isn't natty, doesn't claim to be, and has stated he's on TRT many times.

2) Alex's 124 ng/dL Testosterone level test result was while on TRT. This was just a snapshot in time from one blood test result he mentioned in a podcast months ago. This podcast I was a guest on was filmed in December, and the podcast he was a guest on where he mentioned the 124 Total T was weeks before that. This level could be manually adjusted within days just by committing to adequate shot frequency, or by titrating the dose up accordingly. As mentioned in the clip, I suspect the primary reason for the sheer number being so low is an administration frequency and blood draw timing logistical issue more than anything.

3) Even when he was natty, Alex was jacked. Even when he is in what would be typically defined as hypogonadal low T territory, regardless if it's natural or on TRT, he seems to still function fine, maintains elite body composition, whereas most wouldn't, and many would feel terrible (harks back to "hyper-responder" discussions in some of my old videos).

4) The takeaway is that although it is an important metric to track, the same Testosterone level will not equate to the same body composition, or even broad AR mediated systemic effects, for every person, it varies significantly. The number on paper isn't the end all be all, and some men who are on TRT don't even feel symptom relief at borderline supraphysiological levels (albeit rare). Everyone is different.


How many times are we gonna hear “huh it’s weird that this super jacked guy has like 0 natural testosterone” before we just admit his T was tanked by PEDs 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


it's called TRT, the test was so low due to years of steroids abuse


- Guy goes to the gym and gets semi jacked.
- Guy gets on roids+ Gym, gets super jacked.
- Guy comes off roids, keeps some gains, loses natural test levels.
- Guy goes to doctor to get TRT, STAYS SUPER JACKED.

This is so glaringly obvious that the morale of the story is to just do roids, get jacked, come off, and take TRT. Don't pretend to be a no BS channel and claim that Alex is just naturally low test.


Alex is a compulsive liar. He’s on the saucuel.


Derek we aren’t dumb, there’s no way an avid businessman is going to let his T drop to 100. That isn’t optimal.


I had 73 and was functioning, lifting, working, fucking still. It was hard to put on mass but was cut and weighed 175 5'11". Medication I take drops my test like crazy. I was depressed alone if im.being honest. But I'm disciplined and run my routine regardless of how I'm feeling. It's life, ya know.


PSA: Stop buying into all this Testosterone Replacement Therapy stuff guys unless you’re at a seriously low level AND experiencing side effects. I made this mistake myself and embarked on a HORRIBLE 2 year journey. I had the worst side effects you could imagine. I got on it bc I had a reading of .300 ng/dcl. I got acne so badly I didn’t want to leave the house for a year. It completely negated any potential benefit. I stopped in 2020 and realized my body is just hyper sensitive to Testosterone. I’m in incredible shape. All I got out of TRT was horrible acne and hair loss only to stop it and realize I was fine as is. This has become an INDUSTRY. FOR PROFIT. Men have survived for thousands of years with our bodies operating like they’re supposed to without TRT.

Also- I’ve read stories online of men who said they went on TRT and 5-10 years later were diagnosed with prostate cancer and it was the worst decision of their lives. Be careful and don’t buy into this madness. Even though I’m in great shape now I’ll never put on muscle quite like I did pre-TRT


Just imagine glazing Alex after he convinced you with some mental gymnastics that he was low test, super jacked, and natty. Coach Gregg did a breakdown and it seems like Derek is willfully ignorant. Derek had a good run but thus willful ignorance (regardless of how “rare” this physiological phenomenon is) is what shows me an end of an era of honest reviews. Coming up with every excuse instead of addressing the obvious elephant in the room. The dude abused PEDS. And now Alex coasting on HRT. Pulled the Italian job on Derek.


That's when he comes off the gear and it crashes. I've done that many times. I will run into the 2200's and then if I come off I'll drop off in to the 100's. is full of BS


just hear that guys gf speak and tell me they aint both on it lmaooo


Alex lost all his test through that nose bandaid he always got on


124 is female territory, it's lower than the lowest male level. that means only one thing - gear ⚙️ (not test )


Derek is uploading a severelly sub-optimal number of videos incapable of saturating our need for MPMD content...


a lot of buisnessmen also think sleep is stupid so there’s that too


So I did drugs for ten years and test boosters for a couple years and for some reason my testosterone tanked HARD which is rare from boosters I heard. I felt so tired and exhausted and sleepless 24/7 and ppl always called me lazy and I thought I was too. Got my test checked out and it was at 60ng/ml which is INSANE my doctor said “idk how u even get out of bed “…now I’m highly motivated and my life is amazing and I’m so thankful for trt


I don’t know how anyone can take Alex genuinely seriously. I was genuinely shocked to see a course guru like him landed himself an interviewed with MPMD


I came off test, been off for 3 months now and had labs done. my levels are 151 rn and that explains why I feel so bad
this is all for me and my wife to have a baby


It’s low and he’s still jacked because his prior cycles shut him down a bit and he still does cycles intermittently.


Would love to see another YouTube video. Hope all is well
