Jordan Peterson's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH)

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Jordan Peterson's Life Advice Will Change Your Future. A must watch motivational speech!

Special Thanks To Jordan Peterson for allowing us to share!

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We hope you have a wonderful day filled with joy, and that you accomplish everything that you set out to do today. God bless you all! 😊


He feels like a worried dad who wants whats best for all his kids i love it


This man is inspirational at any age. I'm 77 and feel that time is running out for me but JP still helps to make the best of the time that's left.


Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.


As a 64 year-old woman, looking back over my life, I can say Jordan is 100% right on all points. I would add that having a plan doesn't mean you can't change your plan, but before changing that plan, it's important to ask yourself whether you want/need to change the plan because it's not working, or you haven't overcome procrastination (laziness, depression, etc) to make it work. Whatever the reason, you can adjust or break down your goals into smaller steps, but once you meet them, you should think about setting yourself a bigger goal pretty soon afterward. It's very important in life to learn how to do things you don't feel like doing, or are afraid to do, but as Peterson says, you also need to balance those things out with rewards. Think of it as resistance training for your heart, soul and mind. If you think your life is chaotic at the moment, and you don't have good habits, the easiest one to start with -- if you're not already doing it -- is to make your bed every morning. Do that, and your reward will come every evening when you walk into a bedroom that's clean and restful looking, and really helps set you up for a good night's sleep, which is the foundation upon which to build good health. Peace and blessings to all on your journeys! 🥰





This should be a High School course, our children are so confused.


A personal note: My experience growing up as being my own man and no one to look up I've made it through this far by listening to great speakers and teachers such as Jordan Paterson. Grew up fatherless and supported by a hard working mum with 4 siblings. I had to leave my home at age 17 (I am 53 now) and never went back. I visited sure, but in my mind I had to continue the journey set for me. Everything that life throws at you even when you think things could not get any worse, anything you may think, it happened to me. Broke my back at age 20. Fired from the job and went back to school. Jobless at age 32 supporting 5 kids of mine, lost the house twice in 2001 and 2002. Lived in the street, cancer (Leukemia) at age 37. Almost died in the ECU from transplant rejection. It goes on and on.
You don't get this far by going alone as there were so many people I have to thank for even for that glass of water or the small meal. I take all this advice as GOLD and the only thing I regret the most is not having heard any of these when I was younger. So if you are just starting your adult life or thinking about leaving the nest, I can just tell you be a good person and respect everyone and thank everyone who extend a helping hand. Believe me you will not be alone. When you achieve something be grateful to those who supported you and even those who doubted your ways, because there's a little bit of stubbornness in everyone who make it to the finish line in the small and the bigger things in life. Good luck to everyone in this great and wonderful thing we call life so many of us are still trying to understand what the real meaning of it is. I am sure at the end, your persistence will pay off with joy of living a life full of experiences and zero regrets.


I love his boldness. No sugarcoating, straight honesty. Brilliance. 🙌🏼


This man is so wise his forehead got abs


I love this. My dad is abusive and my mother is a crack addict. It really speaks to me. My brother last year commited suicide and my sister died of an overdose...This video shows me that nothing is impossible to overcome. I will strive to emulate the character this man speaks of.


Thank you man, im 27 and ive been depressed for ... idk how many years, it is always up and down, its like im peter pan, always told how talented i am, born in a good family, with a good mother and living quite confortable, ive been so many years not even wanting to live, staying long hours at bed, addicted to anything that evades me, joints, party, "friends", videogames, and im tired.... for so many things and i despise myself so much for not fighting, for just giving up in so many things of life, mostly everything....
i cant, and i wont tell you my life here but still, i feel like something just clicked on me, ive been a few months trying to get better, and getting back to what i am, to what i hate of myself...
Ill do 1 thing i heared from you.... ill do that schedule that i didnt interprete correctly, i was one of those people that tyranize the schedule, ill try to not do those things i know that are really bad for me, and do those things i know they are good for me for a year.
I used to think people that writes these kind of things are lying or trying to get attention, i see now that sometimes is not the case, becouse its very hard for me to write this down... But thank you man, thank you for your dedication, thank you for being an example, and thank you for saying the hard things i knew and i needed to hear from some1 that has clearly thought about it, i know you wont read it, but still THANK YOU MAN.

See you in a year.... I hope i get to be the man i want to be.


This is exactly what I needed to hear .. Been in very very dark places with dark thoughts lately. If you read this, know that I am with you and I am your biggest supporter!!!


I can't imagine going to this class, hearing this, internalizing this, and then having to go to my next class and hear some guy yammer on about corporate finance.


“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.” ~ Jordan Peterson 💪🏻🚀


Making money is not the same as keeping it, there are a lot of things that aren't well taught in schools. The market crisis gave me my first millions, when people stayed away from hard times I made the most of it..many credits goes to Sir Zachery Micah Demers


Was listening to this as I held my sleeping one year old daughter in my arms and couldn’t help but to tear up. I tear up not because I am afraid to fail, I tear up because I felt it was inevitable. It’s who I’ve been this whole time and I didn’t care but I know I cannot continue this way now and it worries me beyond anything else. I am my own worst enemy but I am my own best friend as well. I’m living in a hell I have created for myself. Jordan made me realize pain that I needed to feel because it was necessary pain and I hope I make good use of it not for me, but for the people I love.


"you're not your own servant, you're someone you have to negotiate with" hit me on so many levels.


We read news in the media that doom and gloom is coming and we just accept it, doom and gloom doesn’t always have to be coming, I’ve read numerous success stories of people that are pulling off tremendous gains of up to $250K within weeks in this crazy market and I just want to learn how to achieve such figures.


I've been stuck in counter productive persistence for the last 3 or so years. I've never heard it explained that way. It's impossible to explain in text, even in words, but recent life experiences have opened my mind to seeing this reality. I appreciate Jordan for underscoring and bolding these words for me
