The Narcissist and the Empath - A Toxic Attraction

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Empaths and narcissists make a toxic partnership. The narcissists and the empath have a magnetic yet toxic attraction and tend to make a highly dysfunctional union. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are especially drawn to emphatic people. And one of the main reasons why overly empathic people are irresistible to narcissists is that empaths are highly sensitive people (HSPs). They are emotionally vulnerable, which makes them easy targets for manipulation.

So what happens when these two come together in a relationship? Well, it can be great… but only until things start falling apart. While narcissists may appear happy at first glance, they actually have low self esteem and constant feelings of insecurity that they try to cover up by being controlling and manipulative toward others.

In this video, we look at how empaths and narcissists can come together in love and ultimately destroy each other.


7 Secrets Narcissists Don’t Want You To Know:

7 Traits Of A DARK Empath - The Most Dangerous Personality Type:

Why You NEVER Win With A Narcissist:


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Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose

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This hit me so hard! I am in this toxic relationship right now and has been for a long time, but will soon end "legally". It took me so many years to find the courage to finally end it.

Thank you for this video. It is much apprecciated


Being an Empath feels like a curse at times, whenever I hear any bad news it feels like it has happened to me 😢


I'm an *Empath* through and through!

The information in this video is not all true for all Empaths.

I am not drawn to narcissists. I am not manipulated easily.

I've lived long enough to know how to spot a narcissist. When I see one, I run the other way.

I've been taken advantage of many times in my past. I don't want that anymore.

When I love, I love deeply. I don't want to waste that selfless love on any narcissist. I've done that in my past to my detriment.

I am not a people pleaser. But I do want everyone to be happy. I just recognize that I'm not responsible for everyone's happiness.

I refuse to be prey to the narcissist.


This is so I learnt this in recent years, but so wish I'd learnt it a looong time ago.


Although still in the process of getting to fully know myself, I can proclaim with absolute certainty what I am and what I must do. Narcissists are just one of the many "natural" enemies of the empath. And that fight is far from over.


Narcissists always prey on empaths because they need someone to always massage their ego and bow to their every demand.


That one really hit home. It describes precisely the relationship with my ex-wife. She ended up completely destroying our marriage and stepping all over my ego.


You just completely described my first marriage to my narcissist/cheating ex!!!! I am a total empath and he is a spoiled, entitled "only- child narcissist!" The "other woman" in our scenario already apologized for her role in destroying our marriage....almost 10 years later, he has yet to admit to adultery. They broke up already and I am happily re-married to an amazing non-narcissist. Saying all this because there is true love and healing on the other side of narcissistic abuse!!!


great video! a narcissist is basically an evil person defined with a more elegant name.. i have known few of them 😭 i can assure you if you spot one you should just run as far as you can because these people never change.. talking to them equals talking to a wall or some inanimate object.. pity on your time and effort


Thanks for explaining to me why I was in a friend relationship for 50 years off and on. The only thing I can add is, as an empath my friend took me places and had me do things that I would never had attempted. She made life interesting.


Beautifully put together and narrated. What is being treated so crisply and clearly here is effectively the 'hell on earth' we see around us, and, if we are sufficiently unlucky, living through each day. (😈 + 😇= 😭)


Total Truth! This empath ran out of pleaser behaviour after 20+ yrs really upset the narcissist & his verbal abuse & control & anger wasn't healthy...I got out...better off for it 7 yrs later! I live a drama free peaceful life now 🙂


Narcissists often call themselves “empaths” in order to gain your trust. Seems like an empath would be too humble to call themselves an empath.


I enjoyed it. It the story of my life. Narcissist are time waster


Now this reminds me of my last relationship that I had with my second son's mother I think that she was a people pleaser or a narcissistic person she doesn't know how to take the blame for herself.

I think that we had a disagreement about she got mad and hit me so I got mad myself and hit her back because I knew that if I let her get away with this she'll think that she can do this again In front of people I had got that out of her head right there.

So anyways God bless everyone who comes across this comment 🙏🏾🔥🕊✝️


This accurately describes the relationship I’ve been involved in. My decision to end this has been a long-time coming but it’s time to free myself of this toxic cycle. Great video- thanks!!♥️


I’m an empath … my husband is more of a narcissist. He holds me back from a lot, a lot of times not wanting to let me do things for myself, including seeing my family.


This has to be among the most concise summaries of narcissistic behaviors and empathic qualities I have seen that is not a channel purely about psychology.


Hah! Been waiting for this face-off! What happens when a narcissist gets with an empath... 🤔? Idk, ....prolly the same thing that happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object!! Or when nitrous oxide meets glycerin! Nonetheless, great video! Hope everyone's doing well!💥💜🌍


Sex glues this kind of ppl together, then the torture starts when the narcissist withholds the love to the empath because he or she loves to control and dictate, I am middle class, I can't afford domestic wars, I can't even run, so I turn to God for solace, shanti
