INSTANT CONSTIPATION RELIEF - 1 Master Acupressure Point (Medically Proven) - Dr Alan Mandell, DC

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In a medical study out of the University of California, Los Angeles, 72% of folks with constipation who tried perineal self-acupressure–where you gently press and massage the perineum, which is the area between the anus and genitals–whenever you feel the urge to “go” found it helped them achieve success in the bathroom. As the researchers explain it, this simple technique works by breaking up hard stools, relaxing muscles and stimulating nerves responsible for bowel movements.

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Hello Dr. Mandell. I wanted to sincerely thank you today. After 3 days of excruciating pain, fatigue and desperation, I came across your video last night. I tried it 10 minutes later, the dam burst and I instantly started crying. Im a burly, bearded, tattooed and gruff voiced man, I don't cry often. I instantly went to sleep for 13 hrs. You are a bad-ass doctor, appreciate Subscribed!!!


This is real, AND IT WORKED

Thank you Doctor, you really saved me from pure misery. I did it just like you said, and last night the first "plug" came out. Then this morning, after a brisk and miserable walk down and up my street, I got back and had a severe urge to go. I did what you said and one came out. Did it for about a minute Out followed the rest of those bastards!
I am so relieved I want to sing!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Most trustworthy Doctor I have ever listened on YouTube. He is absolutely right in so many topics, just unbelievable. Thank you very much Doctor!


Constipation iv read somewhere can effect a persons personality for example, irritability, bad temper, easily agitated etc. I also read that the intestines have neurons kinda like what we have in the brain, so it may be possible since a person is constipated those neurons are affected. Thanks Doc, it's so important to be regulated as you very right


I used this today after weeks of constipation and IT WORKS, and was not just one BM then 20 minutes later another one...I've used a lot of your video's and I really appreciate your hard work to get us to listen to common sense in our life! Thank YOU!


I wish there were more Doctors like you, that steeer us away from medicines / drugs towards natural remedies, thank you, please keep up the good work.


Oh My God!! After 6 days of constipation and pain and 3 different laxatives, this is the only thing that worked in 5 MINUTES!! Thank you so much!! I was going to go to the hospital tomorrow. You saved the day!!


Dr. M you really have gone through so many necessary topics that the population needs but may be afraid to talk to their primary drs about. Thank YOU for being that wordly Dr🤩


Watched this the other day didn’t need to use it then. Today had terrible constipation. Used this technique today and I know this sounds terrible but I filled the toilet up in 30 seconds and I was completely done with my constipation. Thank you Doc


Unbelievable.! After 4 days of discomfort it took 10mins for me to go!!! Thank you doc!! It's very uncomfortable topics but absolutely necessary. Please keep going


Thank You. . . .For Speaking on Real Life Issue's !! You have HELPED so many people. "GOD BLESS"


Thank you Doctor. I'm not ashamed to admit you just helped me in a very real way!


Love your videos. No bologna, no fluff. Always informative and educational, from one medical person to another.


I love the way this motivational doctor explains these messages. He makes them so clear. I am a happy subscriber.


This is an amazing share. Not everyone is comfortable with talking about this. But when you can't go, it's really uncomfortable and makes you feel terrible.
Thank you for sharing. God bless


I was sick from constipation, thank you for this great and most needed information for so many. God bless.


I wanted to Thank you for all the help you are doing God Bless you and make your life easy!
I wanted to share my experience regarding constipation.
1- having 2 table spoon slippery elm powder mixed in a bowl of hot water and add 2-3 table spoon honey and a pinch of cinnamon have it as your dinner. And last thing before sleep have one or two whole oranges.
Most likely by the time you wakeup in the morning you go very well..
And when you are sitting on the bathroom use a small step stool for under your feet and try to be relax and scratch top of your head (crown of your head).
It relaxes you and with what you had as your dinner, you be very happy!


THANK YOU 💖 🎉THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS VIDEO!!! IT LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE!!! I have been obstructed fully, released from ER with glycerin suppositories and still not moving much.... THIS WORKS!!!! GOD BLESS YOU SIR!!!


You are my go too for everything! You have relieved me and my families physical problems for years! God bless you. You are such a gift!


This sh*t is timeless! 15 yrs as a 2x Survivor of cancer, I've asked many doctors (AND I have a lot them to ask for constipation relief! I got the same old sh*t! Take this, drink that, eat more of this, do this not that! OMG Nothing gave me the consistent relief I desired! I actually figured this one out by happenstance! Now you've given me a way to communicate with my doctor about the perineum massage! 4 natural births over 35 yrs ago and we just calked it taint! LOL It ain't there nor here! This works great for me! I begin with a tummy colon massage! I then massage the perineum! With time, practice, patience, trial and error, we have success! Finally a natural and effective movement with no medication!! Ty so very much! I'm grateful to finally be going with the flow! Miraculous ❣️
