The Empath & The Narcissist – The Most Painful Dynamic

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Empaths are the opposite of narcissists. While people with narcissistic personality disorder have no empathy and thrive on the need for admiration, empaths are highly sensitive and in tune with other people's emotions. So why do Empaths and Narcissists Are Attracted to Each Other let's find out!

This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. It's not a substitute for professional advice, but for general guidance. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

Writer: Joshua Munoz
Script Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Angelina Tsugumi
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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Plot twist: most people who identify as an empath are actually children of narcissists who have been groomed to be hypervigilant of emotions or be emotional shock absorbers of parents rage and abuse. Then they attract other narcissists as friends/bosses/lovers and relive the cycle.


I’m an empath. My father is a narcissist. If you can relate to this, I feel for you and I wish you happiness and inner strength ❤️


We need an Empath Island! Everyone must pass the"are you a narc" tests first though. They are so easy to spot once you have enough experience with them. They are everywhere.


I'm an empath and I feel like such a loser. We are highly taken advantage of and scrutinized. I feel scarred for life from my narc relationship. I'm still trying to heal from it and it will take me a long time


To all the empaths who have been in these relationships trust me when I say, some people don’t deserve your forgiveness, some people don’t deserve your empathy. If they hurt you after they know they did something wrong yet continue OR even blame you, don’t take it because almost everytime it’s not you and they are making it seem like it’s you, treat yourself with the same kindness you give to other people who didn’t deserve it <3


“Love doesn’t die a natural death. Love has to be killed, either by neglect or narcissism.” – Frank Salvato
Great content, love it! ❤️


Saying, “no” to a narc is dangerous physically & mentally. There will be consequences for saying, “no” and setting boundaries.


Narcissist’s favorite line: I won’t do it again. I promise

They’ll do it again and again to whoever will enable them


Sad to think that most narcissists have an empath feeling like they’re the narcissistic one


My exhusband is a narcissist. I loved him so much, and living through the time we were together was awesome in the love bombing stages and horrific the rest of the time. The gaslighting was the worst part. Example: I could say the sky is blue. He could say it’s red. By the time the conversation/fight ended, I would be in tears agreeing with him and apologizing profusely. I’ve been single for years now. I just can’t go through that again.


“Empathy believe they can fix and heal anything with compassion.” 💜


This was my boyfriend and I. I had no idea what I was in for, no idea what a narcissist was - or empaths. In the beginning it was beautiful. Four years later, I have lost everything including myself. I gave until I had literally nothing left. Then, he left with zero explanation. I lost my home, my car, my job, my friends and family. Once he drained me in every way possible, he was done with me because I had nothing more to give. I have never felt so used, so hurt, so alone, so stupid.


I'm an empath. I dated a narcissist for 7 years. It was the most toxic, abusive relationship I've ever been in. I had to come up with an unorthodox strategy to leave, but it worked and I got out. Emotional education was the key for me, and I know it can help many others caught in this toxic merry go round. Educate yourself, reach out for help, and put yourself first. That's the only way to win this kind of fight. Strength to all involved and recovering from this 💪🏽💪🏽


I got out of a 3 year relationship with a narcissist a year ago. I had no boundaries when it started because i'd never needed them, everyone i'd dated before had been honest and decent. I made the mistake of believing that when someone says they love you it means they'll do anything not to hurt you. Narcissists are different. Never blame yourself, never believe what they say, never feel sorry for them, and never go back.


I was the narcissist, he an empath. One day, completely resigned he said he couldn't do this anymore. He didn't understand yet what I did to him, still thought all was his fault. Scared that I'd lose him I decided to make a show of how I'll change myself, he wasn't interested. But a string of unexpected events actually did push me to change, I ended in therapy and unlocked empathy, and the realisation of how much hurt I've caused.


Share this with a narcissist and they'll tell you that you're crazy and treat the video like it's nonsense... Even shame you for trying to understand this dynamic in your life. As frustrating as the relationship was, I am so grateful for the experience. First, I'm grateful it didn't last long -- A year was all that I could handle. More importantly, I'm grateful for the lessons learned from that experience. It was necessary to experience the disappointment, manipulation, the highs, the lows, the betrayal... Not just for me, but for the both of us. I left the relationship with a deeper understanding of my capacity to love. I no longer need narcissism to show me the things I couldn't. And as much as I don't want to... I pray for my ex. It's my responsibility as a healer. For those who read this, move forward gracefully, heal, and remember that you are the blessing.


I'm an empath who hasn't spoken to my narcissist sister in years. I've never felt more free, confident and peaceful in my whole life.


At 63 I discovered what a narcissist is only two weeks ago. She sowed the seeds to her own destruction and self doubt in me simultaneously. I called her out on lack of forgiveness, disrespect and passive agressive behaviour and ENDED it... in two minutes it seemed. Riding away on my bicycle never felt so light. I thanked her in truth for two wonderful years. She was amazing in so many ways (never had sex) and we had so much fun - and now I can swim 1/4 mile at 43⁰F. I feel huge compassion for her because I know the back story. But death by 1000 cuts? No thanks. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Didn't truly realize i was an empath until i met a narcissist. Smh it was a blessing and a curse because i realized what i was doing wrong by not protecting my light but damn that was a hell-ofa lesson!


Hey, everyone. I know some of you have been having horrific times, so I'm just here to tell you that you're loved. You all deserve the world, and I'm very glad to have you all here with us. You will always, always be valid, needed and incredible people. Please, don't forget to take care of yourselves today. I believe in you and hope your week has been amazing so far.
