How To Know Yourself | Jordan Peterson | Best Life Advice

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"It takes a person out of the ordinary. It takes a person out of themselves."


Jordan Peterson

➤➤Video Sources:
April 2019 Q and A by Jordan B Peterson

Pexels Video


➤➤Thumbnail Credits:
Photographer: Johannes Haataja
Photograph: Dr. Jordan Peterson arriving to Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki for his 12 Rules for Life Tour, Nov. 11. 2018.

Licensed via Audio Jungle

Powerful Life Advice | Powerful Wisdom | Best Life Advice

➤➤Transcript (Partial):
The Greeks had the maxim “know thyself”. How do we come to know ourselves in terms of our personalities, and more importantly, potential? Well, one of the first ways to come to know yourself is to understand that you don’t. You know, you can learn to kind of watch yourself like you’re watching a stranger. But you have to adopt a position—this is a position of radical humility, I would say—humility in two senses. So, one sense would be: humility of recognizing your ignorance. So you have to understand that you don’t know who you are. And that’s not easy to understand, because you think you know, but then you know, you remember you can’t control yourself very well, you’re not very disciplined, you're full of flaws, maybe you don’t know yourself as well as you think. But it’s hard to get low enough to understand how deeply it is the case that you are ignorant about who you are. Now, there’s an upside to that, too, which also is that you’re also ignorant about who you could be. And so, the discovery of that, you know, is some reward for the horror of determining who you actually are. Then I would say, well—then you watch yourself. You watch yourself like you’re watching a stranger. You watch what you say and you listen. You think, well, what sort of person would say that? And how am I reacting emotionally when I’m communicating in that manner? Is that making me feel stronger or weaker? Is it filling me with shame? Is it helping my confidence? Am I laying out a lie? Am I deceiving myself and other people? Am I adopting this personality at parties that is designed to impress and to amuse and it comes across as nothing but self centered narcissism? What are my dark fantasies? What are my aggressive fantasies? What is it that I’m willing to do? What am I interested in so that I’ll spontaneously pursue it? What do I procrastinate about and why? What am I unwilling to do? What do I think is good? What do I congratulate myself for accomplishing? And what do I berate myself for failing to confront and to implement? Those are all incredibly complicated questions and you don’t know the answers to them. So that’s—that’s a start. And then, in terms of potential, well, you’ll discover a little bit more about your potential as you discover who you are, especially the darker parts about yourself, because then you discover your potential for mayhem. There’s some real utility in that. It’s actually something that strengthens you, because the first thing that a realization like that can in fact produce is the ambition to incorporate that dangerousness into a higher order personality, and that can make you implacable. That can make you someone who can say “no” when you need to say “no.” You know? That can make you someone who won’t avoid necessary conflict. And so that’s unbelievably useful. And so that’s one of the potentials that you might discover. The other thing you do to discover your potential is to—well you challenge yourself. You know, it’s like—Rule 4 in my book “12 Rules for Life” is: compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today, and that’s kind of a good way to start this...


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Рекомендации по теме

He's no guru. He claims no secret knowledge. He's just an incredibly intelligent, compassionate, brave man. Be well, Jordan.


"The most terrifying thing is to accept yourself fully"
- Carl Jung
Jordan is the saviour of our times.


It’s quite shocking how few people know about the book Whispers Of Manifestation on borlest


This actually made me cry because it makes you realize how much of a coward i can be sometimes. The worst is you always know what you should do, but you avoid it..and i know i can be better..sometimes all you need is motivation words.. Thanks Jordan..I hope you recover well


*Says the deepest things imaginable.*
JP: “So, that’s the answer to that question.”
Me: Oh


If I hadn't discovered Dr Peterson's work and videos from good friends, I might have very well taken my own life. I suffered a terrible betrayal and I watch his videos repetitively and daily to motivate myself to push forward, to realize my potential, to improve, and so that i don't have the thoughts to hurt myself again. he is amazing and I want to say he most likely saved me


I've never resonated with anything more :
"You're too proud of who you think you are to notice what you're like, so that you can change properly. You don't want to sacrifice that part of yourself. It's probably associated with some delusion that helps you maintain a positive, although very fragile self image [...] in the absence of genuine effort."


"What can I do for myself today?" is a very powerful question..


"you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself"


"Compare yourself to who you were YESTERDAY and not to who you are TODAY". I immediately think of my past and compare my old self when I was 17 and me as a 22 year old today, I realized there's a big changes. I've learned to control my emotions, to be tough in handling situations and to be independent. and I am proud of it, ❤️


10 years of heroin addiction, 3 years of physical alcohol dependence and addiction really humbled me. I've been clean and sober for 2 years off heroin. 4 months off alcohol now and I am eating better exercising. Taking care of my physical and mental health has be feeling better than ever. Wish I could have learned the humility and great life lessons that I did from that suffering without all the suffering but it didn't turn out that way. Jordan your teachings philosophies have really been a big part of my rehabilitation and reorientation. Thanks so much for what you do Jordan and I would love to share my story and help others do similar.


“You’re too proud of who you think you are to notice what you’re like so that you can change yourself”


The world needs Jordan Peterson, now, more than ever.


Jordan peterson is a blessing to many. I achieved success with the easy steps below.


I was actually whining to my wife last week about the fire inside me that is telling me I want nothing more than to become great. All the while completely doubting my own potential to do so. "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today".

I really needed this.

Thank you Jordan. You are changing lives.


My prayers Jordan Peterson and his family, they have gone through a lot in these past three years. What an inspiration to my life in being better that what I was yesterday, last week, last month and last year. He was put here for a purpose and for that purpose is the reason why he stands out amongst his peers.


Watch yourself like you’re watching a stranger, You watch what you say and you listen, and think:

What sort of person would say that and how am I reacting emotionally when I’m communicating in that manner?
Is it making me stronger or weaker?
Is it filling me with shame?
Is it filling me with confidence?
Am I laying out a lie am I deceiving myself and other people?
Am I adopting this personality at parties that is designed to impress and amuse and comes across as nothing but self-centered and narcissism?
What are my dark fantasies?
What are my aggressive fantasies?
What is it that I’m willing to do?
What am I interested in so that I will spontaneity pursue it?
What do I procrastinate about and why?
What am I unwilling to do?
What do I think is good?
What do I congratulate myself for accomplishing?
And what do I berate myself for failing to confront and implement?

I wrote these down so that I can ask myself and see what the answers are. I hope you do the same!


I am a young woman from Africa and I love this man's teachings for young people. Most adults dont give themselves time to play this role and the world certainly doesnt care. I am grateful to discover another daddy across the globe. God bless you JP💕


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Dr Peterson’s I pray in Jesus Christ name for a full recovery. You’ve been a blessing to so many. God bless you
