How to find time to sew

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How do you find time to sew when you feel so busy that there IS no time?

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I make sure, every day, the first thing I do is watch youtube videos for 16 hours. And it works. I can vouch for this method.


I will never forget an article I read in Threads many years ago. The basic gist of it was that if you only had 10 - 15 minutes a day, if you planned it right you would have a new jacket in a month. I am hoping to adopt this approach for my projects this year.


This year I plan on getting a second bedroom to have a sewing room again. It's been 5 years after the landlord sold the townhouse I lived in. My sewing room was squished into my studio, while I downsized into a 1 bedroom apt. I sew at my full time job, and at sew the studio for others. I am like the plumber with leaky pipes. Thank You for this video. It is another sign that there is movement in the direction I desire.


New subscriber, from Bernadette... I really needed this inspiration. All I seem to do is collect materials for future projects. I cannot seem to actually get the project started. The house is becoming a horde. So I will make it a priority to start my morning with time for me and sewing.
I loved your Gentleman Jack!
Thank you!


Thank you for giving permission and quantity of time, 2 hours daily!


I think two hours before getting in the computer is a brilliant plan.


This is such a great video. I am currently in my last year of apprenticing as a seamstress so I do get a fair bit of sewing done on my weekly basis but I have recently discovered the historical sewing community on youtube and I would love to make time to research and learn some historically accurate techniques so I will be blocking out two hours tomorrow to learn some historical stitches.
Thank you for being so inspiring Cathy.


I think what works for me is a larger chunk of time, a few specific days a week. I love this video!


Just watched this video but it was what I needed to see right now! Thanks for the encouragement!


Well said! First of all, a business may as well be a child in terms of time commitment.

And yes sometimes you just have to make time. I typically take any long weekends I can get. And then I do hand sewing in the evenings.

Amusingly for about 2 hours a day. Lol


HOW on EARTH is it possible that I've only just found your channel??? Many thanks to Bernadette Banner (through her channel) for pointing me in this direction. I adore your personality (and hers!) and am overwhemingly delighted to watch all your videos! Thank you for putting out such amazing content :)


Cathy thank you so much for these videos- I’ve finally gotten to a point in my life where I can follow my sewing dreams but got my brain in a bad place with self doubt, feeling not good enough, being hard on myself, etc. It’s Christmas and I’ve been watching these all day. Thank you so much for the wise advice and encouragement.


Thanks! lovely to hear  your good ideas.


Thanks for this Cathy. Currently I am blocking out a 2 hour period in my diary for sewing. You’ve inspired me.


Great little video. I love the way you are approaching improving or just doing costuming. I really enjoy videos about great techniques and projects. But it's the behaviour and habit things which actually are the biggest blocks to getting stuff done for me. So glad you choose to tackle these topics.
I'm trying a sewing projects to do list on my phone now, an attempt to bring more planning and better prioritising to my projects.


Funny that I ran across this video today. I have been having issues getting back to my sewing and my knitting. For me it was losing my mother that made me no longer believe in myself. It's been 4 years now. I have done some sewing in that time, but never up to "my" standards. But just today, I finally finished a service dog vest that actually is better than I thought it would be. After seeing the video I laughed, because I too am setting aside a couple 1-3 hours a day for sewing. At least 1-2 hours in the morning for machine sewing, and then in the evening while on the computer, I will do hand sewing as long as I have some to do.


Great video. I absolutely agree about making things priorities. One thing I do that works well for me is old fashioned organization with a daily planner. At the end of each day, I spend a few minutes writing out a list of what I need (or want) to do the next day and how much time I think I need to accomplish those tasks. Then, when I get up the following day, I just follow the plan (rather broadly) until all the tasks on the list have been completed. Things that are not on my list for that particular day get placed on the list for the following day (unless it's something absolutely critical). I did get curious about your friend Merja's blog called "Before The Automobile" but when I went to the site, it indicated that there wasn't much there because photo hosting for most of the photos in the blog had ended and she wasn't sure when she'd have time to fix that. Just goes to show that the best of us can face the same time constraint issues.


I live in Germany, driving an emergency car, every third day for 24hrs. I figured out, that for me, the best way ist to sew in the morning of the two days i am at home. Then nobody else is there. (Son turns 20, does not live at home any more) I tried doing it at the evening. But to be honest, husband is disturbing then with ideas what to do in the house, the garden, or what to cook. Now, i sew 1 to 2 hrs, and THEN look what to do, clean the bathroom, or kitchen or what else. And after sewing, everything goes faster, because my soul feels much better. As Cathy said in one video: the monkey mind shuts up and the poison parrot disappears! BUT! To not end up sewing the whole day, i put on the alarm clock to end strictly after 2 hours.


I used to have lots of free time. Then came YouTube!!


I like to write. So when I sit down for a moment I always have a journal within reach. I write something in it no matter how short. I have filled journals over the years this way.
