Is It Good to Walk Immediately After Eating Food? | Post Meal Movement | Workout For Digestion

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Walking is a simple and accessible form of physical activity that can have numerous benefits for our health and wellbeing. In particular, walking after meals has been found to be particularly beneficial.. Walking after meals can be beneficial for several reasons:

· Helps with digestion:.
· Regulates blood sugar:
· Boosts metabolism:
· Improves mood and energy levels:

While there are multiple benefits of walking after meals, one must know the right way of walking to benefit from it.

It’s important to note that breathing is an essential component of walking after meals, as it can help regulate our heart rate, oxygen intake, and overall physical and mental state. Here are some specific ways that breathing can be important during walking after meals:

·Oxygen intake: Walking after meals can increase the demand for oxygen in our muscles, and proper breathing can help supply our bodies with the necessary oxygen. Taking deep breaths can help increase oxygen intake and promote better circulation.

·Relaxation: Walking after meals can help us relax and unwind after a meal, and proper breathing techniques can further enhance this effect. Focusing on deep, slow breathing can help lower our heart rate and promote a sense of calm.

·Digestion: Breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing, can help stimulate our digestive system and aid in the digestion of food. This can help reduce the risk of digestive issues like bloating, indigestion, and constipation.

·Mind-body connection: Walking after meals can also be a time for mindfulness and self-awareness, and paying attention to our breathing can help us connect with our bodies and improve our mental state.

In this video we will explore the correct breathing pattern when you walk after your meals

Time stamp
0.14 - The right way of walking with along with breath coordination that works for you along with your digestion

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Give this inhale-exhale walking exercise a try after your meals to improve your digestion and breathing! Share this video and drop your comments below. Our goal is to make good health a priority, promote well-being and make this world a healthier place to live in.


The blood glucose startes rising 30 minutes after food (little later if you eat healthy fats and protein rich food). So, start walking 30 minutes onwards for 30 minutes to minimize blood glucose levels after eating. Muscles have capacity to push blood glucose down without need for insulin. (Active muscle can draw glucose into them out of blood via glut4 receptors without need for insulin)


Thank you very much, this video benefited me wonderfully and made me better, I tried these tips while watching the video and I benefited a lot


I'm type 2 diabetic and my cardiologist said walking should start 1.5 - 2 hours after eating.
Because digestion starts and the blood goes to the stomach and the intestines. Blood flow to other parts of the body is reduced.
Insulin is produced and sent to the blood. The body is in digestion state. The heart works hard to send blood to the intestional system.
Some people feel sleepy after eating, some older people experience postprandial hypotension - fall in blood pressure while in digestion state.
While in that state to expend more energy, oxygen, by walking, to direct blood to the muscles wouldn't make sense.
Blood sugar does and should rise after eating, it should fall down to healthy levels after 1.5 -2 hours. The person should rest during digestion.


i think walking immediately after meals whether slow or fast is not at all advisable...only one can sit on vajrasana without any movement for minutes or so...and walking should be done slowly after half an hour for maximum of 20 minutes not more


You should do walking if you want to live longer and to sleep better and better digestion along with indoor exercise but don't do immediate walking wait 15 to 30 min after you eat that depends on how young you are?


Hansaji please make a videos on hiatal hernia in adults


Hi mam, comparing this wid vajrasana which one is better to do after a meal..


I do pranayamas like kumbak anulon vilom with walking barefoot on wet grass early morning


Ma'am nice information but please elaborate about the timing means should it be done immediately after meals or when ?


Hi Hansaji, great video. I have recently been having problems with my sleep. Once a week it has been taking me longer to fall asleep, and sometimes I fall asleep after 3 to 4 hours. I always relax before bed and I am not worrying about anything. Also it’s very hard when I have to wake up early for work. Do you have any advice? I am 39 and not sure if it is to do with age.


Thank you! But didn't get the answer of 'is it good to walk *immediately* after having food?'


Do we only start the walk with inhalation thru nose and exhalation thru mouth or the exhalation thru mouth is during the walk also? Thanks


Hi ma'am is it good to walk for 1500 steps after meal


Thank you madam
Please I did procedure since January
And I'm still have shortness of breath
I'm told there's lungs odema
What do recommend


We can exhale from mouth while walking also


It is said in Ayurveda that atleast 20 mins break should be there after meal then walk


Can we walk immediately after meal or there is any time gap between meal and walk
